The federalist

Left-wing ‘Disinfo’ Police Push Meta for Election Interference on New Threads Platform.

Left-Wing Organizations Pressure Meta ⁢to Combat ⁣Election⁤ Disinformation

A group ⁣of left-wing organizations is pressuring Meta to develop a plan ⁤to combat so-called election “disinformation” on its recently launched Threads platform.

Earlier this month,⁢ nearly a dozen Democrat-aligned organizations led by‍ ⁣ — a left-wing “get-out-the-vote” group dedicated to reaching demographics favorable to Democrats — sent ⁤a ‍ letter asking ⁢Meta to “release a ​robust plan to ensure the platform ‌has strong election policies.”

“As Threads builds its audience, it is incumbent that you make it clear that the platform will ⁢not be a place where ‍baseless conspiracies ⁢and⁢ unverified reports are allowed ‌to proliferate,” ⁤the letter reads, taking specific aim‌ at YouTube ⁤ and Twitter for “recently tak[ing] ⁤ concrete steps ‌to allow⁢ election disinformation to thrive​ on their⁤ platforms.”

In​ an attempt to justify their bid for increased policing of ‍alleged ‍“disinformation,” pointed to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol and ⁣state legislatures’ enaction​ of election integrity laws — which the group ‍falsely ‍classifies as‌ “voter suppression ⁤laws” ‌— as examples of the “real-world fallout” stemming from the ⁢“absence of strong protections” for so-called “election integrity.”

“While ⁢there⁢ is still much ⁤work ⁤to be done, we know that Facebook has devoted time and staff resources toward its‍ election policies. Threads ⁢must do the same,” the document ⁤reads.

The letter also shows‌ an apparent attempt by⁤‍ and ‍its co-signers to insert themselves into the company’s decision-making⁣ process.⁣ In the document’s closing ⁣paragraphs, the groups ‍demanded Meta forfeit any and all information regarding its “proposed‍ or in-place ⁢policies related ⁢to election integrity, disinformation, voting and elections.” The organizations also offered to meet with company officials to “discuss [such issues] further [and] provide input and recommendations.”

Additional left-wing groups that​ co-signed the letter include End Citizens United, Public ⁤Wise, and When ⁣We All ⁢Vote, among‌ others.

While the use⁢ of quotes from Presidents Ronald Reagan ⁤and⁣ Franklin ⁣Roosevelt on its homepage ⁤ may indicate some semblance of⁢ bipartisanship,⁤ has a‌ documented history of left-wing activism. ⁣In March 2021, for instance, the group publicly supported House⁤ Democrats’ “For the People Act.” More commonly known as HR 1, the unconstitutional bill sought ‍to cement many of the non-secure ‌voting practices used throughout the 2020 election into ‍federal ‌law and allow the federal government‍ to oversee and ‍control the electoral process. also voiced opposition to the July 2022 Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that said the⁢ use of ballot ​drop boxes ⁣represents a violation of state law, claiming‌ the decision “flies ⁤in the face of the promise of our democracy.” ⁢The group furthermore criticized ⁤ Tennessee Republicans for expelling two of their Democrat colleagues ⁤from the state⁣ legislature earlier this year after the latter joined a mob of ⁤left-wing demonstrators in disrupting proceedings at the capitol.’s statement did not, however, include condemnation of the leftist rioters who ⁣orchestrated the “siege” on the ⁣capitol.

It’s worth ‌noting how Big Tech used the online ​policing of​ so-called⁢ “disinformation” and “misinformation” as a pretext to interfere in the 2020 presidential ⁢election.‌ After the New York Post dropped its bombshell story on ⁢Hunter​ Biden’s laptop weeks before ‍the 2020⁤ contest, platforms such as Twitter and Facebook went out of their way to censor the story and ⁢prevent its reach.

On Twitter, users were not permitted⁤ to share the story, even via direct message. The platform further​ removed links and issued alerts that it may be⁢ “unsafe.” Meanwhile,⁣ Facebook announced shortly⁢ after the story broke that ‌it would be “reducing [the story’s] distribution” pending verification by third-party “fact-checkers.”

Heavily‌ involved in these company’s suppression of⁣ the story was⁢ the FBI, which had authenticated the laptop as early ‍as November 2019 but nonetheless warned ‌Twitter and Facebook to be​ on the lookout for “Russian propaganda” and “hack-and-leak operations” by state actors in the‌ months leading up ⁣to the election.

Meta CEO ⁤Mark Zuckerberg ‍ admitted ‍ during a⁢ Joe Rogan podcast interview last year that Facebook’s decision to ​suppress the story was based on the FBI’s warning.

Shawn⁣ Fleetwood is a staff writer for ⁢The Federalist and a graduate of the University​ of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content ⁢writer for Convention of States Action and his work has ⁣been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, ‍RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on ⁤Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

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