J.D. Vance Is Beating The Media. They’ll Soon Try Taking Him Out

The article discusses J.D. Vance’s impressive performance ​in recent ⁤national media interviews, highlighting his calm demeanor and skillful rebuttals when faced with challenging questions. Vance showcased his abilities during a debate and ‌various news appearances, where he effectively corrected inaccuracies and countered ‌criticisms in ‍a composed and entertaining manner. The author, ⁣Eddie Scarry, notes that this media savvy is a valuable lesson for other Republicans on‌ how to handle journalists. However, Scarry warns that such success could ‍provoke backlash from the media, which may attempt to undermine Vance with‍ serious allegations similar to ⁤tactics used against other prominent figures like Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. He maintains that if Vance’s supporters remain steadfast, he can overcome any forthcoming challenges leading up to Election Day.

Image CreditABC News/YouTube


In pretty much every national news interview with J.D. Vance within the past two weeks, Donald Trump’s running mate has revealed himself to be nothing short of a stud.

He did it at the debate, deftly fact-checking the two nags chosen to “moderate.” He did it in an interview Saturday with The New York Times, proving to be unflappable in the face of a series of questions that were all some variation of, “Why are you so terrible?” And he did it in an appearance Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” thoroughly humbling Martha Raddatz and forever searing into our minds the properly belittling phrase, “Martha, do you hear yourself?”

It’s all been spectacular to witness, and if nothing else, elected Republicans other than Trump are getting a live master class in navigating the dishonest dorks in the media. And it’s free! No consultants necessary!

The most impressive part of Vance’s media performance is that he never loses self-control. He remains relaxed, unbothered, and moisturized for the duration of the confrontation. What’s more, he’s visibly enjoying himself, delighting in the joust, but never obnoxious. The interviewers are always permitted the opportunity to retreat. Vance could end them, but ever merciful, he allows them to live.

While it’s refreshing, though, it is certain to come with a price. The left, including the media — especially the media — won’t continue taking it from Vance lying down. Their attempts to embarrass and subdue him in the normal way haven’t worked. They have backfired. They have to try something else, and it’s a safe bet that the something else will be a shocking accusation of some kind, either of criminality, perversity, or both.

This isn’t a new playbook. When Trump was threatening to win an election, the media colluded with Democrats to accuse him of being a Russian agent. When Brett Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump to the Supreme Court, the media colluded with Democrats to accuse him of being a serial rapist. When Trump acolyte Ron DeSantis was soaring high with solid approval ratings as governor of Florida, the media colluded with Democrats to accuse him of inappropriate conduct with underage girls.

It will surely happen to Vance, and at a level of intensity unlike anything before. There are still three weeks until Election Day, and something is brewing; but just as when it happened to Trump, Kavanaugh, and DeSantis, Vance can survive it. His supporters need only not give up on him.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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