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James Woods criticizes gun buyback: ‘Nice try, but not effective’

James Woods Points Out a ⁣Big Problem with Gun Buyback: ‘Good Idea, Slick’

Actor and conservative social media star James Woods had‍ a perfect retort against the whole idea⁤ of gun buyback programs that‌ had fans cheering.

On Aug.⁣ 25, ‌an anonymous X⁢ user asked‍ the platform if⁣ they would turn in their guns if the government sponsored a nationwide gun buyback ⁣program that offered them a $5,000 payout.

Woods,⁤ as is often the case, had a ⁣particularly ‍sharp reply to that proposition.

It isn’t⁢ clear if the original poster to whom Woods was‌ replying understood⁢ that $5,000 ⁣would buy quite a few handguns (and perhaps even an improvement or two⁣ to ⁢the overall armory), but Woods’⁤ greater point about gun buyback programs is right; they aren’t really very​ effective.

Several other X users had good points, too. Some ⁣asked if it were the federal government offering ⁣this absurd program, just ⁤where would that $5,000 be coming from?

One X user went on to point out the folly of such programs.

But⁣ another X user had a⁣ hilarious ​response by saying ‌that the government ‍ wouldn’t even pass a background check to be trustworthy enough to own a gun!

Woods and his fans are ⁤right.‌ These programs are universally risible efforts to take ​guns off ‍thee ⁢streets. They usually have predictable results ⁢and their ​effect on crime is questionable.

Their effect on actually lessening the raw number of guns in use ‍is even more⁤ dubious.

Back in 2018,‌ for instance, one woman in Baltimore told the media that ‍she was turning in her small⁤ 9 mm handgun so that she could use the⁢ city’s money to go ⁣buy a better weapon.

In another case, a man in ‌Houston, Texas, outsmarted left-wing ‌city officials who ‌were offering ⁣a gun buyback program there.

In August of⁣ last year, the city sponsored a buyback ⁣program, but to make a point on how absurd the‌ idea​ is, one resident printed up a few dozen “guns”⁣ on his 3-D printer and netted ⁢a big‍ handful of the​ Amazon gift cards the‍ city was offering. The man came out ⁤way ahead and made a great point on how foolish the program was in the process.

After the ​program ended,⁢ Houston Mayor Sylvester ‌Turner sheepishly admitted that they would have to exclude 3-D printed⁤ guns ‌if they renewed the program in the future.

Regardless, these programs are ⁤a joke from beginning ⁢to ⁣end. Criminals don’t turn in ⁢their ‌guns, only law-abiding citizens do that.

So, guns aren’t really being “taken off the ⁢streets” like proponents claim. And usually only obsolete​ and‌ broken guns are⁢ turned in, anyway. And there is no evidence that shows these programs reduce violence ⁢or curb gun crime, a Rand Corporation study⁤ noted in January.

So,⁣ ridicule is all⁣ these ‍programs are worth as far as serious policy goes.

Though they are‌ an excellent‍ opportunity for enterprising citizens to come ‌out ahead.

The post James Woods Points Out a Big Problem with ‌Gun Buyback: ‘Good Idea, ‍Slick’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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