The bongino report

Larry O’Connor: Biden’s Damnable Lies About Catholicism

Joe Biden may be putting his soul at stake by championing abortion rights and other policies that go against Catholic Church dogmas. It’s a completely different matter when he misrepresents Catholic Church teachings on such issues, misleading potentially millions Catholics into thinking that they can ignore the Church and still be Catholics of good standing. 

Make no mistake: Joe Biden keeps repeating that he is a Catholic devout Catholic (a statement that he and his communications staff repeat over and over like it’s more of an advertising slogan than a description or faith) and he is trying to position himself as a lay-spokesman of what the Church stands for. 

He is making a devilish bargain when he uses religion as a political tool. Biden, inspired by the Kennedy brothers of the 1960s, has used the dirty dogmas and identity politics to secure the Catholic vote. This is the same way that politicians cynically view locking down the black vote or Latino vote or any other ethnic group that could be easily exploited by a cynical political partisan. 

Biden was looking at the Catholic vote as another ethnic group, mainly made up of politically active Irish Democrats and Italian Democrats along East coast. If you invoke Kennedys and speak about your Catholic faith, you will get the Knights of Columbus working for your campaign.

However, he is an American representative of the Church because he professes his Catholic faith. He is also guilty of leading others to their salvation by misrepresenting some fundamental dogmas.

Biden’s latest disinformation offensive was launched when he angrily corrected questions about the US bishop regarding funding abortion.

He attempted to shout down a reporter for questioning his knowledge of Church teachings. He behaved like a bully, shouting out a complete lie and even inviting the Pope to join the conversation. 

American Catholics, who did not waste any time, deserve credit A statement is issued clarifying the record. Biden’s lies are exposed by clarifying the record. 

This teaching has been consistent and clear from the Catholic Church. The Catholic bishops in the United States share a common commitment to life. They will continue to work together in Christ for making abortion impossible. Pope Francis, the Holy Father, said that: ‘It is not right to ‘do away with’ A human being can be used to solve any problem, no matter how small. It is like hiring a hitman.’ Taxpayer funding of abortion would force people of good conscience to participate in this grave evil against their will. This would violate our rights to live in harmony with the beliefs of our faith. This is not the way of our nation. I pray we will all protect each child, no matter their age, and that our hearts will open to mothers in dire need of love and support.

This is not just about a. “fact check” The lies of politicians. Let’s face facts, we are used to Biden lying. He does it every day. It’s what he has done for the majority of his 50-year political career.

Let’s be clear: he isn’t lying to pretend to be Catholic. He lies so that he can cover for all Catholic Democrats who are unhappy with their party’s position regarding abortion. American Catholics must realize the grave sin of supporting Democrats that actively promote abortion-on-demand. If they do, a lot more Democrat votes will disappear overnight. Democrats like Biden cannot have that. They only care about votes. They are willing to lie about the doctrine of the Church in order to secure nominal Catholics who vote Democrat despite being against abortion.

That’s American politics. To win the election, say what you want. 

Biden’s lies regarding abortion are far more sinister than any politician trying to pretend he is one of the group. This isn’t just Hillary Clinton saying that she loves the Yankees, despite having been a Cubs fan her whole life. 

Biden’s lies regarding the Catholic faith, doctrine and faith have far more serious consequences. Innocent Catholics who don’t know better are much more affected by his lies about the Catholic faith.

Biden’s corrupt misrepresentation Catholic teaching will bring those Catholic Democrats who didn’t vote Republican because they had a picture with John Kennedy next to Jesus Christ at their doorway to eternal damnation.

The American bishops are not as open-minded as this column. They have to. They fear that by using the faith to support political ends, they will lose more souls. They are afraid of losing the support of fence Catholics who believe the bishops have chosen sides in American politics by telling the truth about Joe Biden’s misrepresentations regarding the faith.

That’s a real concern. I also recognize the danger. However, it is not the fault of the bishop that they have been placed in this situation; it is Biden’s.

He is leading un-catechized Catholics further than the devil by constantly proclaiming his devoutness and simultaneously proclaiming that the Church is fine with his bloodlust to abort. 

The bishops are now free to repeat it as is. 

Joe Biden appears to be in a state of despair, but that’s not a reason for him to drag so many million Americans down with him. 

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