Washington Examiner

Jamie Foxx faces lawsuit alleging sexual assault at NYC restaurant

Actor Jamie Foxx Accused of Sexual Assault in New York City Restaurant

According to a lawsuit filed with the New York Supreme Court on Wednesday, actor Jamie Foxx has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a New ‌York City restaurant back in 2015. The plaintiff, who remains unnamed, claims that Foxx made inappropriate comments⁣ about her body and proceeded to grope her under her ‌clothes while‌ they were at Catch⁢ NYC‍ & Roof on⁤ August 27, 2015.

The‌ lawsuit alleges that despite the woman’s attempts to step away, Foxx continued to touch her, even in the⁢ presence of security guards and other witnesses who chose to ignore the situation. It was only​ when one of the woman’s friends stumbled upon the scene that Foxx finally stopped.

The woman is now seeking compensatory and punitive damages​ from Foxx, as well as Catch NYC⁣ &⁤ Roof, for the medical treatment and emotional distress she has endured as a result of the sexual assault, abuse, assault, ‍and battery.

This lawsuit was filed just before the deadline for the New York Adult Survivors Act, which expires on Thursday.

In April, Foxx faced a reported “medical complication” that led to his hospitalization. However, he took to Instagram ⁢in July to assure his followers that he had overcome his⁢ struggles and was ready to return to work.

As of now, Foxx has not publicly addressed the allegations made against him.

What specific allegations⁣ has the plaintiff made against Jamie ‌Foxx regarding the incident⁤ at Catch‍ NYC & Roof?

The​ recent lawsuit filed​ against actor Jamie Foxx accusing him ⁤of sexual assault in‌ a ⁢New York City restaurant⁣ has brought attention to the ongoing issue of sexual misconduct. The‍ case, which was‌ filed in the New ​York Supreme Court, alleges that Foxx made inappropriate comments and groped a woman in August 2015 at Catch NYC & Roof.

According to‌ the unnamed plaintiff, ⁣Foxx ​made inappropriate comments about her body​ before proceeding to touch her inappropriately. Despite her attempts to distance herself from Foxx, he persisted in his actions, even in the presence of security guards​ and other witnesses who ‍chose to ignore​ the situation. It was only ⁢when a friend of the woman stumbled upon the scene that Foxx ‌finally stopped ⁤his actions.

In‍ response to the incident, the ​woman is seeking ⁤compensatory and punitive​ damages from Foxx and ⁤Catch NYC &‌ Roof. She claims to have suffered both physically ⁢and emotionally as a result of the sexual assault, abuse,⁤ assault, and battery.

The timing of the ⁢lawsuit is significant, as it was ‍filed just before the deadline for the New York Adult ‌Survivors Act, which expires on Thursday. This⁢ act allows⁤ victims of childhood sexual abuse to file civil lawsuits against their abusers, regardless of when the abuse⁤ occurred. By filing the lawsuit,‌ the plaintiff is taking ‌advantage of this legislation to seek justice for the alleged assault.

It is worth ⁤noting ‌that Foxx experienced ‍a reported medical complication earlier this​ year,​ which‌ led to his hospitalization. ​However, he addressed his followers on Instagram in July,⁤ reassuring them that he had ⁢overcome his struggles‍ and ⁢was ready ⁢to return to work. ⁤Despite ​this, Foxx has not ‍publicly addressed the sexual assault allegations made against him.

This case once again highlights the prevalence of sexual misconduct, even in seemingly safe spaces such⁤ as restaurants.⁤ It serves as‌ a reminder that‍ anyone⁢ can be​ a victim​ and underscores the⁣ importance of raising ​awareness about consent and respectful behavior.

As the lawsuit unfolds,⁢ it remains ‌to be seen how Foxx⁢ will⁣ respond to these serious allegations. The outcome of this case will ⁢undoubtedly have significant ‍implications for both Foxx’s career and‍ the ‍broader conversation surrounding sexual assault and⁢ misconduct.

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