Washington Examiner

Justin Timberlake addressed arrest at first tour stop since: ‘It’s been a tough week’ – Washington Examiner

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Justin Timberlake performed at the United Center in Chicago on Friday for his first tour stop since he was arrested on Long Island on Tuesday. During a break between songs he said it has been a “tough week.”

With an acoustic guitar strapped to him, he said into the microphone, “We’ve been together through ups and downs, lefts and rights. It’s been a tough week, but you’re here, and I’m here,” then bowing before his fans.

Timberlake was arrested for driving while intoxicated on Tuesday night in Sag Harbor, Long Island. Court documents said he failed to stop at a stop sign and was swerving lanes. Timberlake reportedly told the officer who arrested him that he had only had “one martini,” but the officer reported he was “in an intoxicated condition,” with “bloodshot and glassy” eyes and a “strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath.” He refused a breath test.


To the Chicago crowd, Timberlake said, “I know I’m hard to love sometimes, but you keep loving me right back.”

He is scheduled for a virtual court appearance on July 26.

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