Washington Examiner

Kevin Sorbo denies being ‘anti-trans’, stating that his book promotes masculinity, bravery, and child advocacy.

Kevin ⁤Sorbo Responds to Accusations ⁤of Anti-Trans ​Children’s Book

Actor Kevin Sorbo is firing back at claims that his new children’s book is “anti-trans,” ⁤dismissing them as ignorant attempts to generate online engagement.

Released earlier this month, Sorbo’s book, The Test of Lionhood, follows the journey of a lion cub named Lucas as he embarks on a daring⁤ quest to find a cure for his sister’s deadly infection. The book was⁤ created by Sorbo to combat the erosion of chivalry and manhood.

When a social media user ​named “Joe My God,” who identifies as a “Soros-paid deep state operative,” accused Sorbo of promoting an “anti-LGBTQ children’s book,” Sorbo ⁤took⁢ to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, to vehemently deny⁣ the allegation.

“Once again, we see the Left resorting to any means necessary⁢ to generate online engagement while attacking Christian conservatives,” Sorbo wrote.⁤ “This⁤ individual has absolutely no understanding of what they’re talking about.”

The accusatory post has‌ since been deleted.

Sorbo, best known for his lead role in Hercules, explained that his book aims​ to ​inspire boys to be courageous and brave in‌ the face of adversity.

The Test of Lionhood is about a humble lion cub discovering the essence of manhood, or rather lionhood,” Sorbo‌ told the Washington Examiner. “It’s about embracing masculinity, and that is an objective truth for men.”

He continued, “The ‌Left wants to twist everything and make it about themselves.‍ Just ‍because I ⁤uphold Christian and conservative principles, they label me as anti-trans. It’s absurd, especially since Hollywood has blacklisted me. My book isn’t⁤ against anyone; it’s pro-masculinity, pro-bravery, and pro-child!”

Sorbo previously expressed his frustration with a “woke” society ‌that ⁣undermines the modern-day ‍man, both in entertainment and ⁣everyday⁢ life.

“Our ⁤movies and TV shows are saturated with sex, violence, and the glorification of evil and antiheroes. It’s bizarre to me,” Sorbo remarked. “We’re raising a generation of men who are constantly seeking reasons to complain and point fingers instead of taking responsibility ⁢for their own failures.”

He added, “We need men to step up⁣ and realize that ⁢God never promised an easy life. We must find ways to overcome hardships because they will always be present. It’s⁣ about facing challenges head-on and taking accountability for ⁣ourselves.”

Click here to read more from the Washington Examiner.

The ​Test of Lionhood is part ⁣of Brave Books’ Freedom Island Book ⁤Club, joining Kirk Cameron’s children’s books. These books are‌ available through the publisher’s book of the month program.

How does the controversy surrounding LGBTQ+ ‍themes in children’s literature relate to Sorbo’s book?

Ary to silence those who disagree with them,” Sorbo wrote in a series​ of tweets. ‍”My book is about teaching children the‍ importance of courage, honor, and selflessness. It has nothing⁢ to do with promoting hate or discrimination.”

Sorbo’s response⁣ comes amidst growing controversy surrounding children’s literature‌ that deals with LGBTQ+ themes. ‌While some argue that such books are essential for promoting inclusivity ​and diversity, others believe that exposing children to such topics at a young age is inappropriate.

“The Test of Lionhood” does ‌not delve into LGBTQ+ issues, ⁣but rather focuses‌ on ‌traditional ⁣values such as bravery and loyalty. Sorbo emphasizes the need to preserve the foundations of morality and virtue in today’s society, especially for young impressionable minds.

Nevertheless, critics of the book have attempted to label it as anti-trans based on Sorbo’s political beliefs and support for conservative causes. They argue that by depicting traditional gender roles and emphasizing the importance of embracing one’s true nature, the book‍ is inherently‍ discriminatory. However, Sorbo contends that his intention is‍ simply to encourage ⁣children to embrace‌ their individual strengths⁤ and overcome adversity.

“My book is neither anti-trans nor anti-LGBTQ,” Sorbo asserted in an interview ‍with a ​prominent conservative news outlet. “It is a story about resilience and the power of familial love. You don’t have to ‌agree with me politically to appreciate the message of hope and bravery that ‌it‌ conveys.”

Despite the backlash, Sorbo remains steadfast in his belief that children’s literature​ should continue to promote traditional values. He argues that through stories like “The Test of Lionhood,” children⁢ can learn​ valuable lessons about honor, integrity, and‍ the importance of family.

“I am committed to providing young readers with stories that inspire and empower them,” ‌Sorbo stated. “In⁤ a world that often seems devoid of morality, it is more‍ important than ever to instill these timeless values in our youth.”

As the debate over children’s literature and its impact on young ‍minds continues, Kevin ‌Sorbo⁣ remains resolute in his defense of “The Test of Lionhood.” Despite claims of being anti-trans, Sorbo maintains that his book carries an uplifting and positive ⁤message‌ that transcends ⁢political ideologies. Whether ‌or not readers agree ‍with Sorbo’s worldview, his dedication‍ to creating literature that fosters moral development and resilience in children is​ a cause worth considering.

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