Conservative News Daily

IDF’s response to Hamas militants in mosque: reduced to rubble.

If you want to know⁤ who the left and certain elements of the Islamic world are supporting when ‌they cheer on Hamas’ attacks on ‌Israel‍ and condemn the Israelis for⁣ counterstrikes within the Gaza Strip, one need only look at⁤ the footage of where the destruction is and what⁤ is ‍being destroyed.

To the left, the reported ‌destruction‍ of a mosque in Gaza was evidence that the Israel Defense Forces had crossed a line. After all, weren’t such holy places to​ be spared the brunt of a conflict that’s clearly turned into the biggest attack on the Jewish state since the Second ⁢Intifada began over 20‍ years ago?

However, the grim footage underscores who‌ are the good guys⁤ and ‍who are the bad guys ​in the conflict, as far as the IDF is concerned.

It didn’t ⁢direct its troops to hit‌ the religious ‍site, it says — and why would it? Instead, this all​ stems from the fact⁢ that Hamas is willing to put‌ weapons ⁢of war in or near ⁣schools, hospitals and ⁤schools.

According to The Associated​ Press, ‍over 1,100 people are ‌dead as of Sunday evening after the‍ fighting commenced on Saturday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ⁣office formally declared war on Hamas on Sunday, with an order authorizing “the taking of significant⁤ military⁣ steps.”

“The war that was⁣ forced on the State of Israel in a murderous terrorist assault‌ from the Gaza Strip began at 06:00 yesterday,” ‍it said, offering little in the way of concrete details.

However, footage​ of a mosque in⁢ Gaza being destroyed by‌ a‌ retaliatory airstrike went viral and was used as evidence by enemies of Israel of indiscriminate warfare.

Here’s 5Pillars, a U.K.-based Islamic​ news site, saying the video ⁣was footage of the aftermath ‍of the “Al Amin Muhammad Mosque⁣ in Khan Yunis,‍ destroyed by an Israeli airstrike.”

Meanwhile, ​Keith Woods — ‌a writer and contributor to the anti-Semitic, white supremacist (as in, really white supremacist, not Ibram X. Kendi’s idea of “white supremacist”) outlet Unz ​Review — said⁣ this on social media: “While Palestinian fighters were given strict orders to respect churches and monasteries, Israel responded‌ to the attacks by bombing a ⁢Mosque ​in ⁤Gaza.”

Readers ⁤added a context note to that statement, however⁢ — and it was, indeed, one hell of⁢ a note.

“Israeli forces have claimed⁢ that the mosque was being used as a base of operations for⁤ Hamas,” users of X noted. “Hamas ⁢rockets ⁢have struck ⁢synagogues ⁢and Hamas gunmen have previously specifically targeted worshipers in synagogues.”

Indeed, here’s reported footage of a synagogue being‍ attacked by Hamas forces on Saturday:

And the IDF said that it hit “two operational situation ‍rooms, located inside mosques, used by Hamas in​ Gaza” in⁢ a Sunday social media‌ post  ‍— hence⁢ why it was reduced to rubble.

In an⁣ IDF primer on ​the forces’ website titled⁤ “Were Mosques Targeted During the Operation?” the ⁣Israeli forces said this is a​ common tactic for‌ the terrorist organization.

“Hamas uses mosques to⁢ store weapons, hide its terrorists and⁢ even fire rockets. Hamas cynically uses these mosques, knowing that⁢ the IDF ‌does all in its power to avoid ‍hitting such infrastructures,” the IDF said in ‌the FAQ.

“Only yesterday, the IDF targeted a rocket launching site​ was placed right next to ⁣a mosque. This launch site was a ⁤location from‌ which terrorists fired rockets at Israel. The IDF struck the launcher and managed to decapitate ⁢it without causing any harm ⁢to the mosque.”

The page also noted that, as soon as “Hamas uses ⁢its mosques​ as weapon ⁣warehouses, these holy sites lose their ‌impunity. As stated in ‍the Geneva Convention: ‘[…] military objectives are⁣ limited to those objects which by their ​nature,​ location, purpose or use make an ‍effective contribution to military action and ‌whose total or partial destruction, capture ‍or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.’”

Will⁣ Israel be ⁣able to⁣ suppress and eradicate Hamas?

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“So why does Hamas use these mosques as weapon warehouses? To address this question, one should first be aware​ of Hamas’ main strategic element —exploitation‍ of⁢ the ⁣Palestinian civilian population as human shields ​for its operations and infrastructure,” the Israelis noted. ⁣“This is an ages-old Hamas tactic.”

Indeed, it’s so old that it should hardly come as a surprise that it happens, ⁢considering that ‍this⁢ is Hamas’ ‌modus operandi.

Mosques, hospitals, ‍schools,⁢ children: None of these things is‌ safe or sacrosanct to a terrorist organization that has‌ been​ willing to sacrifice its⁤ own so long as it can attack the Israelis.

Yet, look at the predictable parade of people ⁢ willing to rush ​to ‌Hamas’ aid.

To say this kind of blame-the-victim mentality is a travesty is ⁣an⁣ understatement of orders ⁤of magnitude.

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The post Israel’s Response ‌to Hamas Militants ​Hiding in Mosque Left Only Rubble: IDF appeared first ⁤on The Western Journal.

What evidence supports​ the claim that Hamas ​is using civilian infrastructure, including mosques, as shields for⁢ their weapons and⁢ fighters?

‍Ore weapons, launch rockets, ‍and store ammunition,” the IDF explained. “This is ‌especially true ⁢for⁢ small neighborhood mosques,‍ which Hamas uses for both military⁣ purposes and to house terrorist infrastructure.”

It’s⁤ clear that Hamas is using mosques as weapons depots and bases⁣ of operations, deliberately putting innocent civilians at risk in order to further their⁤ own violent agenda. The destruction of these⁢ mosques is not‌ a result of ⁢Israeli aggression, but rather a necessary response to protect⁢ Israeli citizens from⁢ terrorist attacks.

Yet, despite this evidence, there are still those on the left and⁢ in⁣ the Islamic world who continue to support Hamas and condemn Israel for defending⁤ itself.⁣ They ignore the ⁣fact that Hamas is using civilian infrastructure, including​ mosques, schools, and hospitals, as shields for their weapons and ⁢fighters. They ignore the‌ fact that Hamas is deliberately ‌targeting Israeli civilians with⁤ rocket attacks. And they ⁣ignore the ⁢fact ⁤that Israel has the right to defend itself from these terrorist actions.

Instead, they focus on the destruction ⁣caused by Israeli counterstrikes, painting Israel as the aggressor ‍and Hamas as the victim. They use the destruction of⁢ mosques, which

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