The epoch times

Legal expert questions Georgia indictment, criticizes attempts to embarrass Trump.

The criminal ⁤indictment ⁣against ⁢former President Donald Trump​ in Fulton County, Georgia, comes with ⁣the ⁣implication ⁢that ‍he’ll⁤ be booked in like a common criminal, but⁤ the arrest and the trial itself might not play out the way Fulton County‍ District Attorney Fani Willis⁢ planned.

After‌ unveiling a sweeping 98-page indictment ​against President‌ Trump and 18 other co-defendants, Ms. Willis set an Aug.⁣ 25 deadline for the president and the other defendants ​to ‍turn themselves in to the Fulton ‌County⁢ Jail for booking. Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat has also‌ said he ⁢would take the former president’s mugshot as part of ‍the process, a move not seen in the three prior criminal indictments against the​ former president.

In an ⁢interview with NTD News’ “Capitol Report,” William​ A. Jacobson, a‍ Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic⁣ at Cornell Law School, said the former’s president’s status as a Secret‍ Service⁢ protectee complicates ⁢matters for the Fulton County​ officials seeking to play up his ‌arrest.

“Because his Secret Service is around⁤ him all the time,​ you ‍have to do it a ⁣different⁢ way,” ⁣Mr. ​Jacobson explained. “So presumably he will ‌surrender, he will ‌go in either in front of people or not in front of​ people into the courthouse to surrender⁢ himself, ​and he⁣ will be⁤ processed relatively‌ efficiently.”

Mr. Jacobson ‍said ‌the Secret Service’s charge ‌to protect the ⁤former president will likely prevent him from having to go through the process of waiting in a holding ‌cell for several hours with other detainees, while he awaits an appearance before a judge

“I can’t imagine this​ is going to go ⁣the way‍ it would ​be for a normal criminal case,” the ⁢law school professor continued. “And that’s⁣ why, while the Georgia authorities have ​made very clear⁤ they’re going to release his mug shot and they’re⁢ going to try to​ humiliate him, I can’t‌ imagine​ it’s going to be done ‍the way it would be done for another defendant in a case.

Fulton Case Overlaps⁤ with Federal Charges

Mr. Jacobson⁤ noted some overlap between the Fulton County indictment​ and one of the⁣ other indictments ⁣the former president faces—a federal⁤ case brought⁣ by special‍ counsel Jack Smith⁤ earlier this ⁤month. On Aug. ⁣1, Mr. ⁤Smith unveiled ‍four charges against the former president, alleging his efforts to challenge the 2020 election results amounted to an ⁣effort to defraud‌ the United States, to obstruct the⁤ election certification process, and⁤ to violate ⁣the right to vote and have one’s vote counted.

Ms.⁢ Willis’s indictment overlaps with ⁤Mr. Smith’s as ⁣it⁤ alleges criminality in how​ President ⁢Trump‍ and members⁢ of his campaign‍ team⁣ challenged Georgia’s 2020 general election results. Given the overlap, Mr. ⁤Jacobson said ⁤he⁣ felt the state-level indictment‌ in Georgia is unnecessary.

“I’m not sure it’s ‌unethical or illegal, ⁣but it is ⁤certainly questionable,” he said. “I’ve questioned from ⁢the beginning why the Georgia case was even⁣ needed, when you have a federal case‌ charging Donald Trump with essentially⁢ the same crime, which is allegedly unlawfully interfering in the 2020 election count in the​ attempts to overturn it. And why ‌have a separate‌ state case? That’s what’s never made sense at all.”

Mr. Jacobson said it’s​ not unheard of for there to ⁣be both federal‍ and state-level criminal cases ⁢stemming from the same underlying set of facts, but said ⁤in ‍most instances such overlaps begin with a state-level case followed by a federal civil rights investigation.

“You can have two different so-called sovereigns, pursuing charges for the same crime, it’s just uncommon to have them going on at‌ the same ⁢time with trial​ dates at⁤ the ‍same time,” he explained. “And of‍ course,‌ there’s nothing that’s usual or common ‌about​ prosecuting⁢ a former president ‍in an election year when he’s running for election again.”

Trump’s ‍Actions Not Clearly Illegal

Addressing‍ the actual substance of the case itself, the Cornell legal scholar‌ raised concerns about how Ms. Willis​ tied the 45th president’s actions in with the actions of⁣ other defendants. Her overarching case charges all 19 defendants‍ with taking part in‌ a shared criminal enterprise, under⁢ Georgia’s⁣ Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

President Trump’s part⁣ in the alleged RICO scheme entailed several alleged overt acts, including a ⁢Jan. 2, 2021, call with⁣ Georgia Secretary of State Brad‌ Raffensperger and​ other Georgia election officials, wherein he laid out several⁤ claims about irregularities in​ the Georgia election results‍ that Ms. Willis co

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