Washington Examiner

Jackson criticizes Biden’s physical for excluding mental status exam: ‘Absolutely ridiculous

Rep.⁣ Ronny Jackson Slams Biden’s Physical‌ as a “Complete⁢ Joke”

During an appearance on Hannity, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX),​ the former White House physician, criticized President Joe Biden’s recent physical examination, calling it a “complete joke.” Jackson pointed out that a crucial part of the neurological‌ exam was omitted from the report.

“This whole report is⁣ absolutely ​ridiculous,” Jackson expressed. “It’s nothing more than the White House’s effort to ⁢check the box and hope we’ll move‍ on from‍ this.”

Furthermore, Jackson took​ aim at White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, ‌who has defended Biden’s cognitive ability. “She’s right,” Jackson remarked. “Every day, he does have a ​cognitive test, and every day, he fails miserably.”

“The fact that they didn’t do a cognitive test as part of this⁢ physical exam⁢ — ​they did a neurological exam,”⁤ Jackson added. “There’s five parts to‌ the neuro exam.‍ One of them⁣ that they conveniently left⁢ out, the one that we care about, is the​ mental status exam. They have nothing on ‍his mental status.”

Biden underwent the physical examination at Walter Reed National Military ​Medical Center in suburban Maryland, ⁢just under a year after his last one. Dr. Kevin⁤ O’Connor’s summary ‍of the findings stated that Biden remains fit for duty and fulfills ⁣all responsibilities⁢ without ⁢any ‍exemptions or accommodations.

“This was​ a complete joke by Dr. O’Connor. If he‌ were‍ serious about this, he would have done a ⁢thorough, comprehensive, objective exam that included a cognitive exam,” Jackson criticized. “He would⁣ have stood up before the press in the press briefing room, and he would have defended it. He would have answered​ questions. But⁣ he ⁤doesn’t ‌because he doesn’t ⁣want ​to answer the ⁤questions because he’s going to‍ have to‌ lie.”

This marks Biden’s third physical since taking office, and at 81 years old, he is the​ oldest‍ president in history. ⁣Jackson, who served as a ⁤physician in the White House under former⁤ Presidents George W. ⁣Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, has expressed concerns about Biden’s⁣ mental acuity, stating that the president’s “cognitive decline”‍ is no longer a secret.

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Why ​is it important for President Biden to undergo a comprehensive cognitive evaluation by⁤ independent medical professionals

Than⁢ a political whitewash to cover up Biden’s cognitive ⁢decline. They conveniently left out ⁤the ‌cognitive‌ portion of the exam, which is‌ deeply concerning.”

Jackson’s comments come ⁣after the release of President Biden’s annual physical examination results.‍ The⁢ report, conducted by Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s personal⁢ physician, stated that the president is in overall good health and fit to carry out‌ his duties.

However, Jackson, who served as White⁢ House physician ‍under President Barack Obama ‌and⁣ President Donald Trump, believes the report is incomplete ⁣and ⁣fails to address the cognitive ​issues that have been a subject of concern among many Americans.⁢ He argues that the ⁣omission suggests a deliberate attempt to avoid​ acknowledging any ‌potential cognitive decline in the president.

“As a physician,‌ it is my duty to ensure the health and well-being of my patients. It is deeply ⁣troubling to ​see such a crucial aspect of the examination being disregarded,” Jackson remarked. “Given the numerous gaffes, forgetfulness, and confusion we ⁢have witnessed from President Biden, it is⁤ imperative to conduct a thorough ‌assessment of his cognitive abilities.”

The controversy surrounding President Biden’s cognitive health dates back to the 2020 presidential campaign when opponents raised questions‍ about his mental acuity.‌ During his time in the White House, Biden‍ has⁢ faced criticism for his occasional verbal slips and instances of confusion, leading to increased speculation about his cognitive fitness.

While the physical examination report did acknowledge ⁢that a Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test was performed, it failed to ‌disclose the results or provide any further details. The MoCA test is commonly used to ⁣assess an ⁣individual’s cognitive function, ‍including memory, attention, and language skills.⁣ Jackson argues that without a⁢ comprehensive evaluation of President Biden’s cognitive abilities, the​ report lacks⁢ credibility.

Jackson’s concerns are​ not unfounded, as it is not uncommon for individuals in positions‌ of power‌ to attempt to downplay any health issues. The cognitive fitness of a president is of utmost importance, as it directly impacts their ability to carry ⁣out the responsibilities of the office effectively.

Given the gravity of this matter, many believe that President Biden should undergo a thorough ⁤cognitive evaluation to address the concerns raised by Rep. Ronny Jackson and others. This evaluation ⁣should be conducted by independent medical professionals who can provide an unbiased‍ assessment of the president’s cognitive abilities.

It is crucial to remember that ⁢evaluating the cognitive⁤ health of a public figure should ‌not be⁣ seen as a personal ‌attack or a partisan issue. ‍Rather, ⁢it is a matter of ensuring transparency and guaranteeing that the leader of⁣ the‌ free world is fully capable of making sound ‍decisions. The American people deserve to know that their president is in‌ good​ cognitive health, and it is ⁣the ​responsibility of the medical community to provide ⁢accurate and ‌comprehensive assessments.

As the debate continues,⁤ it is evident that concerns about President Biden’s cognitive function will persist. The omission of crucial information‍ from the physical examination report only adds fuel⁢ to the fire. Whether or not a comprehensive cognitive evaluation will ⁣be conducted remains uncertain, but the ‌demand for transparency and accountability will undoubtedly remain strong.

Ultimately, determining the cognitive ⁣capabilities of a president should not⁣ be a partisan issue, but rather a shared concern for all Americans who‌ value‌ good​ governance and effective leadership. Only ​through a transparent and thorough assessment can⁢ the⁢ public have confidence in the mental acuity of‌ their elected officials.

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