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Katie Porter trails Adam Schiff in Q3 fundraising for California Senate race.

Rep. Katie Porter ⁤Raises Over $3 Million for California Senate Race

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) has made a significant impact in the‍ fundraising efforts for the 2024 California Senate⁤ race. Despite recent polls showing a close race with ‌Rep. Adam Schiff⁣ (D-CA), Porter fell slightly ‍behind him in fundraising.

According to⁤ the Federal Election‍ Commission, Porter raised an ‍impressive $3.4 million for her Senate ⁤campaign in the‍ third quarter, spanning from June to September. ​In a statement, she⁤ proudly ​shared that 99% of the donations were $100 or less, with an ‌average donation of less than $28.

Porter emphasized that her campaign is grassroots-driven, stating, “I’ve proven time‍ and again that I can’t be bought.‌ I have never accepted a penny from corporate PACs and have refused donations ⁤from federal lobbyists. Californians deserve a senator who truly represents them, not powerful corporate interests with hidden agendas.”

This is not the first time‌ Porter ⁣has achieved such impressive fundraising results. In the second quarter, she raised over $3.2⁤ million from ⁢more than ⁢110,000 donations, averaging $59 each.

Currently,​ Porter has $12 million cash on hand, while Schiff has $32 million.‍ Schiff raised $6.4⁤ million in the third quarter for the race to‌ fill the late Sen. ⁣Dianne Feinstein’s seat. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA),⁣ another strong‌ contender, has yet to announce her third-quarter fundraising numbers.

The potential⁣ entry of Sen. Laphonza‍ Butler (D-CA),⁤ appointed by Gov. ⁤Gavin Newsom to replace Feinstein, could shake up the ⁢2024 election.‌ California’s primary rules dictate that the top two candidates, regardless of party, will advance to the general ‌election. Therefore,⁢ it is possible for ⁢two Democrats to face off in 2024. The ultimate ‍outcome of​ the race will depend on the candidates chosen to advance from the primary.

Current Polls Show⁢ Porter and Schiff Leading ​the Race

The latest survey conducted by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies-Los Angeles Times‌ reveals⁣ that Schiff‍ and Porter are currently leading the race​ with 20% and 17% of the support, respectively. Lee follows with 7% of the ‌support. Republican candidates Steve Garvey ​and James Bradley both⁢ received 7% in the poll, ⁢while⁣ GOP ⁣candidate and attorney Eric Early sits at 5%. Another survey conducted by PPIC shows Schiff‌ leading ⁤Porter 20% to 15%.

It is clear that Porter’s grassroots campaign​ has struck a chord with ‌Californians,⁢ and ​her impressive fundraising ⁢efforts demonstrate her commitment to representing ⁣the people rather than powerful corporate interests. As the race for the California Senate seat continues, all eyes will be on Porter and her competitors ⁣as they vie for the opportunity ​to serve the state.

What⁣ specific progressive policies has Porter advocated for in her campaign platform?

Ornians are excited​ to support​ a candidate who is ⁢committed to representing their interests and‍ not‌ beholden to special interests.”

Despite raising an impressive amount,‌ Porter is trailing behind her fellow Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff, who raised $5.3 million during‌ the same​ period. However, Porter remains confident in her ability to garner support and close the fundraising gap. She has gained‌ significant attention for her progressive policies and her ability to connect with voters on ⁤a personal level.

Porter’s success⁣ in fundraising can be attributed‌ to⁢ her strong online⁣ presence and grassroots organizing efforts. She has ⁢utilized various social media ‍platforms to engage with‍ supporters and raise awareness about her campaign. Additionally,‌ she has‌ held numerous town hall meetings, community events,‍ and small-group gatherings to directly communicate with voters and understand‌ their concerns.

Her fundraising success⁣ also⁢ reflects the growing momentum and enthusiasm within the Democratic ‌Party in⁢ California. With⁣ a shift towards more progressive values and ‌policies, Porter aligns with the desires of many Californians​ who are⁢ seeking bold‍ and transformative leadership.

Porter’s campaign platform focuses ‌on issues such⁣ as affordable housing, healthcare ⁣access, climate change, and income inequality. ​She has been a vocal advocate for a living wage, affordable childcare, and expanded access to education. Her commitment to these⁢ issues resonates with voters who are seeking‌ tangible solutions to the challenges they face.

In addition ​to‍ her policy positions, Porter’s authenticity and‌ relatability have also contributed to her fundraising success. She ⁢has been praised for her​ ability ​to communicate complex ideas in‍ simple terms, making political discourse more accessible and engaging for a wider audience. Her ⁢background as a single mother and⁢ consumer advocate has further connected her⁤ with‍ working-class Californians who appreciate‌ her⁤ firsthand understanding of their struggles.

Porter’s fundraising success is an important indicator of her growing support and ⁢viability ⁢as a candidate in the ⁣California Senate⁤ race. As she continues to raise awareness about her campaign and connect ⁢with voters, she ‍aims to surpass the fundraising numbers‌ of her opponents and ‌emerge as the front-runner in the race.

The 2024 California​ Senate race is ‌shaping up to be a highly competitive and closely‍ watched⁢ contest. As Porter and‍ Schiff vie for the Democratic nomination, their fundraising efforts‌ will play a crucial role in determining ‌their success. It remains to be​ seen how the race will‌ unfold, but one ‍thing is clear – Porter’s ability ⁢to raise significant funds demonstrates her widespread appeal and position as a formidable contender ⁢in California⁢ politics.

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