Kathleen J. Anderson: Women’s March Promotes “Pregnant People,” Otherwise Known As “Women”

Words matter. It shouldn’t surprise any of my readers that I firmly believe that the words we use, whether verbally, in written form, or tweets, matter. 

As a writer and lover of words, I enjoy a poetic flair from time to time, and reading a section of well-written prose can make my day. And a clever turn of phrase or sharply worded witty tweet can have me rolling with laughter.

What I can’t abide by is the redefining of words to fit a narrative. I also can’t stand this push to erase my gender; I find it agitating, insulting, and dangerous.

So naturally, when I saw that the Women’s March official Twitter account had tweeted about “pregnant people” instead of women, I felt I had to write about it, or else my head might explode.

Whose March Is It Again?

You might recall the “Women’s March.” They’re the ones who wore “pussy hats” to protest Donald Trump winning the Presidency in 2016.

They’re strong advocates of women, you see. They stand for women. It’s right in the name.

Yet yesterday, while promoting abortion as a “human right,” the Women’s March tweeted the following:

“Until people who can get pregnant have control over our own bodies, we *cannot* be equal. Abortion is a human right.”

Before I break down all of the ridiculousness within this tweet, let’s take a look at some of the replies:

I think you get the point. But perhaps what stood out to me the most is who exactly we are trying to be equal to? 

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Spreading To The Medical Community

Before you think that this issue is contained to far-left whiners preaching on the internet, the reality is that this stuff is starting to become the face of medicine – which in turn means science and public policy are bending to this ideology.

In an op-ed written in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Meg Snead, who is the acting secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, wrote:

“The Department of Human Services is working to ensure we are doing our part to care for pregnant people, people who experience miscarriages, people seeking abortions, people who give birth…”

Who are those people again? Oh, that’s right… women. And some of them… mothers. 

Can We Get Any More Ridiculous?

A recent episode in New York City illustrates the strangeness of what’s occurring. Take New York City Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Michelle Morse, who tweeted back in March:

“Mortality rates of birthing people are too high, and babies born to black and Puerto Rican mothers in this city are three times more likely to die in their first year of life than babies born to non-hispanic white birthing people.”

After receiving backlash, a spokesman for the doctor said the tweet was an “oversight” and that:

“We apologize for inadvertently gendering black and Puerto Rican birthing people.”

I’m not sure they could miss the point further if they tried.

But, if I’m being candid, my self-proclaimed status as a logophile (look it up if you don’t know what it means) is not the only reason this sort of activity makes my skin crawl.

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The Death of Feminism

I consider myself a feminist. I know, shocking, I’m sure, given that I’m also a conservative. Hard to believe that a conservative white woman can be a multi-dimensional, complex human being, but it’s true; I am a conservative female feminist. 

Honestly, it shouldn’t be all that shocking if you know me. I spent the first 20 years of my adulthood serving in the military, making it to the status of a senior military leader in arguably still a very male-dominated world.

I’m a sexual assault survivor and have always been a fierce advocate for women’s issues. For example, one issue I have bored my husband with for years surrounds the ‘pink tax.’ 

For those of you that might not know what the ‘pink tax’ is about, it’s the fact that women pay taxes for feminine products such as tampons and menstrual pads. I’ve long believed and still do that we shouldn’t pay a tax on a product we are required to get each month. 

Even this subject gets hijacked by the Church of Gender Fluidity. An article ran by MSNBC on the movement said somewhat tongue and cheekily:

“Yes, people who menstruate generate revenue for the government simply by attending to a basic bodily function.”

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I Am Woman; Hear Me Roar

Women are complicated, and we don’t all think the same. Like many Americans, my views on abortion are multi-faceted. As a Constitutional originalist, I believe the Supreme Court was sound in its decision this summer.

As a woman, I think that we need more accessible access to prenatal care and more access to birth control options. I believe there are circumstances where a woman should be allowed to end a pregnancy.

As a mother, the pro-choice movement loses me when the argument is made that abortions should be allowed regardless of the time frame of the pregnancy. But all of these points are moot if we can’t agree that women have unique biological and societal experiences from men.

As J.K. Rowling so eloquently put it:

“If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased.”

To go back to the Women’s March tweet; we cannot ever hope to be equal if we cease to exist. How can we discuss our unique rights as women if the idea of a woman is erased?

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