The federalist

The Southern border’s collapse is intentional, not accidental.

A clip of comedian Louis C.K. on the Joe Rogan ⁤show ‌has been circulating on X (formerly Twitter) this week in which he passionately ⁢discusses the idea of opening up the southern ‌border. ‌He argues that Americans shouldn’t have⁢ such a high standard of⁣ living compared ‌to the rest of the world and that it’s ​unfair that ‍we have ⁤so much. He suggests ⁣that by allowing more people⁣ to enter the‌ country, ‌we can address this inequality.

While some may argue that Louis C.K.‌ is⁢ joking, my friend Inez Stepman believes that he​ may be using comedy to shed light ⁢on the consequences of such a radical idea. Regardless, the sentiment he expresses reflects a globalist⁣ liberal perspective‍ that questions why Americans should have a say in who enters their country. It seems that⁣ Louis C.K. is not ⁤particularly loyal to his ⁣country or‌ its prosperity.

According to this view, America is ‍not exceptional, ⁢and there is no reason why the rest of the world should not enjoy the same benefits.⁢ Opening the border is seen as a step towards justice. Whether or not it’s a joke, Louis C.K.’s words represent the logical conclusion of leftist‌ ideology, which the Biden‌ administration has been actively working towards‌ at the southern border.

This​ week, the situation ⁣at the border in south Texas has reached ⁣a breaking point. ‍Around ‌45,000 people have illegally crossed the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas in just five days. The⁣ influx of mostly single adult men from Venezuela has overwhelmed ​the​ city’s⁤ only migrant shelter.‍ The mayor has declared a state of ​emergency, highlighting the fact that not all of these immigrants are peaceful.

Videos and images⁤ posted by Bill Melugin of Fox News show the shocking scale of the influx. The‌ lines of people stretch as far ⁢as the eye⁢ can see. It’s clear that federal authorities are unable to detain such ‌a large number ​of individuals within a short timeframe. As a result, many​ are being released and making their way to different parts of the United ⁣States, where most‍ of them will likely stay permanently.

This ⁤is not an ​unintended consequence but a deliberate policy.​ The Biden ⁢administration is intentionally flooding the border with illegal immigrants. When the White House⁤ Press Secretary claims that President Biden has done more than anyone else to secure the border, what she really means is that they ⁤are facilitating and managing uncontrolled illegal ​immigration.

The ⁤numbers speak for themselves. Since Biden took office, nearly six million people have been arrested for crossing into the United States illegally, with​ millions more getting in undetected. The monthly arrest‌ rate is around 200,000. These individuals know⁢ that​ if they can make it across the river, they will⁣ likely be allowed to stay, as there is almost no chance of being deported under the current administration.

All of this ties back‌ to Louis C.K.’s comments and the​ ideology ⁣behind⁣ them. The deterrence of illegal immigration is only pursued if you believe that foreign nationals do not have an automatic right to enter the United States for a better life. ⁢Borders are enforced when you have a duty to protect your fellow citizens and the⁢ nation’s way of life.

However,​ the ruling elite in this country, including Biden and Mayorkas, do​ not share these beliefs.‌ They envision a​ borderless world and do not feel a particular allegiance to the American people or the nation. They believe that it shouldn’t‌ be ⁢so great here and are determined ⁣to make it so.


What⁤ practical challenges and consequences need to be considered in implementing an open border policy, particularly in light of the recent surge ​in illegal border crossings

​People are crammed into overcrowded spaces, awaiting processing and uncertain of what their future holds. The scenes​ are chaotic and desperate, with individuals from various countries seeking refuge and a better life in the United States.

The Biden ‌administration has been facing intense criticism for its handling of‍ the situation at the southern border. Critics⁣ argue that the current approach of lax immigration policies ⁢and a lack of enforcement measures has led to this surge in illegal crossings. The situation‍ at the border has become a humanitarian ⁣crisis, ‍and the consequences of such a lenient stance are evident.

In⁤ light of this, it is crucial to revisit the idea proposed by‌ Louis C.K. in his discussion with Joe Rogan. He suggests that opening⁤ up the southern‌ border and allowing more people to enter the country would ⁢address the perceived inequality in living standards between the United States⁣ and the rest of the world.‌ While some ‍may view this as a comedic exaggeration, it reflects a larger perspective that​ questions the exceptionalism of America and believes in a globalist approach to immigration.

Supporters of this viewpoint argue that everyone should have equal access to the benefits and opportunities that the United States⁣ offers. They believe that it is unfair for a select few to enjoy a high standard of living ‍while others around the world struggle. By opening the border, they ⁣argue, we ‌can work towards a more just and equal society.

However, this perspective fails to account ‍for the practical challenges and consequences of such a policy. The recent surge in ⁤illegal border crossings highlights the strain‍ it puts ⁤on border communities and facilities. The ⁣overwhelmed migrant shelter in⁢ south Texas is just one example of the ⁢toll this influx takes on local resources and infrastructure.

Furthermore, concerns about security‌ and the potential ⁣entry of individuals with malicious intent cannot be ignored. While the majority of those ⁣seeking ‍to cross the border may be peaceful and in search of a better life, it is undeniable that not all ⁢are.

The Biden administration’s approach to immigration and border security has come under scrutiny, with critics arguing that an open border policy only exacerbates⁢ the situation. ⁣It is essential to find a ‍balance between‌ compassion and practicality, ensuring that immigration processes are fair and orderly while also maintaining the safety and security of the country.

In conclusion, while Louis C.K.’s comments on opening up the southern border may be viewed as a joke, they reflect a ​broader perspective that questions the exceptionalism of America ‌and promotes a globalist​ approach to immigration. However, the recent surge in illegal border crossings and the strain it puts on border communities highlight the practical challenges and consequences of such a‌ policy. It is essential to find a balanced approach‌ that considers both humanitarian concerns and ⁣the security and ‍prosperity of the country.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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