The federalist

Leftists decry Trump’s ‘fascism’ but support their own totalitarian leaders

This Christmas season, we owe a debt of gratitude ⁤to MSNBC for drawing attention to ‍the‌ serious issue of spreading ‌fascism in America.

MSNBC hosts Mehdi Hasan, whose show has since been canceled, and⁣ Joy Reid gave⁣ the Article‍ III Project, the conservative legal group I ‌lead, a platform the likes of which⁣ we could​ only dream‌ of two weeks ago. Hasan targeted me, along with the Article III Project, for demanding we follow laws and protect our homeland​ from both foreign ⁣and domestic threats through means such as deporting terrorist-supporting ⁣visa holders and denaturalizing terrorist-supporting naturalized citizens. Reid, who’s long been a fan of weaponizing the federal government‌ to target⁢ conservatives, believes it’s fascist to enforce the rules on ⁢our books​ for policing immigration, securing our borders, and preventing another 9/11‍ or 10/7 terrorist attack.

By casually ​smearing us alongside others in‌ the MAGA movement with the⁢ “fascist” label in such a lazy ‌fashion, Hasan and Reid have unwittingly opened up​ themselves and the Biden⁢ regime they submissively defend to an honest debate, for which we are grateful. In‌ so doing, they created a teachable ⁤moment to‍ explain what fascism actually means and who are‌ truly the real American fascists. When we examine our current culture and politics, it ‍will become clear to fair-minded Americans‍ that the real American fascists are, in fact, the Biden Democrats.

Core Tenets of Fascism

According to MSNBC, Article III‍ Project stands for and believes in fascism and its principles, along with countless ‍other​ MAGA Republicans. In reality, their assertion fails to pass a series of simple reality checks.

First, where do⁤ we stand on promoting nation and race above the ⁤individual, one of the core tenets of fascism? Think about it.⁢ On one side,​ we ⁢have MAGA Republicans who reject racial identity politics ⁢in favor⁢ of ⁣the individual. For many of ⁣us, a belief in the primacy ‍of individuals stems from a belief in God. This ‍is why we oppose American children being taught critical race theory and other dangerous Marxist ideologies in school. If we are all born with equal dignity, then race does not and cannot control us. But

How does the ​accusation of promoting white supremacy and fascism relate to the belief in enforcing the rule of​ law and prioritizing ⁢the safety and security ‍of our nation?

Identity politics, accused me of promoting white supremacy and fascism⁣ simply because I believe in enforcing the rule ⁢of law and prioritizing the safety⁣ and security ⁤of our nation.⁣

It⁢ is both disappointing and ⁣concerning to see such ​baseless​ accusations being thrown around by supposedly reputable journalists. ‍As a conservative ⁤legal group, the Article III Project⁣ advocates for the strict ⁤interpretation of​ the Constitution and the preservation of our democratic institutions. ‍We believe in ⁢upholding the principles‍ that have ⁢made America the​ land ⁤of opportunity and freedom ⁢that it is ⁤today.

The suggestion that‌ our organization‌ supports or spreads fascism‌ is not only ⁣false but also dangerous. Fascism is ⁢a vile⁢ ideology that stands in direct contradiction ‌to the principles upon​ which our nation was‍ founded. It undermines individual⁤ liberty, suppresses dissenting ‍voices, and⁢ denies fundamental‌ human⁣ rights. To suggest that​ the Article III Project, or⁣ any conservative organization, embraces such a destructive ideology is a blatant ‌misrepresentation of ‍our values and goals.

By attempting to label those ​with ‍differing ideologies as fascists, MSNBC hosts like Mehdi Hasan and Joy Reid are not only engaging in a smear campaign but also undermining the credibility of legitimate concerns about the rise of extremism in ⁢our society. It is ​essential to have‌ honest‍ and open discussions about the challenges we face, but these discussions must be grounded in reality, not​ baseless ⁢accusations and inflammatory rhetoric.

The Article III Project⁢ exists to promote Constitutional‍ conservatism, which includes respecting the rule of law and protecting the rights and freedoms of all Americans. We ‌believe in‌ the power of reasoned debate and the importance‍ of diverse perspectives. ​It is through civil discourse and respectful dialogue that we⁢ can find common ground and‍ work towards constructive solutions for the benefit of our country and its citizens.

We​ urge MSNBC and other media ‍outlets to prioritize responsible journalism and to refrain from spreading false⁢ narratives that ⁣only ​serve to ⁤further divide ⁢our society. It is ‍our collective responsibility to engage in thoughtful‍ and informed ⁢discussions that promote understanding and unity.

As we celebrate the Christmas season, let ⁢us remember the ‌importance of kindness, ‍compassion, and empathy.‍ Let us strive to build bridges instead of walls, and to embrace the ⁣values that have defined America for centuries. It is through these principles‌ that we can truly overcome the⁢ challenges​ that we face and create‍ a brighter future for all.

Thank you, MSNBC, for unknowingly providing us with a​ platform to highlight the importance ‌of defending our democratic principles and debunking the baseless claims made against us. ​We remain committed⁢ to the values that​ have guided our nation and will ⁣continue to advocate for the preservation of⁢ our constitutional rights.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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