Joe Biden the Inflationary Reverse Robin Hood

The Democratic Party has finally confirmed beyond any further debate that it is the party of the rich. Democrats already insulted the intelligence of the American people with an inflationary tax-and-spend monstrosity they had the audacity and mendacity to call the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which the geniuses at National Public Radio explain removes “a grand total of $660-ish billion out of the economy over the next 10 years, which is good to fight inflation.” Imagine how low inflation would be if we shut down the whole economy! Stick around; we might live to see it.

But the all-year-long historically unpopular President Joe Biden, whom we are told is now “winning,” last week followed this outrage with the announcement that he is unilaterally–and constitutionally dubiously–taking hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars from hard-working Joe Sixpack deplorables to pay off the student debt of the smart elites who had the sense to go to college, grad school, law school, medical school, vote for Democrats, then realize only a sucker would pay his student loan balances off. In so doing, Democrats hope the working class’s money will motivate the moneyed class to give thanks to Almighty Government and vote for the party of the ever-providing teat this November in the mid-terms.

The lies are shameless. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona’s credibility is non-existent; as public schools graduate illiterates en masse, he believes there is an “overreliance on tests” and wants “NEA [public school teachers union] members at the table from the beginning to guide the work on assessments.” Now Cardona tells us the Inflation Reduction Act and Biden’s student loan bailout together “really cancels itself out … it offsets each other in terms of inflation.”

Let’s see if we’ve got this right. Having Washington spend $433 billion and increase taxes by $739 billion, enforced by

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