The federalist

Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Love: Enemies Must Be Imprisoned

Trump’s Legacy vs Biden’s Actions

Former President Donald Trump brought us peace and prosperity. President Joe‍ Biden, on the other hand, has brought ⁤us war ‍and despair. Biden and his Democrat base in the media know that this is not a winning record ‌in a Trump-versus-Biden‍ matchup.

But instead of ⁢addressing these ‌failures, Biden is ⁣choosing to rewrite history.⁢ He⁤ falsely accuses Trump and his supporters of undermining democracy, ⁤when in reality, Biden himself is the worst ‌offender. This classic projection tactic is a desperate attempt to kick off his 2024‍ campaign.

Promoting ⁢Violence and Lawfare

During a recent speech, Joe Biden attacked ⁤the millions of Americans who ⁤support Trump, claiming that they embrace political violence. However, it was actually Biden’s own team that donated to bail out violent rioters in 2020. ‌The Biden administration has even offered prosecution diversion agreements to Antifa radicals while ignoring those arrested for actions on ‍January 6, 2021.

Furthermore,‌ Biden’s Justice ​Department and Democrat prosecutors⁣ are ​fixated on throwing Trump⁢ in prison for non-crimes.‍ Radical ‍Democrat officials like New York Attorney General‍ Letitia James and⁤ Fulton County DA‍ Fani Willis are ⁤openly targeting‍ Trump. This partisan prosecution against Trump is a clear example ‍of lawfare.

Not only that, but Democrats are also‌ attempting to ‌disenfranchise half of⁣ the American electorate by removing Trump from the‌ ballot in various states.

Russia ‍Hoax and Docs ⁢Hoax

In 2016, Biden and other Democrats began undermining democratic​ norms by pushing ‌the Russia-collusion ​narrative to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. They dismissed controversies surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private email⁢ server until the final days of the election. Similarly, during the 2020 election cycle, Biden’s allies in the media buried ⁣the story ⁣of Hunter Biden’s⁣ laptop, which implicated the Biden family in⁤ questionable⁤ affairs.

Targeting Parents and Pro-Life Justices

Biden’s FBI targeted pro-lifers, practicing Catholics, and parents at school ⁢board meetings, portraying them ⁤as‌ domestic terrorist threats. Meanwhile, left-wing⁣ protesters harassed Supreme Court justices ​without consequences. Biden’s attempt to establish a “disinformation czar” and collude with Big Tech to censor speech ⁣goes against ​the principles of​ free speech and open discourse.

The FBI’s ⁤raid on journalist James O’Keefe’s home and the targeting of Project Veritas further demonstrate the Biden administration’s‌ authoritarian approach ‌to governance.

Jailing Trump to Defend ‘Democracy’

Biden’s desire to prosecute ‍Trump⁢ and his supporters, particularly for their alleged role⁤ in the events of January 6, 2021, shows his ⁣willingness‍ to compromise ‍democratic ‍principles⁢ for political gain.‌ His actions, from the Mar-a-Lago raid to the politicization of federal agencies, undermine the fairness and ‌impartiality of the justice ​system and electoral process.

Despite ​Biden’s claims of being a protector of democratic values, his actions speak louder. The American public must⁤ recognize these actions ‍and respond accordingly, as ⁤the true measure ‍of a democracy lies in its‌ adherence to principles and ⁢the ability ‌of voters to have ​their say.

How does⁢ the abuse ​of power through baseless investigations into Trump’s business practices and personal finances undermine the ‍principles of justice and fairness?

To use the judicial⁣ system to silence and intimidate their political opponents. They have launched baseless⁤ investigations into Trump’s business practices and⁢ personal finances, hoping to find any excuse to discredit him. This abuse of ‌power is a dangerous precedent that undermines the principles‌ of justice and fairness.

Ignoring the ‌Border Crisis

Another glaring⁢ failure of ⁣the Biden administration is their handling of the ⁣border crisis. Since taking office, Biden has reversed many of Trump’s immigration policies, leading to a surge of illegal immigrants‌ crossing the border. This has overwhelmed border patrol agents and created a humanitarian crisis.

Instead of acknowledging their failures and implementing‍ effective solutions, the Biden administration has chosen to ignore the problem. They refuse to call it a crisis and ‍downplay the impact it is having on border communities. This negligence not only​ endangers American citizens but also undermines the rule of law.

Weakening America on the Global Stage

Under the Trump ‌administration, America asserted its dominance on the global stage. Trump implemented policies that protected American jobs, renegotiated unfair trade deals, and held ‍countries accountable for⁤ their actions. However, Biden has reversed many of these policies, weakening America’s position internationally.

By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement without demanding more‍ equitable terms for the United States, Biden has placed an unfair burden on American industries. This move‍ not only hurts American workers but also allows countries like China, who do not face the same environmental ⁢regulations, to gain a⁢ competitive advantage.

Additionally, Biden’s decision to lift sanctions on Iran and​ reengage in ‍nuclear talks without addressing Iran’s support⁣ for terrorism and human rights violations is a dangerous move. It shows a lack ​of leadership and undermines the security of our allies,‍ such as Israel.


The stark contrast between Trump’s legacy and Biden’s actions paints a clear picture. Trump prioritized peace, prosperity, and the interests of the American people.‍ Biden, on the other hand,⁢ has focused on rewriting⁤ history, promoting⁤ violence, and ignoring the crises facing our nation.

It is important for⁣ the American people to recognize these differences and ‌hold our leaders accountable. We cannot allow Biden and his base in the media to distort ‌the truth and deceive the public. We deserve⁢ a leader who will put America first and work towards a better future for all.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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