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Leave Them Kids Alone

A teacher Witness testimony Before the Arizona state Senate Education committee, she claimed that her and her coworkers knew better than parents which books should be placed on school library shelves. “I have a master’s degree,” She spoke. “What do the parents have?” The video is widely distributed on Twitter and she continues. “The purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want [students] to be taught. It is to teach them what society needs them to be taught.”

The pandemic brought about the exclusion of parents when they started raising concerns about long-term consequences of school closings. After being branded as racist bigots for wanting schools to reopen—most infamously by the Chicago Teachers Union—we now know that half of American students are one grade level behind School closings can result in closures of at least one subject.

Virtual learning had a silver lining: it allowed parents unprecedented access into their children’s classrooms. The parents started to realize how much divisive ideology had permeated the classrooms. “antiracist” Discussions and lessons in math “whiteness” History teachers told students that America was founded on racism. The alarm was sounded by parents, who were mocked again for it. These concepts are according to “The experts” are only taught in graduate schools.

We know, to a much greater extent than in March 2020, that divisive ideas about race and gender are pervasive across our institutions—K-12 and higher education, medicine, the media. Three years later, moms & dads still fight because they are aware of what’s at stake: the children.

Karol Markowicz, a New York Post Columnist and Bethany Mandel, editor of children’s books and columnist for Fox News, both rightly dedicate the majority of Stolen Youth to discussing how divisive race ideology—which they call “critical race theory” Oder “wokeism”—crept into public education and government responses to the coronavirus pandemic.

The parents were instructed to “listen to the science,” Racial justice protesters were praised for coming together in large numbers because medical experts considered that systemic racism was a greater threat than the coronavirus pandemic. Hypocritically, authors note that national attention on racial disparities completely ignored the problems faced by students during pandemic lockdowns. Hispanic and Black students were less likely to be online and had greater academic setbacks. Math and reading The pandemic was beginning very early. The push for “equity,” These students are often ignored in schools. Further, “equitable” Many school practices can be detrimental to the very students they are supposed to help. Markowicz (who, in full disclosure, is a board member of my employer, Parents Defending Education) notes a case in Seattle Public Schools where a shift toward ethnic-studies-focused math education actually reduced performance rates for black students in the district. But those who wanted to reopen schools—and preserve quality education for all students—were the bad guys.

Parents and journalists outside of the mainstream began to uncover divisive gender ideology and race in other institutions, after witnessing what was happening at schools. A prime example of this is the Disney corporation. The company’s top executives protested the Florida Parental rights in Education bill. It banned sexual orientation discussions in classrooms. “gender identity” In kindergarten through the third grade. A video that was later released showed a producer promoting her. “not-at-all-secret gay agenda,” These included “adding queerness” In children’s movies, wherever she wanted. “and no one was trying to stop [her].”

Worse, activists have integrated race and gender ideology into medicine. Medical schools now require that applicants submit essays on their experiences with. “implicit bias” Their commitment to social justice-focused political activity and “equitable patient care.” America’s future physicians are selected for their commitment to “equity,” Not for their academic skills.

These chapters are a series of parallels that Markowicz & Mandel draw between American leftists & the Theophilus. “thought police” Stalin, Mao and Hitler. The shifts from divisive race ideology at schools to Hitler Youth and Scholastic’s books and Stalin’s culture ministers can seem a little abrupt. It may be more beneficial to highlight relevant points in American history than draw broad parallels with history. Conservatives are rightly disgusted when the left uses terms like “Nazi” And “genocide.” Although this book isn’t as extensive, it’s worthwhile to make historical comparisons with caution.

Rounding out Stolen YouthMarkowicz and Mandel led the reader to the next frontier for parental rights: transgender medical. The authors were on the right track, as recent revelations concerning the St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s gender clinic indicate. Last month, Jamie Reed, a former staffer at the St. Louis gender clinic, blew the whistle on the untested and unsound treatments the transgender clinic provides for children—including puberty-blocking drugs and hormones. Reed: reportedMarkowicz echos this sentiment in the chapter. The experts who have been entrusted with the care of children acknowledge that they are not competent when it comes to pediatric transgender medical. “are building the plane while [they] are flying it.” This is not how to treat children.

Markowicz, Mandel and other authors provide practical ways for parents to protect their children. “opting out” These lessons can help you request public records and find other educational options. While they’re all excellent suggestions, even sending a simple letter to a child’s school may seem daunting—readers may be left wanting more information on how to do so.

Stolen Youth The illustration shows the place where the fight between the parents likely began and where it is going. The fight is not over, if you read between the lines. Parents who have come to me or my colleagues for support in their education needs often ask for three things. Someone with whom to share their stories, advice about how to combat these problems, and motivation to continue fighting. Markowicz & Mandel provide these three things with great success. Stolen YouthThey’re probably preparing for part 2, but I doubt they are.

Stolen Youth – How Radicals Are Indoctrinating a Generation and Eroding Innocence
Bethany Mandel and Karol Markowicz
DW Books, 304 pp. – $28.99

Alex Nester, an ex-education reporter at the Washington Free Beacon, is the political director of PDE Action. He is also an investigative fellow at Parents Defending Education.

“From Leave them alone, kids

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