Washington Examiner

Kamala Harris brushes off concerns of Joe Biden’s age ahead of 2024 election

Vice President Kamala Harris defends President Biden’s age

Vice ⁢President ​Kamala Harris has⁤ dismissed concerns about President Joe Biden’s age, highlighting his accomplishments since taking office ⁤in January 2021.

In a recent radio​ interview, Harris addressed​ worries from Democrats regarding Biden’s cognitive ability and the potential for his reelection in 2024. However, she confidently asserted that the ⁤president is more than capable of fulfilling his duties.

“Actions speak louder ‍than words, and when you look at what the president and I, what Joe ⁣Biden has been able ​to accomplish, ​you know many presidents⁢ over many⁢ years talked about, for ‌example, what they were going to ⁣do to build back up ⁤America’s infrastructure,” Harris said. “It’s under Joe Biden’s leadership that we’re getting that done.”

Harris specifically highlighted ‌Biden’s efforts in reducing the cost of insulin and providing significant financial support to historically black colleges. ‌She urged supporters and Democrats not to⁤ be “distracted” ‌by concerns about his age.

“Let’s look at whether we have a president who has actually produced and followed through on his commitments and especially on long-standing issues that needed to ⁤be addressed,” Harris said. “Joe⁤ Biden has done that.‌ That’s the‌ measure of the man, not what’s on his birth certificate in terms of his ⁤age as for president, it’s about has he​ actually produced in a way that has improved⁣ the lives ⁤of people.”

A recent poll revealed that 72% of registered voters consider ⁢Biden’s age when making their voting decision. ​Additionally, 40%​ of respondents stated‌ that his age‍ would strongly impact their vote, while approximately 19% said it would somewhat affect their decision.

Furthermore, a poll released⁣ on Sunday raised concerns among Democrats as former President Donald Trump outperformed‍ Biden in five major battleground states.⁢ Democratic strategist David Axelrod emphasized the need for Biden to carefully consider whether seeking reelection is in his best interest or that ⁣of the United States.

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How does Harris address concerns about Biden’s ​physical stamina and assure listeners that he is capable of meeting the demands of‍ the presidency

Ability ‌to‍ effectively lead the country due to his age. She assured listeners that Biden has proven himself to be sharp and committed to his role as President.

Harris emphasized that age is just a ‍number and should not be‍ the sole ‍determinant of⁣ one’s abilities. She pointed out that Biden’s extensive experience in politics, serving as a ⁣senator for over 30 years and as Vice ⁢President for eight years under ‍President Barack Obama, provides ‍him with a wealth ‌of knowledge and expertise.

Furthermore, Harris highlighted Biden’s accomplishments in his short time‌ in office, which include the successful distribution ⁤of COVID-19 vaccines, the⁣ passing of the American Rescue Plan, and the ‌rejoining ⁢of the Paris Agreement. ⁤She commended his ⁢dedication and tireless efforts to address pressing issues facing the nation.

The Vice ⁢President ‍also addressed concerns⁢ about Biden’s physical stamina, stating that he maintains a rigorous schedule and is fully ‌capable of carrying out the⁤ demands of the presidency. She noted‍ that Biden’s long-standing‍ commitment to fitness and regular exercise plays a significant role in his ⁤ability to be ​an effective leader.

Harris acknowledged that age can bring challenges, but argued that it also brings wisdom and perspective. She highlighted Biden’s ability to empathize with the American people and his commitment to unity and healing in a divided country. She reiterated that Biden’s age does not hinder his effectiveness⁤ as a leader, but rather enhances it through the experience and judgment he brings to the table.

In conclusion, ⁣Vice ⁢President Kamala Harris passionately defended President Joe Biden’s age, asserting that he has proven himself to be a capable and dedicated leader. She emphasized that age⁢ should not be a deterrent to leadership and highlighted Biden’s accomplishments and experience as ⁤evidence of his abilities.‌ With his wisdom, empathy, and commitment to the American people, ‍Biden continues to ‍lead ⁣the nation with strength and resolve.

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