Washington Examiner

Liberal group appeals Trump 14th Amendment ruling to Michigan Supreme Court

The Fight to Keep‌ Trump off the ​Michigan ⁣Ballot ⁣Continues

The battle to‍ prevent former President ⁤Donald Trump from⁢ appearing on the Michigan ballot in 2024 is far from over. Free Speech for ​People, a liberal group, is ‍appealing a ⁢lower⁤ court’s decision to the‍ Michigan Supreme Court after a⁤ judge ruled that Trump could remain on the ballot next year.

Free Speech for ‍People’s case​ was dismissed⁣ in Michigan’s lower courts ​after they‌ sued Secretary of⁣ State Jocelyn Benson, ⁣arguing that ​Trump should be disqualified under the 14th Amendment due ‌to⁣ his involvement in the insurrection​ and his attempts to overturn the 2020 election. This group is just one ​of many ‌across multiple states seeking to block Trump’s candidacy.

Urgent Appeal to the⁤ Michigan Supreme Court

Michigan Court of Claims Judge James Robert Redford⁤ recently threw out the⁢ lawsuits attempting to bar⁢ Trump from‌ the Republican primary ballot. ⁤In response, Free Speech for People filed⁣ an appeal, urgently requesting the Michigan‌ Supreme Court’s immediate consideration and an expedited process. They aim to⁣ bypass the⁣ state’s appeals court and go directly to⁣ the Supreme Court.

The group emphasizes the need for a ​swift decision, as⁣ time is running out to finalize and print the ballots for the presidential primary election. They are ⁤urging the Michigan ⁤Supreme Court to reverse the⁤ lower court’s ⁣ruling ⁣and order an evidentiary hearing on ⁣Trump’s eligibility for​ the presidency by⁣ December‍ 1.

Avoiding Partisan ​Disputes

Judge ⁣Redford justified his rejection of the lawsuit by expressing concerns ‍about judges ⁤getting involved in recurring and highly partisan ⁣disputes. He ⁣argued that blocking Trump from ‍the ballot would interfere with Congress’s role⁢ in⁢ determining whether there‍ was a ‌rebellion or insurrection and who participated in it.

A Nationwide Effort

Michigan is not the only state⁢ where attempts are being made to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot. Minnesota, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Arizona ‍are also considering similar‌ actions. In Wyoming, a lawyer has filed⁢ a lawsuit seeking ‌to disqualify Trump, but the case has not yet been taken up in court.

The 14th Amendment challenge was rejected in Minnesota, ruling in favor of Trump on November 8. Colorado’s ruling⁢ is ‌expected to be announced soon.

The Washington Examiner has reached out to Trump’s campaign for comment.

Click here to⁢ read more from The Washington Examiner.

How does Free Speech for People argue that Trump’s involvement in the January 6th Capitol insurrection violates the provision of the 14th Amendment regarding holding office?

⁣ Lvement in inciting the January 6th Capitol ​insurrection. The group claims that Trump’s actions violated the Amendment’s provision that no person shall hold office if they have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against‍ the United States.

The fight against ⁤Trump’s potential‍ candidacy in 2024 has been ongoing since he⁤ left the White House. Many Americans and organizations are concerned about the implications of allowing ⁣Trump to run ⁣for office again, especially considering his role in the deadly Capitol attack that ⁢shook the nation. ​However, the battle has faced⁤ its fair share of obstacles.

In their appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court, Free Speech for People argues⁤ that​ Trump’s ⁤involvement in the insurrection clearly demonstrates his ⁤unfitness for office, according to the standards ⁤outlined in the 14th​ Amendment. They contend that allowing him to appear on the ballot in Michigan would undermine​ the principles of democracy and endanger the‌ nation’s well-being.

While​ some may view this legal battle as an ⁤attempt to silence political opponents, Free ⁣Speech for ‍People ⁣believes it is a necessary step in upholding the values and integrity of the democratic process. ‍They argue that the⁤ insurrection at the Capitol⁤ was an attack on democracy itself, and allowing Trump to run for ​office again would be a slap in the face to those who lost their lives or were injured in the tragic event.

Supporters of Trump’s potential candidacy argue that he has the right to run for office, and ⁢it⁤ should ultimately be up to the voters to ‌decide‍ his fate. They believe that the democratic process should not be circumvented by attempts to disqualify candidates based on political disagreements or allegations‌ of wrongdoing.

However, Free Speech for⁤ People contends that ‍the 14th Amendment provides clear guidelines for holding individuals accountable for their actions, particularly when those actions undermine the very fabric of democracy. They believe that the courts have a duty to interpret and apply the Constitution in a way that protects the nation’s democratic institutions and ensures the safety and well-being of its citizens.

This case is not just about Trump’s potential candidacy in 2024. It⁢ goes beyond one individual and speaks⁢ to the larger ⁢issue of holding those in power accountable for their actions. The outcome of this legal ⁣battle could set ⁣a precedent for⁤ how future cases involving candidates with questionable backgrounds are handled.

Regardless of⁣ one’s political‌ stance, it is important to recognize the significance of‍ this ⁣fight to keep Trump off the Michigan ballot. It is a fight to protect the integrity of the democratic process and to ensure that those who engage in reckless or dangerous behavior‌ are not ‍rewarded ⁣with political power.

As the battle continues, both sides eagerly await the ⁣decision of the ‌Michigan Supreme ‌Court. Regardless of the outcome, this case will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the nation’s⁣ political landscape and the ⁢way we hold individuals accountable for their⁤ actions.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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