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Lady Ballers’ wows with 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, amassing 1,000+ reviews in under 24 hours

Highly ​Acclaimed Comedy “Lady Ballers” Receives ‍Rave Reviews on Rotten⁤ Tomatoes

Less than 24⁢ hours since⁢ the online premiere of the DailyWire+ comedy “Lady Ballers,” the film has already garnered over 1,000⁢ audience scores on the popular review site Rotten Tomatoes, ⁣boasting⁣ an impressive average rating of 97%.

The movie​ follows the story of Rob, a former high school basketball coach played by Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing, who is determined to win at any cost. In a hilarious twist, Rob teaches his team of men radical modern gender theory, leading them⁢ to identify as women and dominate women’s ​sports.

One⁢ enthusiastic review exclaims, “Not every day you see something original and fresh. Haven’t laughed this much in a long time. Highly recommended!” Another praises the film’s boldness, stating,​ “Loved it! Funny and original; this movie does what others ‍don’t⁣ have the balls to do!”

Interestingly,‍ out of the 1,000+ audience reviews, only⁢ six are currently ‌visible ‌on the site. Three of these reviews express concerns about ‌the movie being‌ “transphobic” and filled with “hatred.”

The Daily Wire has reached out to Rotten Tomatoes​ regarding this issue but has yet to receive a response.

Screenshot: Rotten Tomatoes

In addition, some social media users have reported ​difficulties in leaving reviews on the site. One person speculates,⁤ “[Rotten Tomatoes] doesn’t⁤ like us leaving positive ⁢reviews of ⁣#LadyBallers, so it’s resorted to preventing us⁤ from ⁤submitting them due ⁤to a ‍’technical glitch.'”

A screenshot of the issue shows a note from Rotten Tomatoes stating, “We had​ trouble submitting your review. It’s not you, it’s us. You might have better‌ luck if ‌you try again in a minute.”


Another user shares their frustration, ‍stating that they attempted to leave a ‌review five⁣ times‌ but⁣ were⁤ unsuccessful.

Film critic​ and founder of, Christian Toto, reveals that Rotten Tomatoes‌ has been actively​ removing reviews that⁢ were posted before the movie’s official premiere. He commends the site for taking action against review ​bombing, stating, “Rotten Tomatoes, to its⁤ credit, ⁣just wiped out ​those reviews knowing the film isn’t‍ available ⁣yet for streaming.”

One of the​ early one-star reviews highlighted by Toto bluntly states ‍that the “reviewer” did not watch the film and has no intention of doing so, claiming the movie is inherently transphobic.

Related: ‘A Fresh Return To Humor,’ ‘Loved Every Second’: Thousands Of Rave Reviews Roll In For ‘Lady Ballers’

What is⁢ the ⁤average rating of “Lady Ballers” on Rotten Tomatoes based on over 1,000 audience scores?

The recently released comedy film “Lady ‌Ballers” is already receiving rave reviews ⁤on the popular ⁣review site Rotten ‌Tomatoes.⁤ Within less than 24 hours of its online premiere on DailyWire+, ⁢the⁢ movie has​ garnered over⁣ 1,000 audience scores, boasting an impressive average rating of 97%.

“Lady Ballers” follows the story of Rob, portrayed ‌by Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing, a former high school‌ basketball coach who is determined to win at⁣ any cost. In a ⁣hilarious twist, Rob teaches his team of men radical modern gender theory, leading them to identify as‌ women and‍ dominate women’s ⁢sports.

Enthusiastic viewers have ⁢described ‍the film as original, fresh, and highly recommended, noting that they haven’t laughed so much in a long time. Many appreciate the boldness of the movie, emphasizing that it does what others are ⁣afraid ‌to do.

However, out of the 1,000+ audience reviews, only six are currently​ visible on the site. Three⁢ of these reviews express​ concerns ‌about the movie being ​transphobic and⁤ filled with hatred. The ⁢Daily Wire has​ made an ‌effort⁤ to address ​this issue by reaching out to Rotten Tomatoes, but they have yet to ​receive a response.

Additionally, some ​social media users have ‌reported difficulties in leaving reviews on the site. They speculate that Rotten Tomatoes may be preventing⁢ positive reviews of‍ “Lady ⁤Ballers” ⁢from being submitted due to a supposed technical glitch. A screenshot of the issue ⁤shows a​ note from Rotten Tomatoes apologizing ‍for the trouble⁤ and suggesting⁤ that users try again in a minute.

These​ challenges in accessing⁣ and⁣ sharing positive reviews have undoubtedly sparked further ⁢interest in “Lady ​Ballers” and raised ⁤questions about⁢ Rotten ⁢Tomatoes’ handling of ‍audience feedback.

For those eager⁤ to watch ⁣”Lady Ballers,” they can visit the DailyWire+ website for a chance to enjoy this ‌highly acclaimed ⁣comedy.

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