Washington Examiner

Jim Jordan highlights achievements in letter to Judiciary Committee members.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman⁣ Jim Jordan Touts Accomplishments

House ​Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) circulated a letter ‍to ‍Republican committee members touting the panel’s accomplishments since the beginning ‌of this Congress.

In a ⁤letter obtained by the Washington Examiner, Jordan wrote that the ‌committee‌ has been⁣ “among the most⁢ active in the House this year,” citing the⁢ number of subpoenas ‌they’ve⁤ filed,‌ the number of hearings ⁤they’ve ‍held, the number of documents they’ve received, and other metrics.

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“Over the first seven ​months of⁢ this‌ Congress, we have worked aggressively to expose ⁤misconduct in the Executive Branch, fight‍ the‌ politicization of government, and hold the ‍Biden Administration accountable,” Jordan said in the letter. ⁢“Our job is far from complete, but we should take stock of what we have accomplished so far and the impact we’ve made ⁣for the American people.”

Jordan boasted the ⁢committee conducted 58‌ transcribed interviews and‌ depositions, received over 260,000 ‌pages ⁤of documents, sent 308 letters in ​furtherance of​ oversight, held ⁤40 total committee and select ​subcommittee hearings, and‍ issued seven committee and select subcommittee reports.

“Our investigations​ have yielded real results,” the committee chairman wrote.⁢ “We have uncovered new and shocking information about⁤ government​ abuses. The⁣ committee’s actions have forced bureaucracies​ to ‌change ⁣their tactics to respect Americans’ civil liberties. We have passed ​legislation to advance the cause of freedom, protect⁣ our fundamental rights, reduce government, and enhance ‍our security.”

Jordan highlighted that the committee had ​uncovered the FBI’s retaliation against whistleblowers, exposed how the federal government worked⁢ to censor users on social media, and passed H.R. 2, the⁣ House’s border security ⁣legislation.

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In⁣ the ⁣letters, Jordan thanked each committee member for their contribution to the committee and stated how he looks forward to “continuing our work together when the House ⁢returns.”

“These⁢ successes would not have happened‍ if not for you,” the Ohio congressman⁤ wrote. “Thank you for coming prepared to⁤ hearings and depositions. Thank you⁤ for your tenacity in questioning​ witnesses and in debating the issues that matter to Americans. Thank you for your persistence in uncovering the truth and holding bad ⁣actors accountable. Most of all, ‌thank you for ​your partnership and ⁣commitment.”

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