Washington Examiner

Israelis unite against terrorism amidst internal conflicts.

A Rare Point of Concord: Israeli Defense Forces Raid Against Palestinian Terrorists

A major Israeli Defense Forces raid against Palestinian terrorists has brought together Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his domestic opponents, providing a rare moment of agreement. This comes after months of turmoil over a proposed overhaul of Israel’s judiciary.

“Our children are being slaughtered, and Israel has every right on earth to defend itself, and we from the opposition support the Israeli defense forces and the Israeli government on this matter,”

– Israeli opposition leader and former foreign minister Yair Lapid

The support for Netanyahu’s security policies offers him little respite from the acrimony over the judicial reform bill, which his opponents see as a plan to weaken the Israeli judiciary. However, this moment of unity suggests that Israeli policymakers can agree on fighting terrorism while still engaging in political disagreements.

Opposition Leader Benny Gantz Calls for Responsibility

Israeli opposition leader Benny Gantz, a powerful political opponent of Netanyahu, urges the prime minister to prioritize the big challenges and stop surrendering to petty politics. Gantz, a former army chief of staff, emphasizes the responsibility that comes with being prime minister.

“Instead of dealing with the dismantling of democracy and a unilateral coup, Netanyahu should stop, deal with the big challenges, and quit surrendering to petty politics,” Gantz said.

Gantz’s military background and security credentials make him a potent threat to Netanyahu. He has been a vocal critic of the prime minister, denouncing him as “bad and corrupt” in recent Israeli elections.

Netanyahu’s Political Challenges

Netanyahu is facing political challenges in Israel, as he grapples with the political environment he has forged or inherited. While his security policies have garnered support, he still faces opposition and criticism.

“Netanyahu is clearly struggling with the political environment that he has forged or inherited, depending on your view,” said Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The recent assault in Jenin, the largest Israeli military operation in the West Bank since 2006, allowed Netanyahu to demonstrate resolve against terrorism during an Independence Day celebration at the U.S. Embassy.

Protests and Legislative Issues

While the military operation unfolded, protests erupted at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport against the judicial bill. Thousands of people voiced their opposition to the legislation.

“This government gives us, every week, a reason to leave the house (to protest),” said protester Matan Lulian. “We don’t let them pass anything they want, and that’s how it will continue. This is the way to do it.”

Opposition leader Yair Lapid welcomed the grassroots reinforcements and called for the government to stop the legislation, which would create room for ending the demonstration at Ben Gurion Airport.

The Debate Over the Judiciary

Netanyahu’s allies argue that the legislation is necessary to restrict a court they believe is abusing its power to review political decisions. They want to curtail the court’s ability to assess the “reasonableness” of such decisions.

“I wish we had a court that shouldn’t be restricted because it uses unreasonableness only when it’s extreme, but that’s not the case,” said far-right Israeli lawmaker Simcha Rothman.

The debate over the judiciary continues alongside the ongoing military operations against Iran-backed militants. While there is a moment of unity, the divisive political situation in Israel remains a focus of attention.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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