Washington Examiner

April Employment Data for Native and Foreign Workers

The April ​jobs report highlighted employment growth for native-born workers but a slight decline for foreign-born workers. The breakdown of ‌jobs⁢ by migration status has sparked interest, with⁢ Republicans arguing that President Joe Biden’s policies favor immigrants. The data suggests a significant immigrant‍ contribution to economic growth, not fully ⁣reflected in government statistics. Native-born ‍employment rose, while⁣ foreign-born employment decreased, raising concerns about workforce trends.

The jobs report for April released Friday showed that employment grew for native-born and fell slightly for foreign-born workers.

The breakdown of jobs by migration status has gained interest in recent months for several reasons. One is that Republicans have argued that President Joe Biden’s policies have favored immigrants. Another is that the large number of immigrants in recent years may be adding to economic growth in a way that is not adequately accounted for in some government statistics.

The household survey included in the monthly jobs report shows employment for both categories of workers. The numbers, which are not adjusted for seasonal variations, are separate from the payroll jobs reported from the larger survey of business establishments. Because the survey is smaller, the numbers bounce around more.

In March, employment for native-born workers rose above 131 million.

Employment for foreign-born workers, meanwhile, fell to 30.4 million.

One important note is that the native-born population is shrinking, and many people are aging out of the workforce.

So the absolute number of native-born workers might be stalling, but unemployment for native-born workers remains low.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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