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Kellyanne Conway defends ex-husband against the left, but not fully absolves him.

Kellyanne Conway Defends Ex-Husband Against the Left but Doesn’t Let Him Completely Off the Hook

Kellyanne Conway jumped to the defense of her former husband, George Conway, on Twitter after many on the left turned on him for supporting the Supreme Court’s decision to ban the consideration of race in college admissions.

But in true Kellyanne fashion, she took a jab at him.

The Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action Policies

In a 6-3 vote last week along ideological lines, the court struck down the affirmative action policies of Harvard University and the University of North Carolina after reviewing their admissions process.

The majority opinion stated, “Many universities have for too long wrongly concluded that the touchstone of an individual’s identity is not challenges bested, skills built or lessons learned, but the color of their skin. This Nation’s constitutional history does not tolerate that choice.”

Critics of race-based admissions processes have long argued that the policies put Asian Americans at a disadvantage.

George Conway Celebrates the Ruling

George Conway, who is part Filipino, celebrated the ruling online.

“Before people start criticizing a decision they haven’t read, they should take a look at the facts of these ‘affirmative action’ cases, in particular the outrageous facts of the case from my alma mater, Harvard,” the Lincoln Project co-founder wrote on Twitter.

He added, “Race wasn’t just a ‘factor’ in the mix. Asian-Americans were systematically denied admission because of their race, and everyone should stop pretending otherwise.”

He later defended himself after far-left “Star Trek” actor George Takei took issue with his opinion:

Left-wing extremist Elie Mystal, a frequent MSNBC guest and the “justice correspondent” for The Nation, also aimed his sights at Conway via a pair of tweets:

Kellyanne, who announced her divorce from George Conway earlier this year, defended him from Mystal in a lengthy tweet.

“Attacking [George] for agreeing with #SupremeCourt that it’s unconstitutional to consider race in college admissions is especially rich,” she wrote. “George is Asian; a product of public schools; accepted to Harvard at 16, Yale Law School at 20; made partner at top law firm at 30; not a [nepotism] baby; immigrant mother & non-college degree father; he paid off his student loans; checked no box; asked for no special preferences.”

Do you think any type of affirmative action should be banned from college admissions?

The one-time adviser to former President Donald Trump predictably took a shot at her former husband, even as she defended him.

She concluded, “He got Twitter-famous for attacking his wife & her boss. But he’s earned respect for making his own way, relying on merit and hard work.”

One Twitter user praised the political strategist for being “gracious” to her former husband:

The Conways often made headlines throughout Trump’s presidency and first two campaigns for taking shots at one another publicly in spite of the fact they were married.

Kellyanne’s defense of George Conway earned her the appreciation of her daughter Claudia.

The teen wrote, “Look at this little co-parenting civil slay … proud of u both even tho I disagree.”

The post Kellyanne Conway Defends Ex-Husband Against the Left but Doesn’t Let Him Completely Off the Hook appeared first on The Western Journal.

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