The bongino report

Larry O’Connor: A “Botched Abortion” Is the Birth of a Child

All 210 Democrats in Congress voted earlier this week to allow infants to die from neglect and indifference in the first few hours after birth.  Hakeem Jeffries’ Democrat caucus affirmed that mothers and doctors shouldn’t be required to give medical attention to newborns. “survivor” After a “so-called “botched abortion”.

A “botched abortion.”

For a moment, think about this term. What happens when you “botch” What is an abortion? What happens if a “botched abortion”? What happens if an abortion is cancelled? “wrong”?

A baby is born. A baby is born alive. 

A “botched abortion” Also known as “child birth”.

The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” The House approved the measure by a vote 220 to210. However, it will likely never be considered in Chuck Schumer’s senate. Schumer, as every other Democrat at this level, is dependent on the evil ideology that assigns value only to a nascent human being’s life. “birthing person” Participating in the conception of this life determines whether he or she should live. 

“Pure unadulterated evil,” This is Dr. Ben Carson’s description of the Democrats’ lockstep vote to me on O’Connor & Company in Washington D.C. 

“I suspect some of those people who voted in that direction,” Carson continued, “if you actually sat down and talked to them and had a real conversation, they really don’t believe that and they really wouldn’t go along with it but you know the consequences to them for not going along with the masses are so severe most of them don’t have the courage to do that.”

Indeed, supervillain Jerry Nadler (Democrat leader representing Dante’s 5th ring in Hell), apparently explained his Satanic vote to Dante by claiming that hospitalization of the newborn baby who has just survived attempted murder would prove dangerous… for him!

“The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital,” Nadler grunts through his blood-dripped fangs. 

I suppose he deserves credit for acknowledging the infant nature of the subject. “clump of cells.”

Jan Schakowsky, Nadler’s accomplice, said that the requirement to immediately hospitalize an infant after surviving an abortion was an additional requirement. “could be detrimental to the life of that baby.” 

It’s amazing that they care so much about protecting innocent, poor babies.  Too bad they don’t want to ban the abortion procedure the baby in question survived miraculously… the one that was intended to end the baby’s life in the most horrific way possible.

Yes, make no mistake… Democrats voted against medical treatment for newborn infants. Their only concern is protecting babies.  Nancy Pelosi, along with pro-abortion coworkers, tweeted how proud she was to vote for babies to be killed at the hospital. 

It’s amazing how the article doesn’t mention saving babies… but it is an attack on MAGA Republicans, her friends’ dedication to. “access to abortion care.”

Access to abortion and women’s reproductive rights and pro-choice… Democrats resort to euphemisms every day to excuse their morally incoherent position. It is hard to forget the difficult situation one finds themselves in when it comes to not providing medical care to a newborn infant who has survived the horrifying attempts to kill its life. 

Let’s not fall for their euphemism trap!  Let’s not use the “botched abortion” phrase.  It is the successful birth of a child. 

And Democrats unanimously voted to allow those newborns to die without any medical care.

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