Report: Charitable organizations with left-leaning ideologies fund voter registration efforts to support Democrats.
A Left-Leaning Nonprofit’s Intricate Plan to Influence Elections
A recent report has uncovered a stunning voter registration campaign by a left-leaning nonprofit. The campaign, known as Everybody Votes, aimed to secure votes for Democratic candidates by utilizing massive amounts of funding from private foundations and public charities.
Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center (CRC), followed the development of the Everybody Votes plan in his report, “How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections.” Thayer’s report reveals the intentional use of voter registration to target demographics that heavily favor Democrats, effectively enabling electioneering to benefit the Democratic Party.
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9/6/2023The Everybody Votes campaign, as revealed by Thayer and CRC researchers, has become the largest and most partisan voter registration campaign in American history. It was initiated at the request of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, designed by Democratic consulting firms, and funded with over $190 million from major Democratic supporters.
Despite claims of being nonpartisan and charitable, the report exposes the campaign’s true nature. It operated under the guise of promoting voter engagement in underrepresented communities, but in reality, it strategically targeted demographics and states with a strong Democratic voting history.
The report also highlights the violation of the Internal Revenue Code by these nonprofit organizations. While they are allowed to engage in nonpartisan voter registration efforts, the report reveals their use of sophisticated voter databases and Democrat-aligned microtargeting firms to influence election outcomes.
The Everybody Votes campaign, operating under the title of the Voter Registration Project (VRP), has received significant funding from progressive donors such as the George Soros-endowed Foundation to Promote Open Society and the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. VRP has distributed millions of dollars in grants to left-leaning activist groups for voter registration work.
With its enormous impact on the 2020 presidential election, Everybody Votes is already preparing for the 2024 campaign. The campaign’s website proudly boasts registering 5.1 million people, primarily nonwhite voters, women, and young individuals.
However, the report emphasizes the need for stricter enforcement of the IRS regulations and campaign finance laws to prevent these organizations from engaging in partisan activities under the guise of charitable work. The report suggests prohibiting 501(c)(3) nonprofits from participating in voter registration activities altogether.
Big Money on Both Sides
Democracy in America, an organization advocating for the abolishment of big-money campaign donors, points out that both the Democratic and Republican parties exploit loopholes in the tax code and campaign finance laws. The lax enforcement of these laws allows for the influx of dark money, making it difficult to trace the sources of funding.
As politicians and operatives in both parties take advantage of these loopholes, the political system becomes flooded with money, creating a culture of entitlement. Stricter regulations and enforcement are necessary to ensure transparency and fairness in the electoral process.
What concerns arise from the intricate web of financial transactions used by Everybody Votes, and what impact does it have on transparency and the electoral process
Ernal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations by the nonprofit involved. According to the IRS, organizations classified as 501(c)(3) nonprofits, like Everybody Votes, are prohibited from engaging in partisan electioneering activities.
However, the investigation unraveled a meticulously structured plan by the left-leaning nonprofit to navigate around these regulations. The report reveals that the organization established separate entities and affiliated groups to carry out their partisan activities, while maintaining the appearance of nonpartisanship.
These affiliated groups, with names that sound innocuous and nonpartisan, were specifically created to target key demographics and conduct voter registration drives. They strategically focused on registering voters in states that would likely sway election outcomes in favor of Democratic candidates.
Furthermore, the report highlights how the massive funding received by Everybody Votes was channeled through various foundations and charities. This allowed for large sums of money to be funneled into the campaign without direct traceability to the nonprofit itself. This intricate web of financial transactions raises serious questions about transparency and the influence of money in our electoral process.
The report concludes that the Everybody Votes campaign represents a significant breach of trust and an abuse of tax-exempt status. It calls for increased oversight and enforcement by regulatory bodies such as the IRS to prevent similar schemes from occurring in the future.
While voter engagement and registration are important components of a functioning democracy, it is essential that these efforts be conducted in a fair and nonpartisan manner. When organizations exploit the system to advance their political agenda, it undermines the integrity of the electoral process and erodes public trust.
As citizens, we must remain vigilant in questioning the actions of nonprofits and holding them accountable for their activities. Transparency and adherence to regulations are paramount to maintaining the integrity of our elections and ensuring a truly democratic society.
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