The epoch times

Sen. Kennedy opposes CFPB’s ‘woke’ lending rule for small businesses.

Senator John ​Kennedy Criticizes Intrusive Financial Regulation

⁤ During his passionate speech on ⁤the Senate floor, Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) vehemently denounced a new Consumer Financial‍ Protection Bureau⁢ (CFPB) rule. ‌This controversial regulation mandates financial institutions to ⁣collect and report ‍specific personal information⁤ on small-business⁢ loan recipients, which Senator Kennedy labeled as⁤ “intrusive.”

⁤ Senator Kennedy boldly stated, “Reporting these personal details is an⁣ invasion of‍ privacy and a wasteful diversion of resources, all in the⁣ name ⁤of advancing the woke agenda.” His​ powerful remarks preceded a Senate ⁢vote ‌of⁤ 53–44 later in⁤ the ​day, where a resolution led by Senator Kennedy aimed to overturn the burdensome regulation.

What ‌are Senator ‌Kennedy’s main concerns about the regulation imposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)?

In a forceful ⁣address‌ delivered on the Senate floor, Senator John ⁤Kennedy of‍ Louisiana, a Republican, delivered a scathing critique of a‌ recent ruling by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau⁣ (CFPB). This new regulation, which Senator Kennedy vehemently opposes, imposes the obligation on financial‌ institutions to gather and disclose ⁣certain personal ⁤information regarding recipients of small business loans. The senator describes this requirement as nothing short of “intrusive.”

Senator Kennedy expressed his deep​ concerns regarding the ramifications of collecting and reporting personal details, arguing that such an‌ act constitutes an invasion of privacy. Moreover, he deemed⁣ it a wasteful diversion of resources.‌ In his view, this regulation is simply another example of the governmental overreach that often accompanies‍ the advancement of what he refers ⁢to as the “woke agenda.”

The senator’s powerful remarks were delivered with conviction,​ setting the stage for a subsequent ⁢vote in the⁤ Senate later that day. The resolution put ⁤forth by⁤ Senator Kennedy sought to overturn this burdensome and controversial‍ regulation. When the vote finally took place, the resolution garnered support from 53 senators, while‍ 44 senators opposed ⁣it.

This debate highlights the ongoing tension between those​ who advocate for ​increased financial regulation to protect consumers ⁣and those ⁢who believe that such regulations can constitute‍ unnecessary burdens on businesses and individuals alike. Senator​ Kennedy’s vocal opposition to‌ the CFPB’s rule reflects a growing sentiment within the Republican Party and conservative circles that financial ‌regulations are ⁢disproportionately intrusive and hinder economic growth.

Moving forward, it remains to be seen ‌whether Senator Kennedy’s resolution⁣ will ultimately lead ‍to⁣ the repeal of this particular regulation. Nevertheless, his passionate speech and subsequent vote demonstrate his commitment to addressing what he perceives as overreaching and intrusive ⁣government measures in​ the financial sector.

As ‍the nation continues‍ to grapple with ‌the proper balance between consumer protection and individual liberties, debates surrounding financial regulation are likely to persist. It is evident from Senator Kennedy’s remarks that the issue‍ of intrusive financial regulations has become an increasingly ‍contentious topic, with implications for both privacy rights and the direction of the economy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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