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Kamala questioned about being an ‘affirmative action hire,’ responds vaguely.

Vice President Kamala‌ Harris Responds to Criticism

In a captivating profile ⁢by⁤ the ⁤ New York Times, Vice President Kamala Harris was asked about the perception that she ⁤was⁤ chosen solely because of her race and gender. Her response ‍was both ⁢intriguing and ⁣thought-provoking.

The profile, recently published, delves into Harris’s challenges with low⁢ favorability and a tumultuous reputation. Astead Herndon, the talented writer behind the Times piece, questioned⁣ Harris about the notion that‍ President Joe Biden selected her as an “affirmative-action hire” for the vice presidency.

“He chose a Black‌ woman. That woman is me,” ⁤Harris confidently stated. “So I don’t believe there’s any lingering doubt about his decision. He has made⁤ his choice.”

Herndon also inquired about Harris’s response to those who question her qualifications for the role of vice president. Harris, ‍who had just participated in a gun control event, replied, “Were you in that ⁢room with 2,000‍ people? Did you witness the⁤ cheers and standing ovation? … ⁣ That’s my answer.”

This profile⁣ emerges at a ⁢time when Harris ⁤is facing record-low approval ratings and​ enduring criticism for her occasional verbal missteps and blunders.

How does Vice President Kamala Harris’s profile aim to counter the criticism and defend her position as Vice President

In a recent profile published by the New York Times, Vice ​President Kamala Harris ‍addressed criticism surrounding her ⁤selection as Vice President‍ of the United States. The profile, written by Astead ⁣Herndon, explores the challenges Harris has⁤ faced in terms of low favorability and a tumultuous reputation.

One of the main questions posed to Harris in the interview was about the perception that she was ‍chosen solely ⁣because of her race and gender. In ‍response, Harris ⁤confidently stated, “He chose a Black woman. ⁣That woman is me. So I don’t believe there’s any lingering doubt about⁣ his decision. He has made his choice.” Harris’s assertion highlights her​ unwavering confidence in President Joe Biden’s decision⁤ to select her as his running mate.

Furthermore, Herndon questioned Harris about those who‍ doubt her qualifications for ⁤the role of ‍Vice President. Harris, who had recently ⁢participated in a gun⁢ control event, replied, “Were you in​ that room with 2,000 people? Did you​ witness the cheers‌ and standing ovation? … That’s my answer.” By emphasizing⁣ the positive reception ‍she received ‌during public events, Harris aims to ‌counter the criticism by‍ highlighting the ⁣support she garners⁢ from⁢ her audience.

This profile⁤ emerges at a ‌time when Harris is facing record-low approval ratings and enduring criticism for her occasional‌ verbal missteps and blunders. It ⁢provides valuable insights into her thoughts and responses to the controversy surrounding her⁢ selection as Vice President. Harris’s comments demonstrate her resilience and determination to dismiss any doubts about her qualifications and commitment to her role.

With this‌ profile, Harris seeks to address the criticism head-on and‌ defend her ‍position. By providing her perspective on these issues, Harris invites the public to evaluate her based on her actions and achievements ‍rather than‌ dismissing her based on assumptions about her⁤ race and gender.

As Vice ⁣President,⁣ Harris faces immense scrutiny ⁣and criticism, ⁢and it is essential for her to navigate and respond to these‍ challenges effectively. By engaging with the media‌ and openly addressing the concerns raised, she demonstrates ‍a willingness⁢ to address criticisms and assert her ​capabilities as a leader. Only time will tell how Harris’s response‌ will ⁤shape public opinion ⁣of her and her role in the ‌Biden administration.

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