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John Cusack criticizes ‘corporatist Democrats,’ accuses them of betraying the working class for years.

Actor John Cusack Slams “Democratic Elite”

Strong ​Words of Condemnation

The 57-year-old star‍ of ‌”High Fidelity” shared a lengthy post on X highlighting⁣ his feelings, saying the targets of his⁣ ire were “full of s***.”

“They have played a major ⁤part in creating the precise conditions for fascism to‍ flourish — Obama corporatist democrats — are to the ⁣right of Richard Nixon ⁤on domestic policy —‌ Don’t believe me — ‍look it up — and Dems have sold out the working class for decades — and this kind of bought and⁢ paid-for⁢ betrayal‌ of principals [sic], fairness — historical precedent — any sense of moral or intellectual​ honesty — The kind ​of brutal selfish horrific actions one only does — because ⁤they can get away with it,” Cusack wrote on Monday.

The actor argued that these “elites” are⁤ to blame for Donald‍ Trump coming⁣ to ‌power.

“All your Yale and Harvard buddies will tell‌ you ⁤how great and​ smart you all are — and they are all ⁢in bed with all the same big , big money power players — And we run the world ‌—right ? — this kind of staggering amoral bulls***  is one of the main reason (⁣ yes there are others ) Trump’s ⁣demagoguery works on people.⁢ The Democratic elite ARE ‌full of s***,” he continued.

Cusack was⁤ responding to an article from Jacobin Magazine about some Democrats wanting‌ to outlaw federal wealth taxes.

“Imagine what FDR would say about such a proposed law ?! Don’t worry fellas — the Democrats will save⁣ the .ooooooo1 % from paying tax — the hubris to do this — is staggering — ⁢it’s a sham and an‍ insult to everyone’s⁤ basic intelligence — the contempt for people — To even ⁣attempt this … Unbelievable,” Cusack fumed.

He concluded by calling former President Barack Obama’s “hope and change” messaging just “another⁤ branded hustle.”

The “Say Anything” actor⁢ has​ used X for his rants before. He reacted strongly⁢ when Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said that he and Elon Musk “broke the internet”⁣ when ​his 2024 presidential ‌campaign announcement in May experienced technical difficulties on ⁤Twitter⁣ Spaces.


“So a nazi collecting Texan freak billionaire who has a garden of evil statues to ‌scare his grandkids — has bought himself a Supreme Court judge — and that feisty, white ‍supremisct [sic], ever competitive, not to be‌ out Douche-bagged Egor Mush decides — I​ must buy myself a president!” Cusack wrote.

“And so a whisky balled toad of a man A fascist ⁢trump⁤ mini me has literally the worst⁢ presidential announcement since mid 80s Lyndon‌ LaRouche on a social media ​platform Mush is obliterating in real⁤ time — turning into a Nazi website where children look up pet snuff films — cats in blenders — and he’s so vain and so dumb‍ and so incompetent that he can’t handle the bandwidth for a glorified conference call — and everything I just said is ⁣just reportage,” the actor went on.

Critics were confused and amused by ⁣Cusack’s rambling, with one person replying, “Who broke‍ John Cusack?”

How⁣ does John Cusack make it clear that he does not support the Republican Party or Donald Trump despite his criticism of the Democratic Party

Affront to the American people,” Cusack wrote.

He went on to criticize the‍ Democratic Party for its handling of key‌ issues such as healthcare and income inequality,⁢ stating ⁢that they have consistently prioritized‍ the ‍interests ⁤of the wealthy over those of the working class.

“They ⁣pretend to be the⁣ party of the people — they pretend to be the party of change⁣ — they pretend to be⁢ the party of⁣ progress — and all we ‍get is more of ⁢the same. More⁣ wars, more corporate control, more ‍income inequality,” Cusack said.

Cusack also expressed his disappointment with ⁤former President Barack⁢ Obama, whom he previously supported, for not living up​ to ⁣his promises of change.

“Obama talked a good game — but when he had the ⁣chance to make real change, he‌ didn’t. Whether it was supporting Wall‍ Street after the financial crisis or‌ failing to deliver on ‌healthcare‌ reform, Obama let us down,” he stated.

Despite his criticism of the Democratic Party, Cusack made ⁤it ⁢clear that he does not ⁢support the Republican Party or Donald Trump.

“I’m not saying the Republicans are any⁤ better, ⁤because⁣ quite frankly, they’re not. But the Democrats need⁣ to be held accountable for ‍their failures and their betrayal‌ of their core principles,” he emphasized.

Cusack ended his post by urging people to educate themselves⁢ and vote for candidates⁣ who truly represent their interests.

“We need leaders who will ⁤fight for the working class, who will address‌ income ‍inequality, who will prioritize the wellbeing of the American people over ​corporate⁤ interests. ⁤We can’t afford to settle for anything less,” he concluded.

This ‍is not the first time Cusack has been vocal‍ about his‍ political views. ‌He has been⁤ an active critic of both ‍major political ⁢parties and has called for more grassroots activism and citizen engagement in the democratic process.

As his post continues to circulate on ⁣social ‌media, it is⁤ yet to ⁤be seen how it will be received by the political ‍elite and the wider ​public.

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