Conservative News Daily

Kremlin reacts to claims of Putin’s convulsions during medical crisis.

Kremlin Responds ‍to Reports‌ Putin Was Found Convulsing ‍on⁣ the Floor Amid Medical Emergency

The Kremlin is denying ⁢reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin ​suffered a serious medical episode this week and⁣ was found on⁤ the floor of his bedroom.

Sky ⁣News Australia, citing a⁣ Telegram post by a group called​ General‍ SVR claiming to have ⁤classified intelligence on Putin’s‌ health,⁤ reported Monday that he had collapsed​ in‍ his bedroom on Sunday evening.

Other Western news outlets — ⁤including⁢ the U.K.’s Express and Mirror — also reported the claims from General SVR.

Putin, 71, suffered from cardiac arrest and fell to the floor, alerting his⁢ security‍ team, the group said.

Sky News reported Putin was​ allegedly found in‌ the room “convulsively‍ arched while lying ⁤on the floor, rolling his eyes.”

“The ​doctors, who were on duty at the residence in one of the adjacent⁤ rooms, were immediately called,” General SVR ⁤said, according to the report.‌ “Doctors performed resuscitation, having previously determined that the president was in cardiac arrest.

“Help was provided on time, the heart was started, and Putin ​regained consciousness.”

The group said the Russian leader’s inner⁤ circle fears⁣ he is on the “brink of ⁢death,” according to Sky News.

But according to the Kremlin, the report is false.

It also attempted​ to dispel rumors that‍ Putin, whose ⁣health has been questioned, has been staying out of ​sight and using a body double.

“Everything ⁣is fine⁢ with him, this is absolutely ‍another fake,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on a Russian Telegram channel in reference to the report‍ Putin suffered ​a health episode, Reuters reported.

Peskov ⁣also said claims that Putin has used a body double ⁣have made him “smile.”

“This​ belongs to the category of absurd⁤ information‌ hoaxes that ​a whole series of media discuss with enviable ​tenacity,” ‍he said. “This evokes nothing but a smile.”

As Newsweek noted, since Russia’s​ 2022 invasion of Ukraine, rumors about Putin’s‍ health have⁤ been plentiful but not confirmed.

The ⁤leader has‍ been said to have suffered from ailments from terminal cancer to Parkinson’s disease.

Russian officials have denied claims Putin is‍ struggling at⁣ every ⁤turn — including a report last winter, also courtesy of General SVR, that the Russian leader fell down a flight of stairs ​and soiled himself.

One intelligence expert told Newsweek in February that he believes reports of Putin’s apparent coming death might be a product of “wishful thinking.”

“I’m deeply skeptical that Putin has some health problems likely ‍to lead to his⁤ imminent death or incapacitation,” said Mark Galeotti of the London-based consultant⁤ firm Mayak Intelligence.

“There is a great deal of rumor, propaganda and wishful thinking in play,” Galeotti said.

A Note from Our Deputy‍ Managing Editor:

What if you woke up⁣ one morning and half of the people you count on had just ⁤vanished overnight?

That happened ⁣to me recently. I got⁢ up, came to work here at The Western Journal, and when‌ I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished.‍ They were just gone. We had been‍ nuked by Facebook, ⁢and it had happened ‍almost instantly.

But it was even worse.‍ Facebook hit us at the same time ⁤90 percent of advertisers had essentially boycotted us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

The fight for the truth is brutal. The fight⁢ for America’s soul ⁣is brutal. What​ the government is doing to Jan. ‌6 detainees is brutal.⁣ What surgeons are⁣ doing to confused⁢ children is brutal.

It’s a fight we‍ must win. But we can’t win without you.

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Can I count⁣ on⁢ you to subscribe today? We need⁤ your help. Benjamin Franklin summed ‍up the situation we’re all facing when ‍he said, “We ​must ‍all hang together, or, ⁣most assuredly, we shall all hang​ separately.”

We plan to hang in and fight. Please help us. Please subscribe today.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The ⁣Western Journal

The post ⁣ Kremlin Responds to Reports⁢ Putin Was Found Convulsing on the Floor Amid Medical‍ Emergency ‍appeared ‌first on ‌ The Western Journal.

What are the challenges faced by ⁣conservative voices and ‍news outlets due to‍ “Big Tech censorship”?

E that Google was also punishing us in their search results. So ⁤not only ⁢were ‍we cut off from half of our audience on social media, but ⁢our organic traffic from ‍search engines also took a major hit.

I couldn’t believe it. How could this happen?⁢ How could we lose so much visibility and reach overnight?

It turns ⁣out, we were ⁣victims of what many refer to as “Big Tech‌ censorship.” It’s a growing problem that affects not only us, but countless other conservative voices and news outlets​ as well.

But how did it come to this? How did we reach a point where a ⁤handful of powerful tech companies have ⁣the⁢ ability to silence and suppress voices they disagree with?

Well, let me give you a little background. In recent years, there has been ​a trend of​ increased control and influence by Big Tech companies over the flow of information online. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google have become ‌the gatekeepers⁢ of news and content, ‍deciding what is allowed ⁣to be⁣ seen and heard, and what is ⁢not.

At ‌first, this may not seem like a big deal. After⁤ all, these are private‍ companies and⁤ they have the right ‌to moderate their platforms as⁤ they see fit. But the problem lies in the fact that these companies have essentially ‍become ‍monopolies, ⁢with unprecedented control and influence over the digital landscape.

And with that control, they have the power‌ to shape public opinion, control narratives,‍ and manipulate the information we see. They ​can promote certain viewpoints and suppress ⁤others, effectively deciding what is true and what⁣ is not.

That’s a dangerous amount of power to be​ concentrated ⁢in the ‌hands of just a few individuals. It ⁢goes against the principles of ⁤free​ speech and⁢ open exchange of ideas that ​are the foundation‌ of a healthy democracy.

So what can⁢ be done about it? Well, there are a few ​options. One ⁤is to regulate these tech giants more heavily, imposing stricter rules and oversight ​to ensure that they are not ‌abusing their power. This could include‍ measures⁣ to protect free speech and prevent censorship.

Another option is to promote competition and diversify the‍ digital marketplace. By‌ breaking up⁤ these ‌monopolies ​and encouraging the emergence of new platforms, we can reduce​ the power of ‌Big Tech and create ⁤a more level playing field.

Finally, we as⁤ individuals can ​take action as well. We can be more discerning in our consumption⁣ of news and information, seeking out diverse viewpoints and supporting independent media outlets. We ⁤can ‌also take steps to​ protect our privacy online and ⁢reduce‍ our ⁢reliance on these platforms.

Ultimately, the fight against Big Tech⁤ censorship is a battle for the future of free speech and democracy. It’s a battle that‍ we⁢ must not shy ⁢away from, for the sake of ourselves and future generations.

And as‌ for us here at The Western Journal, we’re not ‌giving up. ‌We’re going to keep fighting, keep telling the⁤ truth, and keep standing up for the principles that make ‍this country‌ great.

Because we believe that ⁢a free and ‍open society⁣ depends on it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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