Kelley Paul Stands by Her Man, Calls Out Media Hypocrisy: 'We Have Guns'

Kelley Paul Stands by Her Man, Calls Out Media Hypocrisy: 'We Have Guns'

The wife of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is standing by her man, pointing out the media’s coverage of the stout conservative voice in pressing Dr. Anthony Fauci on the U.S. funding earmarked for coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Kelley Paul tweeted Tuesday:

“Rand assaulted in blindside attack, six broken ribs and lung damage: media calls it a ‘dispute.’ Rand and I held hostage for 9 minutes by mob spitting on and threatening to kill us: media says we were ‘yelled at.’ Rand calmly questions gov authorities: ‘Rand ATTACKS Fauci!'”

Kelley Paul’s references were to a number of news stories, including a neighbor’s attack of the senator, a mob of protesters surrounding them leaving former President Donald Trump’s nomination acceptance speech the Republican National Convention, and the most recent Senate grilling of the U.S. infectious disease expert on the indirect funding from the Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease for coronavirus research at the WIV.

The funding for the WIV came through a grant to the EcoHealth Alliance, which contributed a reported $600K to fund coronavirus research in China.

The WIV is under renewed scrutiny for potentially being the origin of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

“He was being dishonest,” Sen. Paul told Newsmax‘s “Rob Schmitt Tonight” earlier this month about his grilling of Fauci, noting papers published by China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology indicate gain-of-function research was “funded by NIH and funded specifically by the NIAID, which is Fauci’s group.”

“So, no, he completely dissembled on that, leading you to believe something that’s not true.”

Paul’s effectiveness in exposing Fauci might have led to another potential attack, this one a suspicious package that threatened violence against the senator, The Washington Post reported.

Kelley Paul rebuked the reportage as “lies” from the Post, also tweeting Tuesday:

“More lies. The violent felon who assaulted Rand admitted in court and to police that he had NEVER complained to Rand about the lawn or anything else. His lawyer used the ‘lawn dispute’ excuse in the media and you report the lie as a fact, omitting his violent anti GOP FB posts.”

The tweet followed a set of tweets by Kelley Paul on Monday night:

“I got the death threat letter and called the FBI. This kind of violent threat is fomented against Rand daily by @ReallyAmerican1, a Dem PAC that pays thugs like @mmpadellan to celebrate the assault that nearly killed Rand. @DNC ignores. @richardmarx was inciting more violence”

She continued:

“Just this weekend. For years people like @BetteMidler have cheered Rand’s horrific attack and serious injuries. The former teacher of the year @RodRobinsonRVA tweeted that Rand’s attacker was a ‘hero’ and urged Mitch McConnell’s neighbors to ‘step up.’ Why is he still teaching?”

And she concluded, rebuking the “hate and vitriol” that continues on Twitter after former President Donald Trump was blocked from the platform:

“I am sick of the hatred and vitriol from people who boast of their ’empathy and compassion’ in their bios. Rand will continue to stand up for our constitutionally protected liberties. He will keep questioning the ‘experts.’ We won’t be intimidated. And yes, we have guns.”

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