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Larry O’Connor: Mark Houck’s Arrest Shows Just How Corrupt the Biden-Garland Justice Department Is

Remember how we have always stated that the FBI and Justice Department can abuse their power to infringe the rights of the president, just as they could do it to any other person?

Well, meet Mark Houck.

Mark Houck was praying before an abortion factory of Planned Parenthood in Philadelphia. His 12-year-old son was watching him as he ran his business from a sidewalk in the city. He was then the victim of one of most egregious abuses of power in Department of Justice history.

After the Russian collusion hoax, and the FBI’s ongoing investigation of parents for being domestic terrorists complaining to their local school boards as a Russian hoax, it would be absurd to think that there could be an even more flagrant abuse of power or government intimidation against innocent American citizens. We are here, unfortunately.

Bruce Love, a volunteer for Planned Parenthood, went out of his ways to confront Mr. Houck as he was praying for those who were considering ending the lives of their unborn child’s. Love approached Mr. Houck with his 12-year old son and began verbally belittling him. Again, this was on a public sidewalk. Mr. Houck was exercising his First Amendment freedom to speak and to freely exercise his religion.

After being abused verbally by Mr. Love in vile, deplorable and unrepeatable language, Mr. Houck did as any father would. To clear Mr. Love from his personal space, he extended his arms towards his chest with both hands.

Mr. Love executed then a flop onto the sidewalk, a move that reminded me of LeBron James drawing a charging foul during an NBA game.

And there it was – a so-called physical assault that literally became a federal case under Joe Biden and Merrick Garland’s rogue Justice Department.

In October last year, FBI agents broke into Mr. Houck’s house and took him away at gunpoint. In case you feel that something is missing or you have to read through the paragraphs again to ensure you don’t forget anything, I assure you that you did not. The whole incident that led up to the armed raid on Mr. Houck’s house was nothing more than a schoolyard shove.

It is important to recognize the Philadelphia Police Department’s refusal to bring charges against Houck in order for one understand how corrupt Biden’s Justice Department is. Love tried to have physical assault charges against his attacker, but the District Attorney and Philly cops laughed him out of their room.

Merrick Garland and Joe Biden had to placate their bloodthirsty pro abortion funding base. The FBI was dispatched and Houck was charged federally with a warped interpretation of the FACE Act.

What is FACE? The FACE act was established in the 1990s in response to violent incidents in which pro-life protesters tried to physically disrupt abortion providers and individuals trying to get an abortion.

Watching the video of the confrontation between Mr. Love & Mr. Houck will make you laugh and denigrate the idea that this is covered by the FACE Act. That is exactly what a jury did to Mr. Garland’s federal prosecutor. They gave justice and truth to Mr. Houck a complete, unambiguous victory over the feds.

The FBI armed raid on Mr. Houck and the federal prosecution of him were not about the law, justice or truth. It was all about scaring you.

This is what Joe Biden’s Justice Department turned into. A terror factory designed to intimidate everyday Americans from exercising their constitutional rights, if they disrupt the far-left agenda of Biden and his party.

Are you willing to kneel in front a abortion mill and say the rosary? Prepare to have your children traumatized by an early-morning arrest at gunpoint.

Do you want to challenge the school board members for their horrendous policies? You will be treated like a terrorist.

Not everyone can get involved in civic life. Not everyone has the courage and will to speak up. Not everyone has the guts to stand up against a local or federal government that does not respect their constitutional rights.

If you are that person. You can quietly pray if you are brave enough to speak up for the unborn. If you are brave enough to attend a Tuesday night at the dead of Winter to speak with your local elected officials about your child’s education. If you’re that guy…Joe Biden and Merrick Garland see you as a problem. They view you as a criminal.

With their shameful fake collusion investigation, they have violated President Trump’s civil rights. They can also do it to me.

I hope that Mr. Houck will be their star witness as Jim Jordan and the Judiciary Committee of the House investigate the weaponization by the federal government against ordinary Americans. It’s Exhibit A for everything that’s gone wrong.

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