Washington Examiner

Kushner family donates generously to Chris Christie’s campaign.

A Family Feud: Christie vs. Kushner

A years-long feud between Chris Christie and Jared Kushner just got a‌ little messier.

Kushner’s estranged aunt and uncle have once again ‌opened up their wallets and given the maximum amount allowed under federal law in a presidential primary‌ to the former New Jersey governor. The $6,600 ($3,300 each) political donation from Murray and Lee Kushner is likely to⁢ add fuel to an epic family fight that’s involved fraud allegations,⁣ tax evasion, ⁣and a‍ twisted revenge plot ​that landed Kushner’s father, Charles,⁤ in prison for ​14 months.

A Scandalous Scheme

Christie, a former U.S. attorney, prosecuted Charles ⁢Kushner over his involvement in a scandalous scheme⁤ that he called “one of the most loathsome, disgusting⁤ crimes” he had ⁤ever prosecuted.

“Mr. Kushner pled guilty. He‌ admitted the crimes,” Christie told PBS ⁣last year. “So what am I supposed to ‍do as a prosecutor? I mean, if ⁣a guy hires a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, and videotapes it, and then sends the videotape to his sister to attempt to intimidate her from testifying before a grand jury, do I really need any more justification than that?”

Charles Kushner pleaded guilty in 2004 to 18 counts including tax evasion and witness tampering. He also admitted to hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law and then sending the video to his sister. He was sentenced⁤ in 2005 to two​ years in prison ​— ​the most he could get under his ⁢plea deal. He‌ served 14 months at a federal prison camp⁣ in Alabama before being sent to a halfway⁢ house in New Jersey⁢ to⁢ complete his sentence.

Charles Kushner’s relationship‌ with his siblings has been fractured ever ‌since.

A Surprising Donation

Micah Rasmussen, director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey ⁢Politics at​ Rider University, told Politico‌ he​ was surprised‍ by the‌ donation to ‌Christie’s campaign.

“Given⁤ the family connections to the Trump White House, it is really just unbelievable,” he said.

Former President Donald Trump tapped Christie to lead his 2016 ‌White House transition team but reversed course after his ​son-in-law ‌allegedly intervened. Christie ⁣called the move a retaliatory “hit job” in ⁣his 2019 book, “Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics.”

Trump pardoned Charles Kushner in December 2020. The White House cited the elder ⁣Kushner’s charitable work ​since he completed his ⁢prison ⁢sentence in 2006 as justification for clemency.

“The⁤ record of reform and charity overshadows Mr. Kushner’s conviction and 2-year sentence for preparing false tax returns, witness retaliation, and making false ⁣statements” to‍ the Federal Election Commission, the ⁣White House said.

Christie’s Presidential Bid

Christie announced his 2024 presidential bid in June at a town hall in New Hampshire. The state has embraced its “first in the‍ nation” ​status ⁣for a‌ presidential primary election in the GOP​ calendar and Christie has spent a⁣ significant amount of time there.

“I intend to seek the ​Republican nomination for president of the ‍United States in 2024 and I want your support,” he said at the conclusion of a ‌lengthy speech focused on character ⁣and history at St. Anselm College in ⁢Manchester, New ⁢Hampshire.

Christie ‌ran for president⁤ in 2016, pitching himself as a‍ no-nonsense candidate who would “tell it like ‌it is.” He ⁣dropped⁣ out after his sixth-place ​showing in New Hampshire.

A recent Granite State ‌Poll showed Christie fourth among a slate of GOP candidates, and more than 30 points behind Trump.

Christie told ​USA Today that he ​wasn’t worried about his lagging numbers and ⁢predicted he would leave the January primary⁣ a⁢ winner.

“And everyone will be completely shocked,” he told the news ⁤outlet, adding that polls leading up to the primary wouldn’t be an accurate reflection of how he performs.

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