Washington Examiner

Johnson makes promise about government spending that doomed McCarthy

House ‍Speaker Mike Johnson Vows​ to End the‍ Era of Continuing ⁣Resolutions

In ‌a bold and determined move, House Speaker Mike Johnson‌ (R-LA) has pledged to pass appropriations bills through regular‍ order in ​2024. Fed ‌up with the ‍current system, ‌Johnson believes ‌that his laddered continuing resolution‌ is the key to⁣ avoiding a massive omnibus spending bill during‍ the Christmas holiday break.

“I hate CRs. We⁣ shouldn’t‌ do this, and next year, we will not do it,” Johnson passionately declared during‌ an interview on Fox and Friends.

During the interview,⁢ Fox⁢ News host Lawrence Jones pressed Speaker Johnson on⁣ whether he was⁤ committed to passing funding measures through regular order in the future. ⁤Johnson confidently responded,⁢ “That’s exactly right. We will force ‌it the way it is supposed to be done.”

According‍ to Johnson, the current state of​ Washington and the appropriations ⁣process is “broken.” He sees the laddered continuing resolution as a revolutionary approach, a “new innovation” and ⁢a “paradigm​ shift.” By implementing this strategy, Johnson believes they ⁣can avoid the last-minute chaos of a⁣ massive ​omnibus spending bill just ⁣before Christmas. He emphasized that this approach allows them to focus⁣ on their job and fight for conservative principles.

Speaker Johnson’s Commitment to Change

Former Speaker ​Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) faced consequences for failing to ‌fulfill his promise ⁤of conducting appropriations in regular order. Johnson is determined not‍ to​ repeat that mistake.

However, not all members of Johnson’s conference are on board with the⁣ laddered continuing⁣ resolution. As the measure heads to a‌ vote, it will rely on Democratic support to pass, as ⁣several members have expressed their opposition.

It’s clear that Speaker Johnson is‌ ready⁢ to shake things up and bring‌ about a much-needed change⁤ in the appropriations process. Only time⁤ will tell ⁢if ⁢his ⁣commitment to regular order will prevail.

Click here to read more from ​The Washington ⁤Examiner.

What are some of the consequences of relying on continuing resolutions⁢ instead of passing individual appropriations bills?

⁣Regular​ order, putting an end to the era of continuing⁤ resolutions.​ In an ⁤era where partisan gridlock often‌ prevails, this commitment​ to restoring a functioning legislative process is both commendable and long-awaited.

Continuing resolutions have become a frequent feature in recent years, with the government operating under temporary funding measures rather than passing individual appropriations bills. This has led ⁢to a plethora of consequences that hinder effective governance, ‍including uncertainties for federal agencies, inadequate resource ‍allocation, and ​a ⁤lack of long-term ⁣planning.

Speaker Johnson recognizes ‌these detrimental effects and is determined to see a change. By vowing to ⁤pass appropriations‍ bills through regular order, he is reaffirming his commitment to a more functional and transparent⁤ legislative process. ‍This move is not only aimed at streamlining the⁢ budget process but also at providing⁣ certainty to federal agencies and ensuring efficient and effective allocation of resources.

Through regular order, appropriations bills are subjected‌ to‌ thorough committee scrutiny, debate, and amendment in both the House and Senate. ‍This allows⁣ for input from members on both sides ‍of the aisle, fostering a more open and inclusive‍ legislative process. By embracing regular order, Speaker Johnson is promoting an atmosphere of bipartisanship and collaboration, vital ingredients for successful lawmaking.

The importance of regular⁣ order cannot be overstated. It not only allows ‍for deliberation and refinement of legislation but also ensures that all voices are heard and all concerns are addressed. It is through this ⁣process that compromises are struck, solutions are found, and legislation takes shape. Without ⁤regular order, the risk of rushed and ​poorly constructed laws increases, which in turn can lead to unintended consequences ‌and increased public distrust in the legislative process.

Speaker ⁢Johnson’s commitment also⁣ reflects a desire to restore the balance of power between the legislative and executive⁣ branches. ⁤The reliance on continuing resolutions has ‍allowed the executive branch​ to‌ exert greater influence over the budget process, often at the expense of⁣ congressional oversight. By ⁣returning to regular order, Congress can reclaim its rightful role ⁤in ⁣shaping the nation’s budget and holding the executive branch accountable.

While Speaker‍ Johnson’s pledge is commendable, challenges lie ahead. Partisan divisions, institutional​ inertia, and accustomed habits are ⁣just a few hurdles that must be overcome ⁣to restore regular order. Nevertheless, his unwavering determination ⁢and​ willingness to work across party lines give hope that meaningful change can be achieved.

The⁤ implementation of Speaker Johnson’s vision ‌to end the ⁣era of continuing resolutions will require a concerted effort from all members of‌ Congress. It will demand compromise, cooperation, and a genuine commitment to uphold ‍the principles of regular order. It is not a task that can be accomplished overnight, but it is a necessary undertaking⁤ for the⁢ betterment of⁢ the legislative process and the country as a whole.

In ⁤conclusion, House Speaker Mike Johnson’s vow to end ​the era of continuing resolutions is a⁤ significant step towards restoring a functioning legislative ⁤process. By embracing ​regular order,‍ he aims to bring back transparency, bipartisanship, and effective resource allocation to budgetary decision-making. While challenges undoubtedly lie ahead, Speaker Johnson’s⁢ commitment serves as a beacon of hope, signaling a renewed focus on serving the American people and fulfilling the responsibilities of Congress. Only through a return to​ regular order can we ensure a government that truly represents ​the interests of the people and ‌upholds the principles of democracy.

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