Washington Examiner

Jake Sullivan warns of significant diplomatic consequences due to Russian interference in the Black Sea.

National ​Security Adviser‌ Predicts ​Russia’s ⁣Response to Black Sea ‍Initiative

National Security ⁣Adviser Jake⁣ Sullivan offered his prediction ⁤on‍ how ⁣Russia⁢ will handle the Black‌ Sea‍ initiative as it ‌is⁤ set ⁢to ⁢expire ⁢Monday. The ⁤initiative, ⁣brokered‍ by⁤ Turkey,⁢ allows the‌ safe⁤ export⁢ of​ grain⁢ from Ukraine’s ‍Black Sea​ ports.‍ Since⁤ the ‌war ​broke ⁣out, its ports⁤ had previously ⁤been endangered by the ‌conflict, but⁢ the first ‌shipment since Russia ​invaded in February 2022 was able‍ to​ leave⁢ Aug 1.⁤ Now, the original deal‌ is⁣ slated‍ to ⁣expire at⁤ midnight Monday, and Sullivan ⁣admitted Russian‌ President ‌Vladimir ⁢Putin‍ could⁢ go either‌ way ‍on⁣ it.

Uncertainty ⁤Surrounds ⁤Russia’s‍ Decision

“Look, I can’t ​predict ‍what⁢ Vladimir ‍Putin will ⁣do. He has ‌been ⁤all over the ​map with⁤ respect to‌ this ⁣initiative⁤ over‌ the⁣ course of the past many‌ months. It ‍is possible that Russia⁣ pulls ⁤out of it. It ⁤is‍ possible ‍they⁢ continue,”⁤ Sullivan⁢ said Sunday‍ on CBS‍ News’s Face the Nation.

Sullivan⁣ emphasized⁣ the⁣ potential⁣ consequences if⁣ Russia ⁤chooses ⁤to ⁤withdraw from ‍the​ initiative. “If,⁢ in​ fact, they⁢ pull‍ out of⁢ it,‌ the rest of⁢ the world will⁣ take ‌a ‍look​ at that ‌and say that⁤ Russia⁣ has⁣ turned ‌its back on ensuring that ⁤the countries⁤ of the global south​ and Africa ⁢and Latin⁢ America ‌and Asia ‌can⁤ get the food they⁢ need ⁤at ‌affordable ‍prices⁣ and I think⁢ that will⁤ come at an enormous⁣ diplomatic ​cost to ⁢Russia going forward,” Sullivan⁢ added.

United⁤ States Prepared ⁢for⁤ Any Outcome

Additionally, Sullivan assured⁢ viewers ⁢that ⁤the ‍United ‍States is prepared for either‌ scenario. He implied that a partnership with the Ukrainians‌ is ‍brewing ​in​ preparation.

The sullivan-says-russian-black-sea-interference-could-be-enormous-diplomatic-cost/” title=”Jake Sullivan warns of significant diplomatic consequences due to Russian interference in the Black Sea.”>national ⁣security adviser also went on to⁤ renew his‍ commitment to ‌allow ​Ukraine⁢ to join NATO‌ soon because ⁤”Ukraine’s ‍future​ is in ‍NATO.” Sullivan ⁢promised⁤ it​ is​ “not up‌ for negotiation.”

This interview comes ‍days after President ⁣Joe ‍Biden sent ‍Ukraine cluster munitions ​to​ help‍ in ⁤the ​war against⁢ Russia.

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