‘I’ve Made Many Mistakes’: Kamala Harris Resorts to Word Salad After Being Asked Big Question About Herself

The provided text discusses a recent town⁤ hall meeting‌ featuring Vice‌ President Kamala Harris on⁣ CNN, which was met‌ with criticism for her communication style​ and answers. During ⁢the event, Harris struggled to ⁣respond to a question from moderator Anderson Cooper about admitting past mistakes. Instead⁣ of providing a clear example or meaningful reflection, Harris offered vague statements about making mistakes in her role as vice president but did not clarify any specific errors or lessons learned. This⁤ led to social media‌ mockery, ‍with users commenting on her inability to provide⁤ an intelligible answer.

Critics noted that her ‌response⁣ could highlight a broader issue ⁤with her​ communication skills and preparedness for the​ impending election. The article suggests that she missed⁢ an⁤ opportunity to connect with ⁣voters by avoiding concrete reflections on her⁣ political decisions and experiences. The overall tone conveys ‌skepticism ‌regarding ⁣her capability to engage effectively with‍ the public and handle ⁣questions from world leaders, ‍hinting at her reputation‍ for dodging difficult inquiries.

the town hall was portrayed as a ‌missed chance for Harris to demonstrate⁢ accountability and⁢ self-awareness, reflecting the challenges she faces in her political role as⁢ she approaches a crucial ‌election period.

In case you missed Vice President Kamala Harris’ town hall on CNN on Wednesday, I hope you’re the kind who likes eating your veggies, because the whole thing was a huge word salad.

And keep in mind, it wasn’t even Fox News this time. You read the first graph right: It was a town on CNN. This is where practically every other segment seems to be something like “Trump: More Like Mussolini or Hitler?”

Indeed, Harris gave the CNN audience a bit of that red meat, claiming that former President Donald Trump had been “comparing oneself in a clearly admiring way to Hitler.”

She’s referring to a dubious report in The Atlantic this week by writer Jeffrey Goldberg that purports to break a story that’s at least four years old at this point — just two weeks before the election.

Either Goldberg is a slow worker or very credulous when it comes to anonymous sources feeding him suspect, years-old quotes at the most opportune time possible for the Democrats. I’m not sure which one — but it likely won’t matter, because the takeaway from the town hall meeting is that Harris is every bit as bad at thinking on her feet as she’s been made out to be.

In fact, she can’t even answer a question that most of us will have to field on our job interviews. And not just interviews for positions like, say, president of the United States. I’m talking internship-level stuff here.

And it was phrased in the friendliest terms possible by moderator Anderson Cooper, with a jibe at Trump, as a CNN transcript shows.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard the former president admit a mistake. A lot of politicians don’t,” Cooper began.

“Is there something you can point to in your life, political life or in your life, in the last four years that you think is a mistake that you have learned from?”

That’s a great question, Anderson. Let me talk around it for a half-minute or so!

That’s right: “I mean, I’ve — I’ve made many mistakes. And they range from, you know, if you’ve ever parented a child you know you make lots of mistakes, to, in my role as vice president?”

“I mean, I’ve probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well-versed on issues and I think that is very important,” she said. “It’s a mistake not to be well-versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question.”

So her mistake is answering too many questions? This is a woman who dodged questions for as long as she could after getting the Democratic nomination — until polls showed the strategy wasn’t working.

The answer didn’t fool commenters on social media:

Well, at least Anderson can add Kamala to the list of politicians he’s never heard admit to a mistake, and she tried hard through awkward pauses and cackles to do it.

Keep in mind that the whole evening went like this, but this clip is almost the perfect summation of it.

She could have said she would have worked harder on the root causes of illegal immigration, or tried to make more of a rapport with young and minority voters, or literally anything that she’s scrambling to buttress her record on these days.

Instead, her biggest mistake is answering too many questions. Well, I have good news for you, Madame Vice President: Nobody particularly likes to hear from an election-year loser after November, so if you want to get those pesky queries out of the way…

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