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Jason Aldean receives huge present from Orange Beach engraved with ‘Small Town Power’

Jason Aldean Receives a Unique ⁤Gift from Orange Beach

Jason Aldean has gained a massive following⁤ with ​his hit song “Try That in a Small ⁤Town,” but it seems that Orange Beach, Alabama,⁣ might just be his biggest fan.

After the song soared up the charts, Aldean became known not ⁢only for his country music but also for his cultural controversies. And it was this combination that earned him a special honor from Orange Beach.

Presented ‌by Mayor Tony Kennon,‍ Aldean received⁢ a painting that featured an actual key to‍ the city. ⁤But this was⁢ no ordinary key – it was ‍inset into the cylinder of a Colt .45 revolver, set against the backdrop of an American flag with the words “Key to the‍ City of⁣ Orange Beach” ‍beneath⁤ it. On two of the flag’s red stripes were the lyrics “Try That In a Small Town.”

The painting was presented to Aldean backstage at one of his concerts in Orange Beach, and Mayor Kennon shared a picture of‌ the gift ​on Facebook. Although ⁤the photo was⁣ only recently posted on the city’s page, it received both praise and criticism.

Some commenters questioned the​ use of a gun-shaped key, while others expressed concerns about the impact on tourism. But Mayor Kennon didn’t seem fazed by the​ critics, responding with confidence and dismissing their opinions.

Orange ‍Beach may be a small town, but it attracts a significant number of visitors, especially during the tourist season. Despite its size, the​ values expressed in Aldean’s song resonate with the people of Orange Beach, and Mayor Kennon understands that it’s the quality of the community that matters most.

Aldean’s song continues to⁢ be popular, maintaining a spot on the iTunes Country Top 40 chart months after its release. The ⁢controversy surrounding the song’s video only ‌added to its staying power and inspired the unique gift from Orange Beach.

Mayor Kennon explained that the painting was a tribute to Aldean and his wife for speaking their minds and standing up for their⁤ values. It was also a way for the city to show its appreciation for Aldean and the song’s message.

By ​presenting this gift,⁢ Orange Beach not only honored Aldean but⁤ also showcased its‍ support for his music and the values it ​represents.

A Note⁣ from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke ⁢up one morning and half of the people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That happened to​ me recently. I got up, came to ⁣work here at The Western Journal, and when I got to my office, literally‌ half ⁣of our readers had vanished. They were just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it had happened almost instantly.

But it was even⁢ worse. Facebook hit us at the same ​time 90 percent of advertisers⁢ had⁤ essentially boycotted us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post Jason Aldean Gets ⁤Large Gift from Orange Beach Etched with ‘Try That In ⁢a Small Town’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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