Conservative News Daily

Left-wing media host to challenge Biden for Democratic nomination, faces birthplace issue.

Leftist Media Host Announces He’s Challenging Biden for ⁣the Democratic Nomination – But He Has a Birthplace Problem

It seems that left-wing⁤ media pundit Cenk Uygur is throwing caution to the ⁢wind and entering the race for the Democratic ⁤presidential nomination. However, there’s a major obstacle standing in his way – his place of birth.

In a bold social⁢ media post, Uygur, ⁤the creator of “The ​Young Turks,”⁢ declared his candidacy and took ‍a swipe at Joe Biden’s economic⁤ policies. He believes that Biden’s inability to ‌close the gap on the economy makes ‍him ​an unfit candidate.

On his ⁢website,, Uygur further explains why he thinks ⁣Biden needs a new challenger. He points out that Biden’s performance in the Electoral College was lower than when he‍ narrowly defeated‌ Trump, and he is significantly behind Trump on the economy.

Uygur’s ‌campaign focuses on four main ‌policy points: ‍paid family leave, a ‌$15 national minimum wage, public health insurance, and ending gerrymandering. However, it’s worth noting that his previous controversial suggestion to legalize certain types of ⁤bestiality didn’t make the cut.

Despite being⁢ a favorite of ⁣the far-left and having received Bernie Sanders’ endorsement in the past, ‌Uygur’s reputation‍ has been tarnished by his raunchy and sexist comments. He’s known ​for his loud and passionate demeanor on “The Young Turks.”

However, Uygur faces a bigger problem than his controversial past. According to the U.S. Constitution, only natural-born citizens or citizens at the time of the ‌Constitution’s‍ adoption are eligible to run for president. Uygur,⁣ who was‌ born in Istanbul, Turkey, and immigrated to America in 1978, believes the Supreme Court would rule the Constitution invalid in ​his favor.

Uygur cites a case that dealt with the treatment⁣ of naturalized ⁤and native-born citizens​ under the Immigration and Nationality Act. However, this‍ case has no relevance to the eligibility requirements for the presidency as outlined in the Constitution.

Despite these obstacles, Uygur is launching his campaign⁤ in October,‍ disregarding the usual timeline for collecting signatures and donations.‍ He seems to ​believe that he’s above the rules and can‌ bend reality to⁤ his will.

While Uygur’s campaign may face an uphill battle, he’s ​proven⁢ to be a master of persuasion. Whether he⁣ can convince the Supreme Court to reinterpret the Constitution or voters to overlook his controversial past remains to be seen.

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