The Western Journal

Kamala Betrays Her Own Voters: Caves on Crucial Issues All Democrats Care About, And It Could Cost Her

The text discusses the political strategy of Vice President Kamala Harris as⁢ she attempts to shift her public image leading up to the upcoming election. It highlights her retreat from previously held progressive stances, such as ⁢support for open borders, gun control measures, ​and a Green New Deal, in favor of‍ more centrist positions. The author suggests that Harris is repositioning herself to appeal to a broader audience by focusing ⁤on issues like law enforcement and identity politics, including advocating for abortion rights. However, Republican opponents are expected to‌ capitalize on video clips of her past statements to undermine‌ her credibility. The piece reflects skepticism about her strategy and suggests that it may not resonate with principled progressives, while also criticizing Democrats for their focus on personal appeal over ⁤substantive policy discussions.

For some reason, Democrats seem to believe that they can win a national election by running an unpopular San Francisco progressive.

Even more remarkably, Democrats plan to achieve victory by repackaging their extreme progressive candidate and making her maximally appealing to the type of voter who cares nothing about actual issues.

According to The New York Times, Vice President Kamala Harris has retreated — or at least has appeared to retreat — from every progressive position she took during her wildly unsuccessful quest for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, and she has done so in favor of a campaign built around child sacrifice and identity politics.

Unfortunately for Harris, clips of her past progressive statements have already begun circulating on social media and elsewhere.

Republican Dave McCormick, who has challenged incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, showed the way with a devastating montage of Harris expressing support for every loony idea imaginable, from open borders to federal confiscation of firearms through a euphemistically named “mandatory buyback” program.

McCormick’s ad also included clips of Harris supporting a Green New Deal; a ban on fracking and offshore drilling; single-payer health insurance; voting rights for violent felons; and even an authoritarian climate policy that would reduce consumption of red meat.

Indeed, Republican strategists like Brad Todd in Pennsylvania have begun salivating at the possibilities.

“The archive is deep,” Todd said, according to the Times. “We will run out of time before we run out of video clips of Kamala Harris saying wacky California liberal things. I’m just not sure that the rest of this campaign includes much besides that.”

Meanwhile, Democrats have responded with a two-pronged strategy designed to show contempt for voters.

First, the Harris campaign has announced that the vice president no longer holds those positions.

That’s right. For the purposes of manipulating the American electorate, Harris will publicly pretend that she no longer believes any of the things she said on video.

According to the Times, that includes abandoning support for open borders, a gun buyback program and single-payer health insurance.

Furthermore, she plans to position herself “as a candidate with deep ties to law enforcement.” So much for felons’ voting rights.

What about the crazy climate worshipers? Well, Harris also announced that she no longer supports a ban on fracking.

On that broader issue, Matt Bennett of the centrist Democratic think tank Third Way tried to reframe Harris as pragmatic.

“There’s a tremendous difference in changing one’s policy ideas and changing one’s principles,” Bennett said. “She has not changed her principles. She still thinks climate change is an existential threat — she just doesn’t think the Green New Deal is the way to address it.”

In other words, the vice president has appeared to retreat from literally every progressive stance she once adopted. The key word, of course, is “appeared.” That is the first prong in the strategy.

The second prong involves appealing to voters who care only about child sacrifice and identity politics.

In fact, the Times devoted a whopping eight paragraphs to Harris’ views and proposals regarding abortion. She likes abortion. She likes it so much that she regards it as a civil rights issue requiring federal protection.

Above all, though, the Harris campaign believes that voters will jump at the chance to elect a woman of color.

Sue Dvorsky, a former Iowa Democratic Party chairwoman and 2020 Harris supporter, thinks voters should ignore all those complicated issues and vote for the candidate who makes them feel good about themselves.

“I don’t know that the policy stuff is what people were talking about — it was all biography,” Dvorsky said. “She’s always been complex policy-wise, but I think people look at her and expect a thing. She’s going to talk about law and order and being a prosecutor.”

There you have it. Voters should forget about policy and simply “expect a thing,” whatever that means.

In fact, repellent MSNBC host Joy Reid said something similar last week when she tried to manipulate black voters into supporting Harris as a way of showing that they had a connection to the culture, whatever that means.

So Republicans will run clips of Harris saying crazy California things about open borders, gun control, climate and crime. And Democrats will answer by assuring voters that she no longer believes those things.

Then, Democrats will shore up both the TikTok, attention-deficit demographic and the affluent-liberal-with-luxury-beliefs demographic by telling them to “expect a thing” from their new cultural phenomenon of a candidate.

And they think principled progressives will go along with this?

Perhaps we should hold off on asking them why they would adopt such an insane strategy until after they have formally nominated her.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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