Larry Elder and Rose McGowan criticize Newsom, media

Conservative talk show host and gubernatorial recall candidate Larry Elder speaks during a press conference on September 12, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by APU GOMES/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:48 PM PT – Sunday, September 12, 2021

As California’s gubernatorial candidates gear up for the upcoming recall election, Larry Elder held a press conference with actress and activist Rose McGowan in Los Angeles. Prior to the “Yes on Recall” event on Sunday, Elder tweeted he looked forward to standing with McGowan as they “join forces on behalf of all Californians” to hold the states failed leaders accountable.

McGowan took the podium first and stressed to the crowd that Elder is the better candidate. McGowan also stressed how she is no longer a Democrat. She then turned the microphone over to Elder who first discussed school choice, noting how former President Barack Obama and his children “never set foot in a public school.”

“My point is, the Democratic Party has been the principle obstacle towards urban kids getting the first step towards getting to the middle class. Which according to the Brookings Institution, which is the left wing think tank, means at least finish high school,” stated Elder.

Elder continued with how he’s been questioned on the results of the 2020 presidential election, saying “just once” he’d like someone to ask Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) if he respects the results of the 2016 election.

The conservative radio host wanted to discuss the media’s latest coverage of his campaign, highlighting the hypocrisy and double standard. He criticized the media for not reporting more on his recent attack where he was assaulted by a woman wearing a gorilla mask in Venice.

The Republican said the story would have been seen on international headlines if he were a Democrat and believes the attack would even be labeled as a hate crime.

McGowan also discussed her allegations against Newsom’s wife, recalling a phone call where she asked McGowan what could be done to make her happy regarding the Harvey Weinstein claims of sexual abuses. Elder commented saying if this “bombshell” news were about him, it would be discussed until the end of his campaign. McGowan said she sent Politico screenshots of the emails that followed the call on Sunday.

In the meantime, if the embattled governor is ousted on Sept. 14, Elder remains the leading Republican candidate among Californians.

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