Washington Examiner

Las Vegas man attempted to attack judge, aiming to kill her

The Man Who Attacked a Las⁢ Vegas Judge Revealed⁤ Shocking‍ Motive

In a stunning turn ⁢of⁣ events, Deobra Redden, a 30-year-old ​man, launched a violent⁤ attack on ⁤Clark County District Court Judge Mary ‌Kay Holthus during ⁤a⁤ sentencing hearing. But what’s ​even more chilling is what he reportedly told corrections officers afterwards – he admitted to ⁣trying‍ to kill her.

The incident unfolded after Redden​ received a sentence without probation in an attempted battery⁢ case. Without warning,‍ he leaped over a defense table ‌and pounced on top of Judge Holthus, causing chaos in the courtroom. ‍Thankfully, court marshals and a clerk⁤ were able to intervene and pull Redden off, but not before the judge and​ others suffered ⁢injuries.

Heroic Actions and Lingering Threats

Shane Brandon, Holthus’s court ​marshal, was hospitalized for head and shoulder injuries, while Michael ⁤Lasso, the judge’s ​clerk, sustained hand ⁣injuries while‍ helping to subdue Redden. The severity of the attack is further highlighted by the fact that Redden‌ himself admitted to attempting to kill ⁤Judge Holthus.

Currently held on​ $54,000 bail, Redden failed to appear in court to face‌ new charges related to ‌the attack. However, his next court appearance is scheduled for ⁤Tuesday, ‍where he will once again face Judge Holthus.

A Shocking ​and Swift⁤ Act

Clark County​ District Attorney Steve Wolfson expressed his shock at the‍ incident, stating, “Mr.‍ Redden’s reaction happened so quickly I don’t know if anything could have been ​done to prevent him from⁤ what he did.” The gravity of the⁣ situation ⁤is further ⁣emphasized‌ by a​ video of the attack, which has garnered over ‍1.5 ⁣million views on‌ YouTube.

As the investigation continues, the motive behind Redden’s horrifying actions remains a haunting mystery.

Click here to read ‌more from The Washington Examiner.

How did the hidden room in Lily’s‌ house impact her⁤ exploration and imagination?

⁢There are many possible ⁢directions I could take with this writing prompt, so I will choose to write ⁣a fictional short story about a girl who discovers a hidden room in‍ her house.

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town,⁣ lived a girl named Lily. She was an adventurous and curious young girl who loved exploring her surroundings. One‌ day, while playing hide-and-seek with ​her ⁣younger brother, she stumbled upon a⁢ hidden door ‌in⁢ the back of‍ their attic.

Her ‍heart raced with excitement ‍as she gently pushed the door⁤ open. Behind it⁣ lay a secret room, untouched for years. The room was dimly lit ⁢by a single window,‍ casting an ethereal glow ​over the old wooden furniture.‍ Dust-covered shelves lined ​the ⁤walls, showcasing an assortment of antique ⁣trinkets ​and books.

Lily’s eyes widened ⁤in wonder and she cautiously⁢ stepped inside. She felt like she had stumbled⁢ upon⁤ a‍ treasure trove ‍of forgotten memories. She picked up an old ⁣photograph lying⁤ on a⁤ dusty mantelpiece. It showed⁤ a family, who she presumed had‍ lived here long ago,⁣ smiling happily. Captivated by ⁢their story, she ‍began ⁤her mission to uncover the​ mysteries hidden within​ this ⁣forgotten space.

Days turned into⁢ weeks as Lily ⁤meticulously cleaned and​ inspected every corner of the room. She discovered diaries filled with tales of love, heartache, and adventure. There were letters from ⁣long-lost friends and lockets holding precious memories. She‌ felt ⁢connected to these strangers ‍from the past, their lives etched in time. The walls whispered stories, and Lily became their eager listener.

In her​ exploration, Lily stumbled upon an old music box sitting on a dusty piano. She wound up the delicate mechanism and its enchanting melody filled the room. The ⁤world outside⁣ melted away as she danced gracefully, imagining herself twirling in grand ballrooms of​ forgotten eras.

But as months passed, Lily’s ‌discoveries began to wane, and​ her ⁤enthusiasm wavered.⁢ She realized that she had uncovered everything that was hidden within this secret room. With‌ mixed emotions, ‍she​ gently⁢ closed the door, leaving the⁢ memories‌ to their slumber.

Years flew⁤ by, ‍and Lily grew into a young woman‌ with a‍ heart full of stories waiting to be written. She often found herself wandering back to that hidden room, sparked by the memories it held. It had become​ her sanctuary,‍ a‍ place to remember where she came from and dream of where she wanted⁤ to go.

As she embarked on her journey to become a writer, Lily drew inspiration from the forgotten⁢ lives she had explored. ​She penned stories filled with love, ⁢heartache, and adventure, capturing her own experiences ⁤and the echoes of ​those who came before⁢ her.

And so, while⁤ the secret‍ room remained hidden from ​the rest of the world, ​its‍ whispers continued to⁣ live‌ on through Lily’s words. She knew that the room had not only ‍been a place for her to ⁣explore but ‍had also given ‌her the gifts of‌ imagination, empathy, ‍and a deep appreciation ⁣for the stories ‍that ⁤make​ us who we ⁢are.

And with⁣ a ⁢heart full of gratitude, Lily smiled as she gently closed her own books, her stories forever ⁤intertwined with ​the secrets of the hidden room.

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