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KJP’s stance on prioritizing Biden Admin’s goals evident as they deflect anti-Semitism query to advocate for Muslims.

KJP Makes Biden Admin Priorities ‌Very Clear by Ignoring⁣ Anti-Semitism Question to Launch Defense‌ of Muslims

When White House press⁣ secretary Karine Jean-Pierre fielded a question Monday ⁢about the Biden ⁣administration’s ⁤concerns over⁢ rising anti-Semitism, the answer said more than⁤ Democrats want Americans⁢ to know.

It was in her body‍ language. It ‍was in her words.

And, ⁤most of all, ​it was in what ⁢she⁢ didn’t‌ say.

The question ⁢came midway ​through the day’s ‌White House news briefing, as​ the transcript shows, when Jean-Pierre⁣ was ⁤asked very specifically about President‌ Joe Biden’s “level of concern right‍ now about the potential rise of anti-Seemitism⁣ in light​ of everything that’s going on in Israel?”

There are a couple of things worth noticing here.

First, Jean-Pierre’s body language during​ the question betrayed an indifference bordering on disrespect.

There was a noticeable grimace at​ the word “anti-Semitism” and‍ her⁣ head started nodding before the ​question was even‌ finished. She looked like a sullen‍ teenager getting asked about ‍her⁤ homework.

Check out the video here:

Second,⁣ it doesn’t take a trained observer to note the words “anti-Semitism” and “Israel” are fairly ‌prominent in there. It’s⁣ also ⁢fairly obvious the word “Muslim”​ is ⁤not.

But guess where⁢ Jean-Pierre ⁢decided to put⁤ the​ focus ‌of her answer?

“So, a couple‌ of things,” she said. ⁤“Look, we have not seen any credible threats.‌  I know there’s been always questions ​about ‍credible threats.  And so, just want to make sure ‍that that’s out there.

“But, look, Muslim and those perceived to be Muslim⁣ have endured a disproportionate number of hate-fueled attacks. And certainly President Biden understands that ​many of our​ Muslim, Arab⁢ — Arab — Arab Americans and Palestinian⁢ American⁣ loved ones and neighbors are worried about the hate ⁣being directed at their‌ communities. And that is something you heard the ‌President speak to in his — in his address just last — last ‌Thursday.”

She finally got around to mentioning the word “Jewish” in the next sentence, but ⁤only in ⁣the context of “emerging threats that could harm the ⁢Jewish, the⁢ Muslim, Arab Americans or — ⁣or any ⁢other communities.”

In other words, in the ‌aftermath of⁣ the ‌Oct. 7 massacre of more than 1,000 Israeli Jews by Islamist savages — in scenes that recall some of ⁤the darkest days of the Holocaust — and at a ‍time when⁢ Americans have ⁤watched leftists pour⁣ into the streets of major cities and on college campuses to celebrate and​ defend the perpetrators of that massacre, the Biden White House sees no “credible threat” to Jews. And, frankly, can’t even be bothered to mention​ them without talking about Muslims ​and ⁤Arab Americans at the same time.

As for the potential for hate crimes or threats against Muslims being “disproportionate,” as ⁣KJP put it (using Democrats’ favorite buzzword), last year, President Joe ⁤Biden himself noted Justice Department statistics that showed anti-Semitic hate crimes made up more than 50 percent of hate crimes recorded‌ by the federal government.

In March, ⁤ CNN reported that hate crimes driven by anti-Semitism were at their highest⁣ point in the half-century since the 1970s.

For perspective, Jews make up about 2.4 percent ​of ⁤the adult population in the U.S., according to ​ Pew Research. When 2 ⁤percent of​ the population is the ⁣target of more than 50 percent of crimes driven by religion — and the number keeps rising — it’s fair to say there’s a credible threat.

Posted to the social media platform X by the Republican National Committee’s​ RNCResearch ‌account, the video drew⁢ plenty of reactions, from amazement to disgust:

One social​ media user — whose account ⁤indicates a considerable sympathy for the Palestinian cause and a ‌dislike of Israel — pointed out ⁣that “Arabs are ⁤Semite,” as though to argue that’s how‌ KJP took the question.

Even if that’s technically true, it’s nonsense on stilts to claim that anyone ⁣in the United States in ⁣October 2023 doesn’t understand‌ that the word “anti-Semitism” is a description of anti-Jewish​ attitudes and behaviors.

And KJP has to​ understand the world well. After all,⁤ it’s the more radical elements of the Democratic Party that are the most anti-Semitic voices in American politics today — shrews like Rashida ‍Tlaib ​and Ilhan Omar, for ⁣instance.

Even ⁣Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida ​pointed out how insipid Jean-Pierre’s⁤ response ​was, and provided the kind of boilerplate answer ‌KJP ⁢could‍ have offered without even trying:

She didn’t say that, though. And‌ the point is, she didn’t try. She didn’t even make the kind of half-hearted⁢ response that would indicated the administration was at least giving half-hearted consideration to⁣ the question.

The sad⁤ fact is, the Democratic Party, ⁢which ⁣has ⁣long benefited from the support of Jewish voters⁣ and the donations of Jewish backers, is the political platform ‌for anti-Semitism in the U.S.⁢ today.

Is the modern Democratic Party anti-Semitic?

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And Democrats don’t⁤ want the rest of America to know it. Given Biden’s political weaknesses, they can’t afford​ to.

When KJP didn’t answer the obvious⁤ intent of that ⁢reporter’s question on‌ Monday, when she diverted​ attention to a⁤ completely different issue, to a different religion, and to a different ethnic group, she made the Biden White House ‍priorities​ clear.

And it’s what ⁣she didn’t say that said⁢ it all.

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The post KJP ​Makes Biden Admin Priorities Very Clear by⁣ Ignoring Anti-Semitism Question to Launch ‍Defense of Muslims appeared first on The Western Journal.

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