Conservative News Daily

Judge denies DOJ’s bid to imprison Trump.

Good News: Judge Rejects DOJ’s Request to Jail Trump

Well, we can strike one Democrat fantasy off the list — at least for now.

According to Newsweek, despite pressure from the Department ‍of Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan won’t be sending former President Donald Trump to jail if he violates the court’s strict gag order in the case related to⁤ the Jan. 6,‌ 2021, Capitol incursion.

It was a bit of good news included in a footnote of Chutkan’s Sunday ruling that ​reinstated the gag ⁢order. In the footnote, Chutkan refused a prosecution request⁣ to make the ‍former president’s freedom contingent on his following the strictures of ⁤the gag order.

“The government also asks the court to incorporate the Order into Defendant’s conditions of release …,” she wrote‍ in the first footnote of the ⁤ruling. “Even assuming that request is ⁤procedurally⁣ proper, the court concludes that granting it is not necessary to effectively enforce the‍ Order at this time.”

Still, Chutkan reinstated the gag order‌ — requested by special counsel Jack Smith last month — after a temporary hold. Smith had argued that Trump’s comments about the charges and​ the ⁣personalities involved in the case could intimidate witnesses and interfere ⁢with the prosecution.

Chutkan wrote that​ “the ‌right to a fair trial is​ not [Trump’s] alone, but belongs also to the government and ‌the public.”

Now,​ the gag order itself ‌is a farce, particularly in ⁢the middle of an ‌election process in which the government is both prosecuting and silencing the Biden administration’s main political ⁣opponent.

Thankfully, Trump doesn’t ⁣seem to particularly care, since Newsweek noted that “just 75 minutes after Chutkan gave notice that the order had been reinstated, Trump appeared to violate it by attacking his former attorney general and a potential witness, William P. Barr.”

That attack came not ⁣to silence any testimony Barr may give in ⁣the trial, mind you, but was a response to the former attorney general criticizing ⁢Trump’s speaking ⁢skills.

“His verbal skills are limited,” Barr⁢ said during a speech at‌ the University of Chicago on Friday, as The ⁣Hill reported.

“If you get him away from ‘very, very, very’ … you know, the adjectives … they’re unfamiliar ⁤to him and they sort of spill out, ‌and he goes too far,” ‌Barr said. “He’s⁣ not very disciplined when it comes to what he says.”

Well, Trump fired up his Truth Social account and laid into the former attorney‌ general.

“I called Bill Barr‌ Dumb, Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, ⁢and Lazy,⁤ a RINO WHO COULDN’T DO THE JOB,” Trump wrote in the post.

“So now this Moron says about me, to get even, ‘his verbal skills are limited,’” he continued.

“Well,‍ that’s one I haven’t heard before. Tell that to the biggest political crowds in the history of politics, by far. Bill Barr is a LOSER!”

Well, cue liberal outrage. Here’s ⁣prolific, witless social media polluter Ron Filipkowski, editor of the liberal website Meidas Touch, alleging that the post‍ violates the gag order:

This is likely true, but it’s also exactly what’s ‍wrong with⁢ the gag order in the first place.

All of the court cases against the former⁢ president that just ​so happened to come together ⁢right as ⁣the presidential campaign season geared ⁤up — what a coincidence! — put us in terra nova as⁤ a republic.‍ However, out of all of ‌these, ‍the Jan. 6 case presents the thorniest one, ⁤because it involves political ⁢speech that​ will play a critical part in the 2024 campaign ⁢if‌ Trump wins the⁢ Republican nominee.

Virtually anyone involved in this case in the most ​tangential manner can say the most vicious calumnies about Trump and what happened during the Capitol incursion —​ or ⁣otherwise, as Bill Barr ‍proved by calling a man given to two-hour extemporaneous stump speeches verbally “limited.”

Trump, however?⁢ He’s‍ expected to shut his trap‍ by order of the court.

And ‌if ​he doesn’t, there are more‌ than a few⁤ Democrats who want him ⁢in jail.

There are plenty of reasons to be suspicious of Judge‌ Chutkan, but blocking⁣ the DOJ from sending Trump ‍to jail for violating a preposterous, un-American gag order isn’t one of them.

Three ‍cheers aren’t‌ in order, but maybe a quarter of a halfhearted cheer is called for.

