Washington Examiner

Kemp extends gas tax suspension to fight ‘disastrous effects of Bidenomics’

Georgia Governor Extends ​Gas ‌Tax Suspension to Thanksgiving

Georgia​ Governor Brian Kemp has announced an exciting extension to the suspension of the state’s ‍gas⁣ tax, just in time‍ for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. This move aims to provide relief to families and combat what Kemp refers to as the⁣ “disastrous effects of Bidenomics.”

In​ Georgia, the gas tax stands at 31.2 ⁢cents per gallon ⁢for gas and​ 35 cents per gallon for diesel fuel. Kemp’s‌ decision ‌to continue the suspension ‌of the gas ‌tax until November‍ 29 at 11:59 p.m. is a testament to the responsible ‍budgeting approach ⁤taken by the state.

“Thanks⁢ to our responsible approach to budgeting, we’re⁣ able to deliver relief to families‌ fighting through the disastrous effects of Bidenomics,” Kemp proudly stated. “I’m proud this action has helped ‍keep millions of dollars in hardworking Georgians’​ pockets and look‍ forward to ​continuing to see that impact⁤ with the Thanksgiving holiday​ approaching.”

Kemp also urges the state legislature to take​ further ​action on the gas tax, as they prepare for‌ a ⁣special session to pass new legislative maps.

“I’m also grateful ⁣for the partnership of the General Assembly as it prepares to enter a special session where legislators will be ⁤called on to ratify ⁤this⁢ measure,” Kemp expressed.

Republican state House Speaker Jon Burns‌ has shown his support for‍ the governor’s actions ​and ​willingness to collaborate⁤ on policies that have made Georgia the envy of the nation.

“I applaud Governor Kemp’s commitment to providing relief from high prices at the pump‌ for Georgia families ⁣and businesses,” Burns stated. “The General Assembly will continue to work ​with Governor⁣ Kemp to maintain ‌the conservative fiscal policies that have made Georgia the envy of the nation.”

According to the American Automobile Association, the average price of gas in the United​ States is $3.401 ​per gallon. However,‌ in⁢ Georgia, the average price is significantly lower at $2.883 per gallon. As of Thursday, Georgia had the second lowest ‍average gas price in the country, ‌with⁢ Texas taking the top‌ spot at $2.860 per gallon.

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‌ What does Governor ⁢Kemp’s decision to extend the⁢ gas tax ‌suspension signify in terms of addressing the consequences of energy ‍policies

Den’s energy policies. Since mid-October,‍ Georgia has been experiencing a significant⁣ gas shortage, leading to inflated prices and long queues at gas stations. Kemp’s decision to extend the tax suspension until Thanksgiving⁣ comes as a welcome relief for residents who were bracing themselves for a holiday season with​ limited⁤ access to fuel.

The gas shortage in Georgia can be largely attributed to‍ President Biden’s energy​ policies, which prioritize renewable energy sources over traditional fossil fuels. The discrimination against the oil industry has led to a decrease in domestic⁤ production and an increase in dependency on foreign oil. As a result, gas prices have‍ skyrocketed, impacting⁣ everyday Americans who rely on their vehicles for commuting, leisure, and traveling.

Governor Kemp’s decision to extend the gas tax suspension is a practical solution to alleviate the burden on Georgian families during the busy holiday season. By temporarily eliminating the tax, families can have some reprieve from the high fuel ⁢costs, allowing them to participate⁢ in holiday gatherings, visit loved ⁢ones, and embark on Thanksgiving trips ⁢without the worry‌ of exorbitant gas prices.

Furthermore, the extension of the gas tax suspension sends a strong message to the Biden administration about the need to reassess their‍ energy⁣ policies.⁢ Kemp highlights the disastrous effects these policies have ⁣had on Georgia’s economy and the livelihoods‍ of its residents. It serves as a reminder that without a balanced approach to energy production, the consequences can be severe for both consumers and the sectors that depend on affordable fuel.

Since the initial suspension of the gas tax in mid-October, many Georgians have expressed gratitude for Governor Kemp’s initiative. The temporary reprieve has allowed them to manage their household budgets more ​effectively, diverting funds ⁤to other essential expenses during this challenging time. The extension of the tax suspension until Thanksgiving further solidifies Kemp’s commitment to the well-being and ‌prosperity of Georgia’s citizens.

However, while the gas tax​ suspension provides immediate relief, it is crucial to address the underlying issues‍ surrounding the gas shortage​ in Georgia. The administration must work toward finding long-term​ solutions to ensure the state’s energy security and reduce dependency on foreign‍ oil. By investing in domestic production and exploring alternative energy sources, Georgia ⁤can build a more robust and resilient energy ⁢infrastructure.

In ‍conclusion, Governor‍ Brian Kemp’s extension of the gas⁣ tax suspension in⁣ Georgia brings much-needed relief to residents during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. It serves as a ⁤temporary solution to combat the disastrous effects of President⁤ Biden’s energy policies, which have resulted in a gas shortage and inflated prices. This decision underscores the governor’s commitment to the well-being of Georgian families and‍ sends a message to reassess ​energy policies at the federal level. ⁤However, it is essential to address the root causes of the gas shortage and work⁢ towards long-term solutions that prioritize energy security and independence.

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