Washington Examiner

Judge denies motion to dismiss effort to disqualify Trump from 2024 ballot.

Judge in Colorado Allows Lawsuit to Proceed, ‍Potentially Disqualifying Trump from 2024 Presidential Ballot

A judge‌ in Colorado has made a significant ruling ⁢in a lawsuit⁤ seeking to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the presidential ballot in the state in⁢ 2024. Despite ​arguments from Trump’s ‌lawyers that eligibility should be determined⁣ by Congress, Judge Sarah ‍Wallace rejected their claims.‍ In her decision on Wednesday, she stated that the Colorado District ​Court‍ has the authority to rule on the ​question of eligibility for the state’s⁤ ballot.

In her ruling, Judge Wallace highlighted the inconsistency of Congress being the sole entity empowered to determine⁣ eligibility‍ and also having the power to remove it. She emphasized that it would⁤ be strange for Congress to hold both responsibilities.

The lawsuit was ‍filed by⁣ the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington on behalf of six Republican ‍and nonaffiliated voters. They argue that Trump violated the 14th Amendment’s Section 3, claiming⁢ that his alleged role in inciting the ⁣Capitol riot on January 6,‌ 2021, constituted a breach‍ of his constitutional oath as president.

Furthermore, Judge Wallace affirmed that states have the authority to disqualify candidates using the power granted by the 14th Amendment. She‌ stated that states can apply Section 3 through their own statutes without relying on​ federal enforcement legislation.

While ‌Trump has dismissed the 14th Amendment-based attempts to disqualify him‍ as a‌ “trick” and lacking legal basis, election officials have been discussing the possibility. The ⁣lawsuit in Colorado marks the ‍first challenge to‍ Trump’s⁢ eligibility, with similar challenges being filed in other states such as Michigan, Minnesota, and Oklahoma.

On what grounds​ did Judge‌ Sarah Wallace reject the argument that eligibility should be‌ determined by Congress?

The ruling​ by Judge Sarah Wallace in Colorado ‌has brought a‍ significant development in⁤ a‍ lawsuit ⁣aiming to disqualify former President Donald Trump ⁣from⁤ the 2024 presidential ballot in the ​state. Despite arguments ‌made by Trump’s lawyers ‌that eligibility should be determined by Congress, Judge Wallace rejected these claims. In her decision‍ on Wednesday, she stated that the ⁤Colorado District Court holds the authority to rule on the question of eligibility for the state’s ballot.

Judge Wallace emphasized the ​inconsistency of Congress‌ being⁣ the sole entity empowered to determine eligibility while also having⁤ the power​ to remove ‌it. She ‌pointed out that it ⁤would be unusual‍ for Congress to hold both ⁤responsibilities simultaneously.

The lawsuit was filed by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington on behalf of six Republican and nonaffiliated voters. They‍ argue that Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, claiming that his alleged role in inciting ​the Capitol riot on January⁣ 6, 2021, constituted a breach of his constitutional oath as president.

Furthermore, Judge Wallace ⁢asserted that states have the authority to disqualify candidates using⁤ the power granted by the 14th Amendment. She stated that states can apply Section ⁣3 ​through their‍ own statutes without‌ relying ⁤on ⁢federal enforcement legislation.

While Trump has dismissed the attempts ‌to disqualify him based on the 14th Amendment as a “trick” ⁤lacking legal basis, election officials have been discussing the ‌possibility. The lawsuit in ⁢Colorado marks the first ⁣challenge to Trump’s eligibility, ​with similar challenges being filed in other states such as Michigan,⁢ Minnesota, and Oklahoma.

This ruling ​sets‍ an important precedent in the ongoing‍ debate about Trump’s eligibility for future presidential elections. The decision by Judge Wallace reaffirms the power of states to determine the suitability of candidates based ​on constitutional grounds, independent of ⁣federal authority. It ​remains to be seen how ⁤this ruling ‌will impact the broader​ legal landscape and whether similar challenges will gain traction in other states.

It ⁣is⁢ worth noting that this ruling does not automatically disqualify Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot ⁣in Colorado, but it does allow the lawsuit to proceed. The ultimate determination will depend on ​the outcome of the legal proceedings and any ​subsequent appeals.

As ‌the legal battle unfolds, the controversy surrounding Trump’s potential candidacy in the 2024 presidential election continues to captivate public attention. The​ outcome of this ‍lawsuit will undoubtedly​ have far-reaching implications for the political landscape and the future of American democracy.

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