Left Claims Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Used Racial Slur While Discussing Kamala Harris – Watch the Clip for Yourself

Y seems ‍insatiable. They jump at any ‍opportunity to misconstrue facts and push false narratives to further their‍ agenda. This incident‌ with Brian Kilmeade is⁣ just one example of how easily misinformation can spread on social media, even when​ the truth is readily available. It’s important to fact-check and verify information ​before sharing it, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like race and ‌discrimination.

Too many liberals suffer from a terrible addiction. They will do anything to make themselves feel morally superior.

In fact, as we have seen on many occasions, they will even use demonstrable lies to generate race-based hoaxes if it means they can take one more hit from their virtue-signaling drug.

Wednesday morning on Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade denounced Vice President Kamala Harris for visiting a “college” sorority instead of attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

In a transparent attempt to foment racial discord, however, the anti-Fox News social media account “Bad Fox Graphics” misquoted Kilmeade as having said “colored” rather than “college.”

“Fox News Alert: @foxandfriends Goes Full Racist. BRIAN: She will not show up for the Prime Minister’s joint session of Congress…She’d rather address in the summer a sorority, a COLORED sorority, like she can’t get outta that!” Bad Fox Graphics disingenously tweeted.

Worse yet, the troublemakers tried to shame fellow co-host Laurence B. Jones, who is black.

“@LawrenceBJones3 said nothing,” the repellent liars added.

Demonic liberals — and yes, deliberate lies come straight from Hell — immediately pushed the latest racial hoax.

“They can’t help themselves,” the disgusting Lincoln Project tweeted.

Jaime Harrison, chair of the Democratic National Committee, jumped at the chance to embody his dishonest party’s vile essence.

“‘A COLORED sorority’ … in 2024 on national tv… this clown thought it was correct and appropriate to use the term ‘colored’ to describe a distinguished and historic African American sorority. But what is even worse… a Black man sat a few feet away on that couch and didn’t correct him. He was as quiet as a church mouse. Folks be prepared for the racism and misogyny… but let’s put them on notice, America is now ‘unburdened’ and we ain’t going back!!!” the professional liar tweeted.

Former Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri joined in the attempted shaming of Jones.

“This guy, as his colleague on @FoxNews says “colored sorority”. And he just sits there,” McCaskill tweeted.

Other social media users also amplified the lie.

To its credit, news outlet Mediaite corrected what some of its left-leaning compatriots had deliberately distorted.

“Prominent liberals are pushing a false claim that Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade uttered a racially offensive term on Wednesday when criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for plans to address a sorority, claiming he said ‘colored sorority’ when, in fact, he said ‘college sorority,’” David Gilmour of Mediaite wrote Wednesday morning.

Sadly, liberals’ appetite for obvious lies constantly reveals the emptiness of both their minds and their souls.

In some cases, as Mediaite demonstrated, an appeal to their intellect might shake them from their delusion.

Remarkably, however, many liberals seem to prefer the lies. After all, as of Wednesday afternoon, none of those social media users had deleted their comments.

Above all, however, they cannot let go of their hatred toward people who disagree with them. To do so would require humanizing those people.

And that might force liberals to quit the drug they most crave: condescending, unearned, race-based professions of moral superiority.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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