Conservative News Daily

Israeli soldier’s response to ABC News’ query on Gaza civilian casualties is spot-on.

Engaging Paraphrase:

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on ​Israel, Americans have witnessed leftists in major cities rallying in support of mass murderers.

They’ve seen Ivy League universities overflowing⁣ with support​ for brazen killers.

But they⁢ might⁣ have missed a powerful moment from Monday that highlighted​ the stark contrast between the sides in the Israel-Hamas war.

Rarely has a question been asked so frequently ⁤by so many — ‌and answered so perfectly⁢ by one.

Check out this video:

The ⁤moment was part of a report called “Band of⁢ Brothers” on ABC News​ Live, the network’s‍ news stream. It focused on members of ⁢an Israel Defense Forces reserve unit.

Reporter Ian Pannell interviewed the men, including one ⁤described as a 38-year-old Chicago resident and Israeli reservist who⁣ left the United States to fly to Israel ⁤immediately after the slaughter in southern Israel last week.

The full six-and-a-half-minute report on Pannell’s time with‍ the men, conducted amid preparations for a ground assault on Hamas strongholds in Gaza, can be seen below. But the real lesson came at about the five-minute mark.

“There are those voices there, across this region and ​elsewhere, who say the price of military action is too great,⁤ that too many civilians are now dying,” Pannell said.

“Too many Palestinians ⁢are already dying,” he said.

The​ question is being treated on some conservative media sites as a kind of “gotcha,” where Pannell himself was espousing the view that Israel was responsible for‍ the ‌Palestinian civilian deaths, but given ⁤the context, it appears more likely that Pannell ⁣was posing a question he knew needed​ to be answered by the unique voice of an Israeli serviceman.

Regardless, ‍the Chicago reservist had the kind of⁣ bracing take Americans⁤ need to ⁤hear.

“Did anyone in our border towns receive a text message from Hamas announcing what time they have to leave their towns by?” he said. “No, we ‍didn’t get those messages.

“But that’s what⁢ the IDF is doing.

“None ‍of us‍ want ‌to engage ⁤in war. We are here because we⁣ have no other choice. … ⁣We have a responsibility here to⁣ work according to international law, but we’re in a full war here.

“And ⁤the responsibility isn’t on us.‍ You should take that⁣ question straight back to Hamas.”

“You should take that question back to Hamas.” Those are words to ‌remember.

The whole world — or⁣ any part of the world that cares — is well aware ⁣of what happened on Oct. 7, when Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel without warning on a mission to kill Jews — military or civilian, young or old, as many as possible⁣ — and bring back scores more as hostages against the retribution they ‍had to know ⁤would be coming.

It was an undeniable act of‍ war — and is being treated as such by the Israeli government, which is now engaged in a life-and-death struggle ⁣with the Islamist terrorists, who enjoy the support of international pariahs such‍ as ‍Russian⁤ President Vladimir Putin and ​the murderous mullahs of Iran …

Do you ​support Israel in its war with Hamas?

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… And American leftists in the halls of Congress, on university campuses and in the streets of Democrat-run cities.

If normal, sane Americans have not been repulsed before now by the leftward tilt of the current Democratic Party, with its false religion of climate change, ⁣its frankly insane beliefs about the supposed malleability of human gender or its stomach-turning, nihilistic contempt for life itself, the equivocation by some of its most prominent members ‍in the face of a literal massacre should do it.

Not only do leftists defend‍ the Hamas atrocity, they attack ‍Israel for the temerity of ‌defending its people by⁣ taking steps to eliminate their killers.

Those killers have a documented history of hiding behind innocent civilians, which means, almost inevitably, innocent civilians are going ⁢to die.

Critics of ⁢Israel ⁤call ‍that unacceptable and‍ claim, as‍ Pannell put it, that “the price of military action is too great, that too many civilians are now dying.”

But the critics, and‌ all Americans, should remember the ‍response: Israel has gone out of its way to warn civilians ​of danger — more than the Hamas ⁤killers have done or would ever do.

Israel⁣ did not seek out this war, the terrorists did — knowing full well what was going to come.

“We are here because we‌ have no choice,” the IDF reservist told Pannell.

Hamas had a​ choice and made it. American leftists have a⁣ choice now, to decide which side​ they’re on.

They can watch ⁣this video ​and decide — it will⁤ take less than a minute to do it.

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The post​ Israeli Soldier Has ‍Perfect Answer to ABC News’ Question About Civilian Deaths in Gaza appeared‌ first on The Western Journal.

What is the significance ⁤of the contrast between the actions⁣ and intentions of ⁤Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces ⁣in the Israel-Hamas conflict?

Engaging Paraphrase: ‌An Analysis of the ⁤Israel-Hamas Conflict

In​ the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th, a disturbing trend ‌has emerged. Leftists‌ in major American cities have been ⁣rallying in support of these mass murderers, while Ivy League universities have witnessed a surge of support for these⁢ brazen killers. However, amidst all of this, one powerful moment ‍stood out and highlighted the stark contrast between‍ the two sides in the Israel-Hamas war.

A video that gained⁣ attention on Monday demonstrated this moment of contrast. ​ABC News Live aired a ‍report called ⁤”Band of Brothers,” which focused on members of an Israel Defense Forces reserve⁢ unit. In this report, reporter Ian Pannell interviewed the men, including a 38-year-old Chicago resident who flew to Israel immediately after the slaughter in southern Israel.

The real lesson from this report unfolded ‌around ⁢the five-minute mark. Pannell posed a question about the rising civilian‍ death​ toll due to military‌ action. While some conservative media sites portrayed this as ‍Pannell supporting the view‍ that Israel was responsible for the ​Palestinian deaths, it is more likely that he was asking a question that required the unique perspective of ‌an Israeli serviceman to answer.

The response from the Chicago⁣ reservist resonated with many Americans. ⁣He highlighted the ⁤stark contrast between the actions of​ Hamas and ⁤those of the Israel Defense Forces. While Hamas didn’t warn civilians in border towns before initiating attacks, the IDF⁤ did. With ⁤a sense of responsibility to international law, ⁤the IDF is engaged in a full-scale war, and the reservist emphasized that the responsibility ⁣for civilian‍ deaths lies with‌ Hamas. “You⁣ should take that‌ question back to Hamas,” he ‍bravely stated.

These powerful words ⁤hold significant meaning. The entire world is aware of the unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists ⁢on October 7th, aimed at killing ⁤Jews⁤ and taking hostages. Israel ‍rightfully treats this act⁣ as an act of war and is engaged in a life-and-death struggle against these Islamist terrorists who enjoy the support of international pariahs like​ Russian President Vladimir Putin and‍ the murderous mullahs of⁣ Iran.

In light of these events,⁣ it is crucial to consider where one’s support lies in the⁣ Israel-Hamas conflict. The Western Journal has provided a⁢ poll asking readers if they​ support ​Israel in its⁤ war with Hamas. By completing⁣ this poll, you will receive free updates⁢ on⁢ the news⁣ from The Western⁤ Journal.

In conclusion, ⁣the‍ true nature of the Israel-Hamas conflict has been highlighted by a powerful moment from a recent report. The contrast between the actions and intentions ‍of Hamas and the Israel Defense ⁢Forces is clear. The responsibility for civilian⁢ deaths lies with Hamas, and⁢ their actions deserve a careful examination. As the conflict continues, it is essential to⁤ stand on the side of truth and‌ support those who uphold international law and the protection of innocent lives.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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