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Jack Smith’s indictment against Trump is highly problematic.

Jack Smith’s Indictment: A Political Circus

Jack Smith, the special counsel,⁢ was supposed to be a beacon of justice. He promised to uncover the truth,‌ present the evidence,‌ and hold accountable those who committed actual crimes. But on Tuesday, his announcement of criminal charges against President Trump fell short of even the most basic scrutiny.

Instead of charging Trump with incitement to⁤ riot or insurrection, Smith presented a‌ lengthy op-ed on why Trump was a “Bad Orange Man” during ​the period⁢ between November ‍3, 2020, and January 6, 2021. He charged Trump​ with a series‍ of ancillary or ‍non-applicable‍ crimes, lacking the evidence for the‌ more⁤ serious ⁤charges.

This ⁤approach sets⁢ up three dangerous landmines⁢ for the country:

  1. The expansion of law enforcement power into⁣ traditionally protected areas of free speech.
  2. The politicization ‍of ‌the Justice Department, further polarizing the nation.
  3. The potential politicization⁣ of the Supreme Court as these ⁤stretch charges make⁤ their way ⁣through⁢ the judicial system.

The Legal Speciousness ⁢of Jack Smith’s Charges

The indictment ⁣acknowledges Trump’s right to free speech⁣ and his ability to challenge the election legally. However, Smith claims that Trump’s actions went​ beyond ⁤exercising those‍ rights and‌ crossed into criminal territory.

“The Defendant had a ⁢right, ​like every American, to ⁤speak⁣ publicly about the election and ⁤even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome determinative ⁤fraud during the election and that he had won. He was‍ also entitled⁤ to formally challenge the results ⁤of the election through lawful and ‌appropriate means… Shortly after election day, the Defendant ‌also pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election process.”

But how exactly did Trump’s activities‌ violate ⁢the law while evading ⁢the protection of the First Amendment? Smith alleges⁤ violations ⁢of three ​criminal statutes: ⁣conspiracy to defraud the ​United States, conspiracy to obstruct the ‍January 6 congressional proceeding, and conspiracy against the right to vote.

All three charges are massive stretches, novel interpretations of the ⁢law that endanger the very ​essence of⁤ the First Amendment.

The first‍ charge,⁢ conspiracy to defraud the United States, ⁣is typically⁤ reserved for ⁤cases involving swindling victims‍ out of money or tangible property. It is not meant to ‌criminalize political rhetoric or hyperbole.

The second charge, obstruction‌ of justice, is usually ⁣applied to witness tampering or intimidation, not to lobbying the government based on a⁤ legal theory. Charging Trump with obstruction ​here would set a ‌dangerous precedent for free speech.

The third charge, conspiracy against the right to vote,⁤ was originally intended‍ to protect marginalized communities from voter intimidation. It was never⁤ meant to stifle the ⁤expression of bad ‌legal theories.⁤ Applying it​ in this context would also⁤ violate the First Amendment.

Smith’s indictment fails to meet‍ the criteria for these crimes, ⁢and⁣ he knows it. His announcement focused⁤ more on Trump’s political activities⁤ than on any actual legal violations.

The Double Standard

Conservatives⁤ are rightly pointing out the ‌double standard in the DOJ’s treatment of Trump’s indictment. It⁤ conveniently comes ⁤on the⁢ heels of the exposure and cancellation of the DOJ’s ‌secret deal with Hunter Biden, overseen⁣ by Attorney General Merrick Garland,​ who works for Joe Biden. This deal shielded Hunter⁤ Biden from any investigation into his business ⁤corruption, which implicates Joe ‌Biden.

The blatant double standard is being used to attack Joe‌ Biden’s chief political opponent, piling on ​yet another case against Trump. The list of ⁢legal challenges involving Trump seems endless, ⁤creating ​a clear path from today to the 2024 ⁢election.

Trump⁢ will⁢ be consumed by legal battles throughout the election cycle,‍ while the media​ endlessly covers these issues. Meanwhile, ‍Joe Biden is likely to escape⁢ unscathed.⁢ This appears to be a case of legal ⁢election interference, as Trump claims.

This claim is likely to rally GOP voters ⁣to Trump’s side, hoping for vengeance ⁤against the Biden DOJ and the media. However,⁤ as Trump’s campaign becomes entangled in legal and financial quagmires, that hope may prove empty.

The ⁣Supreme Court Challenge

Jack ⁣Smith’s⁤ weak indictment is likely to ‌be overturned by the‍ Supreme Court.​ As the head ‍of the DOJ’s public integrity unit, Smith has a track record of ⁤failed prosecutions, including the overturned case ⁤against ⁤Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

If this case ends up before ‍the Supreme Court and is overturned by a majority⁢ vote, the resulting panic on the Left will be​ unprecedented. ⁢It will surpass the panic caused by the infamous Bush v. Gore case. Chief Justice John Roberts’⁣ dream of a ‌respected Supreme ⁢Court will ​crumble, and Smith will be to blame⁣ for his baseless‌ charges.

All ⁢of this could have been avoided. Smith’s case‌ against Trump for classified documents charges⁤ is legally sound, ⁢but he couldn’t‌ resist the temptation to put​ Trump on trial for January ​6. In doing ‌so, he threatens ‌the‌ First Amendment, the legitimacy of the DOJ, and ultimately, the credibility of the Supreme Court. All for ‌the sake of pursuing the ⁢”Bad⁢ Orange Man.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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