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Leftist activist spreads false information about NC GOP Gov candidate Mark Robinson using AI-generated website

A Democratic‌ Activist in North Carolina Uses ⁣AI to Target ‍Lt.⁣ Governor Mark Robinson in Gubernatorial Campaign

A Democratic activist in North Carolina is employing artificial‌ intelligence to imitate the voice of Lt. Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) as part of a campaign to discredit the ⁢Republican during his bid for governor.

Robinson, the leading contender for the Republican nomination for North Carolina governor in 2024, is the focus of Democrat donor Todd Stiefel’s efforts. Stiefel has created a racially-charged mock campaign ⁣website for​ a fictitious candidate named ⁤”Mark Rottinson.” The website includes ​fabricated quotes attributed to ‘Rottinson,’ AI-generated voice impersonations of ​Robinson, and a line‍ of campaign ‍merchandise that mocks‌ Robinson for‍ being a black ⁢conservative.

Stiefel, who has donated substantial sums to Democrats, including North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, has pledged to spend one million dollars to‌ prevent Robinson from turning North Carolina red. Federal records ⁤indicate that he has already contributed $200,000 ‍to “Americans for Prosparody,” a now-defunct PAC that takes credit‌ for the ‘Rottinson’ website.

“The goal is to prevent Mark Robinson and other extremists from⁢ attaining elected office,” Stiefel stated. ⁣”And the most effective way to defeat Mark Robinson ⁤is to start now, when people are paying attention.”

Stiefel’s website ⁢showcases ​ fake campaign products such as a⁢ pillow with the phrase ⁣”Black People Achieve Little” and​ a “Marks Magical​ Mirror⁣ for Black ‍People to See Who is to Blame for Their Problems,” featuring an image⁤ of a black man looking into a handheld mirror.

The website also portrays ‘Rottinson’ with a fake mustache, wearing a white ⁢hat,‌ and includes fabricated quotes and anecdotes.

‘Mark Rottinson’ campaign website.

“You deserve to be represented by someone phenomenally normal,” a quote from ⁣Mark‍ states. “Someone like yourself. You don’t need an unhinged slick politician. You need me. I’m⁣ palpably sane and remarkably hinged.‍ Like you, I’m just a typical ‍guy who promotes the Confederacy, thinks superhero movies are Satanic, and knows Bill Cosby was the victim of an Illuminati ⁤conspiracy. ​Vote for me because I’m just⁢ like you!”

In one section promoting a fake book ‍by ‘Rottinson,’ Stiefel ‍utilizes AI technology ⁢to mimic Robinson’s voice, saying things ⁤like,​ “If I had a professional wrestling persona, his name would be ‘the Big Banana,'” and sharing stories about getting high as a child on the playground.

Under a section ⁢on his platform, ⁤the website claims that Rottinson supports a program⁢ to provide machine guns to ‌kids in pre-K ‍and believes that the “only CRT that should be shoved down kids’ throats​ should be ⁣Christ’s Righteous Truisms!”

Robinson has condemned the website and billboards as a smear campaign targeting religious Americans.

“This is a typical Democrat smear campaign,” stated ‍Robinson’s spokesperson​ Michael Lonergan. “[The state Democratic Party] recruited one of‌ their ‍deep-pocketed donors — a far-left, ​anti-religious activist crusading against Americans of faith — to attack Mark​ Robinson. Stiefel’s low-rent website is full of fake clips and ⁢outrageous lies. North Carolina voters will see right through it.”


Both Stein and the North Carolina Democratic Party have claimed‍ ignorance of the campaign. Stiefel ​donated $5,600 to the NC Democratic ⁤Party ⁣in March‍ 2023 and has contributed thousands to Democrats like Cheri Beasley, Roy Cooper, and Joe Biden over the past several years.

Robinson gained prominence in ⁤2018 after a viral ⁢speech in support of gun rights and went on to become the first black lieutenant governor of North Carolina in 2020. He has been endorsed ⁣by former President Donald Trump in his run⁢ for governor.

How does the use of AI technology ⁤in political ⁣campaigns raise ethical concerns in relation to the recent incident in North‍ Carolina?

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in political campaigns ⁣has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. However, a ​recent‍ incident in North Carolina has brought attention to​ the potential misuse and unethical application of AI technology in the political arena. A Democratic activist in the state has​ been utilizing AI to target Lt.‌ Governor ⁢Mark Robinson, ‍a Republican, during his gubernatorial campaign.

The activist in question, Todd Stiefel, has developed ⁤a campaign strategy ​aimed at discrediting Lt. ‌Governor Robinson. Stiefel‌ has ‍created a ⁢fictitious⁢ candidate named ‍”Mark Rottinson” and‌ a mock campaign website to support this candidate. ‍The website includes fabricated quotes attributed to ‘Rottinson’, ‍as well as AI-generated voice impersonations that mimic‌ Lt. Governor⁢ Robinson’s voice.

What makes this campaign particularly controversial is the racially-charged nature⁤ of its ​content. The website includes a line of campaign merchandise‍ that mocks‍ Lt. Governor Robinson for being a black conservative. ⁣Stiefel’s intention is to exploit​ race as a means of discrediting the Republican contender.

Stiefel, a well-known Democratic donor, has pledged to spend one million dollars ⁢in an effort to prevent Lt.‌ Governor Robinson from ​winning the gubernatorial race. ⁣Federal records indicate that he has already ‌contributed ​a substantial amount to a now-defunct political action committee (PAC) called “Americans for Prosparody,” which claims responsibility for the creation of ⁤the ‘Rottinson’ ⁣website.

In justifying his campaign, Stiefel emphasized the importance of acting early to prevent extremists like Lt. Governor Robinson from attaining elected office.⁤ He believes that​ by targeting Robinson in the early stages of ⁣his​ campaign, he can effectively sway public opinion against the Republican candidate.

The ‘Rottinson’ website features numerous offensive and ‌derogatory materials. It includes ⁢fake campaign products ⁢such as a pillow with​ a derogatory ⁤phrase about⁢ the achievements of ⁤black people. Additionally,‍ it showcases a ⁣”Marks Magical Mirror for Black People to See Who is⁤ to Blame ⁤for⁤ Their Problems,”⁣ which perpetuates harmful ​stereotypes.

The website goes‌ even further⁤ to caricature ‘Rottinson’ with a fake mustache and‌ clothing⁣ associated with white ‍supremacist imagery. Fabricated quotes and anecdotes further contribute to⁤ the malicious intent ⁢behind ‌the campaign.

Stiefel’s actions have prompted ⁤significant⁢ backlash from various quarters. Critics⁣ argue that his campaign tactics ‍not only undermine‍ the political process but also perpetuate racial ⁤division and hatred.⁣ The misuse of AI technology⁤ in this context ​raises important ethical questions about the responsible use of ⁤such tools in the​ political sphere.

While political campaigns often employ various strategies to gain an​ advantage, it ⁣is vital⁣ to ensure that these strategies uphold the principles ⁣of fairness, integrity, ‍and respect. Targeting political opponents based on their race or using ⁢AI technology to impersonate ‌their voices crosses ethical boundaries and undermines the democratic process.

In a⁣ society that values equality, diversity, and inclusivity, it is essential to condemn such divisive tactics. Political⁢ campaigns should focus on policy discussions and ideas rather than resorting to ‍personal attacks and manipulation. The North Carolina incident serves as a⁤ reminder that safeguarding ⁣the integrity⁢ of our democratic processes should be‌ a priority ⁢for‍ all citizens.

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