Washington Examiner

Jake Sullivan justifies sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, stating that it is necessary to ensure their defense.

White‍ House⁢ National Security⁤ adviser: US will ⁣not leave ⁣Ukraine​ defenseless against Russia

In 𝅺a⁣ recent ‌interview with𝅺 Chuck 𝅺Todd​ on⁢ Meet⁤ the ⁢Press,⁣ White⁣ House⁣ National Security adviser ‌Jake‍ Sullivan​ emphasized that‌ the ⁣United States⁢ is committed to ‍supporting ‌Ukraine in its war against Russia. Sullivan‍ stated⁤ that ‍the US ​will‍ not 𝅺abandon its‌ moral authority and highlighted that ​the country 𝅺was never 𝅺a​ member⁤ of⁤ the Convention ⁣Against Cluster Munitions,𝅺 a treaty that prohibits the‌ use,‍ production, transfer, ‍and ‌stockpiling⁤ of cluster munitions.

Supporting⁣ Ukraine in the⁢ face ⁣of⁣ aggression

Sullivan emphasized the ⁢moral ⁣authority of ‍both the US ​and ​Ukraine in⁢ the conflict, stating,⁣ “Our ‌moral authority and Ukraine’s moral authority ‌in this conflict​ comes from ‌the𝅺 fact‍ that⁣ we𝅺 are ‍supporting 𝅺a ‌country under brutal, vicious attack by its neighbor⁣ with missiles⁢ and‍ bombs raining ‌down ⁤on ​its 𝅺cities.” He further added, 𝅺”We are⁢ stepping up to give𝅺 Ukraine what ⁤it needs in order to‍ not 𝅺be𝅺 defenseless ‍in⁣ the 𝅺face ⁤of ⁢a Russian⁣ onslaught. ⁢We ⁤are simply ‌not⁤ going to ​leave⁤ Ukraine​ defenseless.”

“Our ​moral‍ authority and‍ Ukraine’s𝅺 moral authority in⁣ this conflict comes from the fact ​that ⁤we ⁢are ‌supporting a country under⁣ brutal, vicious⁢ attack𝅺 by its 𝅺neighbor‍ with​ missiles ‌and 𝅺bombs​ raining down on its cities,” ‌Sullivan said.

“I​ would say that 𝅺we ‍are​ stepping​ up‍ to give‍ Ukraine⁤ what ⁢it⁢ needs in order to not 𝅺be ⁢defenseless in the 𝅺face of a Russian​ onslaught. We ​are simply‌ not ‌going ⁣to𝅺 leave ‌Ukraine defenseless,” Sullivan‌ added.

Cluster munitions and their impact

Cluster munitions are ‍a specific ‌type of ⁣munition that contain multiple ⁣submunitions ⁤within​ them.‍ When these munitions reach their ⁣target, they​ explode,‌ scattering⁤ the ‌submunitions over ​a wider area. Unexploded ⁤ordnance⁤ from cluster‌ munitions can pose ⁤a threat‍ to ​civilians​ long after a​ conflict ends.

While ⁢the‍ US and Ukraine⁤ are not members of𝅺 the Convention of‍ Cluster​ Munitions, most NATO ⁢members ⁢are.⁢ This explains why some countries ⁤are not following President Joe​ Biden’s lead in sending 𝅺similar weapons ‌to Ukraine.

US ​support for Ukraine

The US wasted‍ no time ‍in𝅺 sending⁢ cluster⁤ munitions to Ukraine, with the Defense Department⁢ stating that ⁢it⁢ had “hundreds of‍ thousands” of​ these munitions ⁢available for𝅺 the ‌country.‍ However, ⁤Sullivan clarified​ that the ⁣Biden administration’s current plan ⁣is𝅺 not ​to replenish‌ the ‍stockpile‍ of​ cluster munitions. ‌Instead, the focus will ‍be⁢ on producing𝅺 other ‍non-cluster ‌ammunition‍ rounds.

Sullivan said𝅺 Sunday ​that ⁣the Biden ⁤administration’s current𝅺 plan ‍is ⁢”not⁤ to ⁢replenish ⁢that‍ stockpile” of ​cluster munitions ‌and will‍ focus ⁢on​ producing ⁤other non-cluster 𝅺ammunition​ rounds.

“We began‌ that process months ago ⁤as we ⁤anticipated⁤ the ‍need for continuing supply to Ukraine,⁢ but it𝅺 takes​ time,” ⁣the national security ‌adviser𝅺 said. “And⁤ that is why we need a bridge⁤ from today ‍when⁢ we ⁢need to​ ensure𝅺 that Ukraine has the‌ necessary⁣ supply of ammunition to a few 𝅺months ‍down‌ the road ‌when𝅺 we 𝅺believe we can ​supply‌ enough⁣ of𝅺 the unitary ‌round to​ meet Ukraine’s defense needs.”

Overall, the ‍US remains ‍committed ⁣to supporting Ukraine and ⁤ensuring ​its defense ⁢against ⁢Russian aggression.

Click 𝅺here ⁢to read ‍more⁢ from The ‍Washington⁢ Examiner.

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