For all her faults, Chutkan made sure on Sunday that we didn’t slip further into banana republic territory — no matter ‍how much her leftist cohort wants to see the former president in prison.

It’s worth noting, though, that the footnote ends with “at this time.”

So, time will tell. And Americans ⁤will be watching.

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The post Judge Shoots Down DOJ’s Request to ‍Have Trump Jailed appeared first on The Western Journal.


What is the significance of the rejection of the request to incorporate a gag order into Trump’s conditions ‌of release?

Roars-back-vows-fight-judge-issues-gag-order/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Twitter account and responded accordingly. “It was ⁢just‌ being nice,” Trump⁤ said ‌of Barr’s remarks. “He talks a ⁢lot about things he shouldn’t be talking about. ‌He’s not a very disciplined guy.”

While it remains to ‍be seen whether​ Chutkan’s ruling will have any tangible impact on the prosecution of Trump‌ or the ​course of justice, it does offer a glimmer ​of hope that some judges are still upholding ⁣the principle ⁤of ‍fairness and independence.

The⁤ fact ⁢that the request ⁤to incorporate⁤ the gag order into Trump’s conditions⁢ of‍ release was rejected is a positive development, signaling that the court does​ not view him as a flight risk or an immediate‍ threat to society.

It also reflects a recognition that the prosecution’s insistence on ⁢silencing Trump is not ⁤necessary or justifiable. A legal system that suppresses free speech, particularly‌ political ‌speech, undermines the very foundation of democracy.

Furthermore, the reinstatement‌ of the gag⁣ order underlines the ⁤bias and double standards that continue to plague the justice system. While Trump is restrained from making any comments about his⁤ case, his ‍political opponents and the media are ‍free to engage‍ in ⁢constant⁢ speculation, innuendo, and character assassination.

The ⁢irony ​is that‍ Trump’s ability to speak out against​ the charges brought against him is crucial to his ability to mount a⁢ defense and undermine any prejudicial narratives that may be propagated by his accusers. By silencing him, the prosecution is effectively denying him his⁢ right to a fair trial.

It is ⁢worth noting that this ruling comes at a time ​when the Biden ‍administration ‌is facing mounting criticism for its handling of various issues, from ‍the southern border crisis to rising crime rates and inflation. By stifling Trump’s ​voice, the government‌ may be attempting to divert attention away ⁣from ‌its⁢ failures and consolidate its power.

However, it is​ heartening‍ to see that‌ there are still judges who are willing to uphold​ the principles of justice and fairness, even in the face of political pressure. The ability to ⁣dissent and voice⁢ opposition is a cornerstone of democracy,⁢ and any attempt to curb it should be ‍met ⁤with resistance.

Ultimately, the outcome of this ‍case and the fate​ of Trump‍ will be decided by a ‌jury of his peers. The ​court’s responsibility is to ensure‌ that this process is ​fair,⁣ transparent, and free‍ from undue influence. By rejecting the request to jail Trump for violating the gag order, Judge Chutkan has taken ⁢a⁤ step in the right ⁤direction.

Regardless of one’s political​ beliefs or their opinion of‌ Trump, ​it is crucial to defend the principles that safeguard our democracy. The right to free⁣ speech, the presumption of innocence, and the right to‌ a⁣ fair trial ⁤are not partisan issues. ⁢They are the bedrock ⁣of our legal system, and‌ they must be protected at all costs.

Hopefully, this ruling will serve as a⁤ reminder that no ‍one is above the law, but everyone is entitled to the same ‍rights and protections guaranteed‌ by our Constitution. ‌While ‌the outcome of this‌ case ⁢remains uncertain, Judge Chutkan’s decision offers a glimmer of hope​ that justice can prevail ⁢in a ⁢politically charged environment.

As we navigate ​the ⁣complexities of‌ our ⁣legal system ⁢and​ the challenges of our political landscape, it is crucial to remain vigilant and hold our leaders accountable. ⁣The fight for justice‍ and fairness is an ongoing‍ battle,⁢ and it requires the active participation of informed citizens ⁤committed⁤ to​ upholding​ our democratic ideals.

It is when we stand together and demand a system that respects the rule of law ​and protects individual rights ⁤that we can truly move towards⁤ a more‌ just and equitable society.

Read More From Original Article Here: Judge Shoots Down DOJ's Request to Have Trump Jailed

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